The Pig King carried the man's headless body and disappeared into the depths of the wind and snow.

A warrior at the peak of the fourth level of external training is a rare tonic for any rising creature.

Cang Xue retracted her gaze, took a shovel from the wooden cart, and walked into the pine forest, which was the ancestral tomb of Xu Lianzhi, the governor of Qixia.

The pine trees are evergreen, and the new snow is white.

Even though she had prepared herself mentally, Cang Xue was still shocked. What caught the girl's eyes was a dense and endless stretch of slightly raised graves.

It seemed like a crowd of people.

Cang Xue roughly estimated that there were at least 3,700 to 4,000.

These poor children did not even have a tombstone engraved with their names and death dates.

They, they, curled up in the silent depths of the loess.

No one knew them, and no one cared about them. The living called them"dead people" for them.

It was like this heavy snow. If people observe the snow carefully, they will be surprised to find that each snow is different.

Just like the four thousand children under the loess.

When they are alive, the children are different. Some are lively, some are well-behaved, some are shy, and some are smart.

After death, the children are all the same, called"dead people","corpses", and"skeletons".

It's like... snowflakes fall on the snow, and water disappears in the water.

Disappear without a trace.

Cang Xue came to a grave and shoveled the soil with a shovel.

About two quarters of an hour later.

The snow was full of loess, and a cypress coffin appeared in the burial pit.

With a clang, the long sword was unsheathed.

Cang Xue inserted the blood-red and thin sword blade into the gap and pried out several coffin nails about three inches long.

Immediately, he opened the coffin lid.

Inside the coffin was a little girl about six or seven years old.

The little body was as stiff as iron, the little face was bluish-gray, and two cold and empty eyes looked at the snow.

The inner wall of the coffin lid and every part of the coffin were covered with scratches from fingernails.

In those shocking scratches, there was deep red blood, torn flesh, and even broken fingernails.

A child of only six or seven years old was sealed in a coffin and buried alive. It is hard to imagine how desperate and scared such a young child must have felt before dying.

Every child is afraid of the dark~

Cang Xue suddenly wanted to give the little girl a gift.

But what should she give?

"Let's send the first snow of the eleventh year in Fuling."

Cang Xue grabbed a handful of fresh snow and stuffed it into the girl's hands.

Then he leaned over and kissed the girl's forehead gently.

It was like kissing himself eight years ago.


It took another quarter of an hour to bury the coffin with loess.

Cang Xue carried a shovel and came to the Xu family's ancestral tomb.

More than 4,000 children were like stars, guarding the bright moon above the Xu family's ancestral tomb.

The girl's peach blossom eyes quietly gazed at the tombstone of Xu Qingyin, the third son of Xu Lianzhi, the governor of Qixia.

Half an hour later.

The girl was in front, and the old horse pulled the black coffin behind.

One man and one horse merged into the official road from the small road.

After walking for more than a hundred feet, the majestic outline of the Qixia Prefecture's city wall was faintly visible in the wind and snow.

Cang Xue's footsteps suddenly stopped.

A dozen steps away, an old man in a purple and gold Taoist robe and carrying a sword suddenly walked out of the woods.

The old man's vicissitudes of life looked past Cang Xue and looked behind the girl.

""You two, the world is bright and clear, why hide and seek~"

Footsteps came closer and closer.

The white-haired Xue Niang and the pig emperor who was eating half of his forearm walked behind Cang Xue and protected the girl in front of them.

"Oh, they are two beasts~"

The old man smiled slightly.

"Can you see his level of cultivation?"

Xue Niang asked.


The Pig King bit it hard, chewing up the blood and bones and swallowing them down his throat.

He said in a cold tone:"I am still several candles away from myself a thousand years later."


A tiny grain of sand is not even a fraction of what I am."……"


The old man pointed in the direction of Qixia Prefecture and said,"Go into the city quickly, there are many people waiting for you."

"As for you two snakes."

The old man looked at Xue Niang, then at Zhu Huang,"Just stay here and chat with me, old man."

The aura that the old man inadvertently exuded caused the cold wind around him to turn into a snow tornado.

When countless snowflakes collided, there was a clanging sound of metal clashing.

Cang Xue's two dark pupils shrank suddenly.


The 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month.

Qixiafu, Yuchan Street Teahouse.

There are shadowy figures, but no noise.

Swordsmen, swordsmen.

Young men, young women, men, and old men, all stare at the snow falling from the sky outside the teahouse, lost in thought.

Tomorrow is the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the Little New Year in traditional customs.

After the Little New Year, New Year's Eve is not far away.

"I have been down the mountain for more than three months. I hope to return to Guanyin before the New Year's Eve, wearing new clothes and carrying fresh pork."

"Since I accepted Chang Geng as my apprentice, I have never been separated from him for such a long time."

The old man Gu Shucheng said kindly,"I can even imagine what happened on New Year's Eve."

"Chang Geng stood in front of the Taoist temple as usual, with his big watery eyes staring at the road down the mountain."

"When Chang Gung is at its most lost, I will walk out from the depths of the snowstorm"

"Chang Geng will rush into my arms, crying and laughing, just like before.

The old man made a hugging gesture.

"No matter how much suffering you endure outside,"

"The moment I hugged Chang Geng, all the suffering would disappear."

Swordsman Qin Feng whispered:"I also hope to be able to rush home before New Year's Eve."

"I think by then, the gate of my house had already been pasted with festive door gods and spring couplets."

"I will grin like a child and give my Xiuning a bear hug."

The swordsman Chuyi was in a trance.

The old man said:"Chuyi, come back to Qingyang Temple with grandpa. You, me, and Changgeng, the three of us will have a good meal of dumplings."

The man said:"Chuyi, go home with big brother. Your sister-in-law Xiuning's cooking skills are not worthy of this damn old man."

"Big brother is worried that the dumplings in Qingyang Temple have the same taste as this old man's feet."

Chuyi shook his head:"Thank you, Grandpa Shu, Big Brother Qin for your kindness, I want to go home too."

The old man:"Chuyi, you have no home, and the woman who can make dumplings for you is dead."

Chuyi:"It doesn't matter whether you eat dumplings or not, I just want to see the woman who makes dumplings for me."

The atmosphere was a little sad.

The man hurriedly changed the subject and said:"Chuyi, do you know the cultivation level of that girl?"

Chuyi replied:"The Wei Wu Pavilion, called Zhang Kang told me that it is most likely to be the fifth-grade realm of external training."

The old man asked:"What about you? Sixth grade or fifth grade~"

Chuyi:"Fifth grade."

After a pause, he added:"Fifth-grade sword cultivator."

The man:"A seventeen- or eighteen-year-old fifth-grade sword cultivator, it is hard to imagine how powerful your master is~"

Chuyi:"Sixteen, it's sixteen years old."

The man was surprised.

The old man smacked his lips.

Chuyi:"Grandpa Gu, Brother Qin, I will treat you to a big meal before we leave."

"When you are slightly tipsy, I will tell you the story of Master on the first day of the first month.

The old man chuckled,"The story of the celestial being is absolutely wonderful."

The man's eyes were bright,"I can't wait."


Ps: I admit that I am guilty, I can't resist the temptation, I am not a human being.

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