
The creaking sound of the courtyard door being pushed open was heard far away in the night.

Zhao Xuan'er, carrying a bag on her back, walked out of the backyard lightly.

She closed the courtyard door carefully.

The girl was about to leave Liushuang Street when she was suddenly startled.

Two feet away, Luo Xinghe stood like a ghost with his hands behind his back.

The old Taoist had a blank expression on his face, and stared at the girl coldly with a pair of vicissitudes of life eyes, asking:"Xuan'er, it's late at night and your marrow is cold. Why don't you sleep well? Where are you going?"

The girl gritted her teeth and said:"Master, Cang Xue is innocent, and so are the tens of thousands of warriors."


Luo Xinghe said coldly:"Is your father innocent? Is your mother innocent? Are the hundreds of millions of Wei people who starved to death innocent?"

The girl clenched her two small fists and retorted:"To seek justice, you should find the evildoer, and to collect debts, you should find the debtor. Isn't this what you said, Master?~"


Luo Xinghe said with a grim smile:"What sage book did Qi Qingji, the earthly immortal, let you read to teach you to disobey your master like this?"

Looking at her master's gloomy face, the girl's scalp tingled and she subconsciously took two steps back.

"Master, enough people have died in Wei."

""Master, this is not how you take revenge, this is not how you get rid of hatred."

The girl turned around and ran away.

A strong wind blew behind her.

With a dull bang, the palm knife landed on the back of her neck.

The girl's body softened and she fainted in Luo Xinghe's arms.


Looking at the girl's smooth and clean face, Luo Xinghe sighed softly.

"National hatred and family feuds are irreconcilable. Xuan'er, have you forgotten the agreement with your master?"

"Li Qing~"

A tall figure appeared silently in front of the master and the disciple.

The woman in night clothes said softly:"Master, please give me your instructions."

Luo Xinghe made way for half of his body.

The woman understood and immediately stepped forward to support the unconscious Zhao Xuaner

"Li Qing, and take Xuan'er back to Weidu and take good care of her."

The woman frowned slightly and said,"Master, you took great pains to send this girl to that small town. Qi Qingji's questioning……"

Luo Xinghe said coldly:"As long as the young man in white is not a fool, he will definitely list Xuan'er as the primary suspect."

"After all, he is a land immortal, and his magic is unpredictable. Just by looking through Xuan'er's memory, you can know the cause and effect."

"I can’t risk my apprentice’s life."

The woman whispered,"I thought you were going to kill the girl just now.~"

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and leave Qixia Prefecture"

"Yes, sir."


The twenty-first day of the twelfth lunar month.

Inside the teahouse on Yuchan Street.

The old man Gu Shucheng was eating pumpkin seeds and picking his toes.

The swordsman Qin Feng grabbed the peeled peanuts in his palms, rubbed them lightly with his hands a few times, and then blew hard.

The flowery clothes were blown off.

Putting the peanuts with skin as white as cream without clothes into the empty bowl in front of the young man, Qin Feng asked,"Did you see the picture of the courtesan bathing last night?"

Chuyi chewed the peanuts and shook his head.

Qin Feng asked again,"Did you hear it?"

Chuyi nodded.

Qin Feng:"Did you smell it?"

Chuyi:"It smells so good."

Qin Feng:"Did you touch it?"

Chuyi touched the bright red palm print that had not yet disappeared on half of his cheek,"I didn't touch her, she touched me"

"It hurts so much!"

Qin Feng glared at the old man and said,"You are not good at anything, but you are the best at running when the wind is tight."

The old man rolled his eyes and said,"You know shit, what I do is called a strategic retreat"

"If Chuyi and I had been caught by those brothel thugs at that time, who would have rescued us in the middle of the night?"

"Do you expect a coward like you to run away when you encounter danger?"


Qin Feng said sadly:"Before I married my Xiuning, I was also a warm-hearted guy who would help others when I saw injustice."

"If you want to blame someone, blame Qingqing for misleading me"

"When I was young, I aspired to become the best swordsman in the world."

"I want to split mountains, split the sea, and open the sky. I always think that kind of life is wonderful."

"Now, I just want to hold my Xiuning's soft little hand and grow old together."

The man said with tenderness in his eyes:"My Xiuning is a crybaby. Every time she is wronged, she will hide and wipe away her tears secretly."

"So, I must die behind my Xiuning"

"Otherwise she will be heartbroken."

The old man said in a deep voice:"My Feng, have you ever thought about why your Xiuning always feels wronged?"

The man asked puzzledly:"What do you mean by this?"

The old man said solemnly:"Is it possible that your needle hurt your Xiuning?"


The man's teeth were grinding loudly.

"Mr. Gu, what you said is a bit insulting!"


The old man sighed lightly,"This broken world cannot even tolerate a word of truth."

Smelling the rough hands that picked his toes, the old man's face changed drastically.

He quickly stretched out his hand and wiped the boy's shoulder,"Chuyi, take off your pants and let grandpa see whether you are a dragon or a worm." The boy

, who had been silent for a long time, frowned.

Suddenly asked:"Brother Qin Feng, why did you prick Sister Xiuning with a needle?"

The man:"……"

Old man:"This child is as pure as a white lotus."


The twenty-second day of the twelfth lunar month.

The ancient road, the north wind.

The girl and the old horse.

The girl in white with a long sword hanging from her waist is in front.

The old horse is a spirit, pulling the black coffin behind.

The cold wind blows the girl's clothes and her black hair flutters.

The snow suddenly looks up while walking.

If the mother abandons the child, the sky will not want snow.

So, the heavy snow falls.

The girl stretches out a slender palm and lets the snowflakes fall on her palm.

Looking at the quickly melting snow, the girl has no expression on her face.

The girl doesn't like snow.

She likes rain.

About half an hour later.

The girl and the old horse turned off the official road and walked along a small path towards the lush green pine forest not far away.


Suddenly, a voice rang out in the snow.���A voice.

Then a middle-aged man in black, with a slender body and a scimitar hanging from his waist, walked out of the pine forest.

The man said sternly:"This is the ancestral tomb of Mr. Xu, the governor of Qixia. Please turn back, young lady."

Cang Xue whispered:"Master said that I am a good girl with a kind heart."

"So, the first time."

The man was stunned,"What do you mean, girl?"

Cang Xue:"The second time."

The man reacted and put his calloused palm on the handle of the knife.

"Girl, judging from your blood and qi, your cultivation should be at the fifth level."

"I am one rank higher than you. If I don't want to kill you, don't seek death."

Cang Xue said coldly:"The third time"

"Uncle Pig King, kill him!"

Instantly, the man's body trembled, and a dense layer of goose bumps appeared on the exposed skin.

The breath sprayed on the back of his neck.

The soft sweat hair and down immediately stood up like needles.

A strong sense of life and death crisis of being stared at by a wild beast made the man shudder.

The wind was cold and the snow was heavy.

The Pig King, wearing a black robe and a bronze ancient mask on his face, slowly opened his arms.

The next moment.

The two arms suddenly closed together.

The two big hands were like two pieces of heaven. With a bang, they smashed the man's head.

Blood splattered. The snow melted. It was like a large piece of plum blossoms.

…… ps: My brother Kun collapsed?!

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