"Chuyi," the man poured a cup of hot tea for the young man and asked,"After getting a million gold coins and being granted the title of Marquis, what do you want to do most?"

Chuyi answered without hesitation,"Three things."

"First, change the sword."

The young man pointed at the iron sword lying on the wooden table in front of him and said,"Grandpa Gu, Brother Qin, you may not know that this iron sword of mine was bought from a blacksmith's shop with a defective blade. I sharpened it myself with a grindstone because it was cheap."

"When fighting against an enemy, the sword is the swordsman's best friend."

"I have broken my sword so many times, and have been in danger so many times. I just want to change to a sword that is not so easily broken."

After a pause, the young man continued:"Second, visit famous doctors to cure my eye disease"

"Grandpa Gu, Brother Qin, when I was a child, my mother always told me that the sky is blue, the clouds are white, the grass is green, and the flowers are red."

"Sometimes they say the clouds are black, the grass is yellow, and the flowers are withered."

"At that time, I was curious about what blue looked like, and what green, red, black, and yellow looked like."

"Why do you think the clouds are sometimes white and sometimes black? Why do you think the grass is green in spring and summer, but yellow in autumn and winter?"

"There is only emptiness in my eyes, no color at all"

"I just want to see the colorful world that my mother talked about."

The young man fumbled to pick up the teacup, took a few sips, and continued:"Finally, I would like to ask the most capable Feng Shui master in our Wei State to find a Feng Shui treasure land for my mother."

"I want to buy the most expensive golden nanmu coffin for my mother"

"Build a tall and large granite tombstone for my mother"

"I will also ask the most famous craftsman to engrave"The Best Mother in the World" on the tombstone.’"

The man smiled.

The old man put his hands together and said,"Amitabha, good."

Feeling something was wrong, he bowed and said,"May you be blessed with infinite blessings.""

""Where are Grandpa Gu and Brother Qin?"

Chuyi asked

"I am simple."

The man said with tenderness in his eyes:"I don't want a millionaire, a million gold is enough."

"The first thing to do is to cure my daughter Xiuning's tuberculosis."

"Then I bought a large house with two entrances and hired a dozen maids for my Xiuning."

"Finally, I can buy another 20 or 30 acres of good farmland, and I will be satisfied."

"What about you, you old fool~"

The old man said happily:"As for me, I don't care whether I am a duke or not."

"I got a fortune, and I will spend a prosperous New Year with Chang Gung first."

"After the New Year, the Qingyang Temple was renovated."

"I will recruit a few more disciples to see if I can restore the former glory of Qingyang Temple."

"If you can do it, even if you die and go to the underworld, you can still brag about it in front of the ancestors of Qingyang Temple."

"If things don't go as planned, it would be great to leave some junior brothers and sisters for Chang Geng, at least he won't be like me, alone for the rest of his life."

The old man suddenly raised his eyes and looked outside the teahouse.

"That girl came~"


Dozens of constables from Qixia government office, surrounded by the prefect Xu Lianzhi in gorgeous clothes, walked out of the restaurant.

One person placed a chair in the middle of Yuchan Street.

Xu Lianzhi sat on it, holding a jade-mouthed dry pipe, puffing out smoke.

One person held an umbrella to block the snow. One person carried a sack and untied the hemp rope.

One person grabbed the two corners of the sack with both hands, and with a light shake, four white skulls rolled out.

Xu Lianzhi, dozens of constables.

Chuyi, Qin Feng, Gu Shucheng.

A boy with arms folded, a girl with a long sword on her back, a middle-aged man with a sword, a white-haired old man with crutches, etc., all looked at the southern gate of Qixia.

In the wind and snow, there was a creaking sound.

Soon, a girl with a sword hanging from her waist and an old horse pulling a black coffin gradually came into everyone's sight.

The girl was tall and slender, dressed in white, with snow on her head.

In the cold wind, two ponytails tied up with white silk ribbons fluttered freely, like two black waterfalls.

The girl first looked at four empty long poles not far away.

Then her eyes swept across the entire Yuchan Street.

In the teahouse, in the inn, under the eaves, on the roof, there were people everywhere.

Swordsmen, swordsmen, young men, old women...

The girl's eyes finally stopped at the four skulls under Xu Lianzhi's feet.

‘How did Xu Lianzhi know that I wanted to take away the heads of Brother Hu’s family of four?’

‘How do you know I want to kill him?

The girl was disappointed,"Xuan'er, why did you do this?!"

I don't understand.

The girl really couldn't understand.

""Miss, Lord Xu said that if you put down your butcher knife and surrender, he will spare your life."

A constable shouted.

The girl had no expression on her face.

"Ha, for four broken heads, even the coffins were prepared."

Xu Lianzhi sneered:"It's really a waste~" The

Qixia prefect winked.

Immediately, a constable stepped forward, raised his leg high in front of the girl and the warriors, and then dropped it heavily.

There was a crisp sound.

The four people in the family, whose skulls were unknown, were trampled into pieces by the constable.

"Girl, kneel down and kowtow to Lord Xu to confess your guilt, otherwise you will never be able to take away a complete head."

The voice of the constable pierced through the wind and snow, and clearly entered the girl's ears.

Cang Xue said nothing, but took out a grim skeleton from the wooden cart and threw it on the ground.

Then he took out a tombstone.

He was full of energy and threw it hard.

The tombstone drew an arc in the air, and with a bang, it fell into the snow.

After sliding for two meters, it stopped in front of Xu Lianzhi.

The Qixia prefect and a dozen constables took a look.

The tombstone reads"Tomb of my beloved son Xu Qingyin".

At the bottom right,"Father Xu Lianzhi"’


Xu Lianzhi's teeth were grinding loudly, wishing he could eat the girl alive.

At the end of Yuchan Street, the girl aimed at the position of Xu Qingyin's head and slowly raised her legs.

"Pack it up and send it to her!"

Xu Lianzhi's face was as gloomy as water.

The two constables immediately collected three complete heads and one broken skull fragment into sacks.

Under the gaze of everyone, a constable walked from the end of Yuchan Street to the beginning of the street.

He stretched out his slightly trembling hand and handed the sack to the girl.

After the girl took it, the constable hurriedly picked up Xu Qingyin's skeleton and ran back.

Unexpectedly, his feet slipped, and with a bang, he fell straight to the ground.

Even Xu Qingyin's skeleton was broken into pieces.

The girl suddenly laughed.

Her smile was bright and beautiful, like a delicate flower


"My Lord, I deserve to die~"

When the constable brought Xu Qingyin’s scattered bones closer, Xu Lianzhi’s old face had already turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

"You bastard who dug up graves and bones, I am so angry!!"

Xu Lian stood up from his chair, his eyes spitting fire and he said:"Wei State's national teacher Luo Xinghe has ordered that whoever kills this girl will be rewarded with ten thousand gold and be made a marquis of ten thousand households!"

"Anyone who insults this girl's body will be fined 100 taels of silver for each sword and knife, with a maximum of 1,000 taels!"

The warriors were ready to move.

The girl's hand slowly touched the hilt of the sword.

The wind was whimpering.

The snow was falling.

Someone was destined to die today.

Maybe it was the girl, or maybe it was one or several warriors.

Or maybe it was all the warriors in the city!


Three miles from Qixia Prefecture, on the official road that had long been covered by snow.

The old Taoist lowered his eyes, like a standing stone statue.

Xue Niang looked in the direction of Qixia Prefecture with worry.

The Pig King turned his back to the world and snored slightly.

‘Luo Xinghe, the national teacher of Wei, ordered that anyone who kills this girl……’

Xu Lianzhi's voice, filled with anger, was keenly captured by the old Taoist priest.

‘No wonder he is still a small prefect after more than 20 years. He is too stupid.~’


Ps: I was wondering why there were so many rewards yesterday. It turns out that some big guys are here.

Thanks to fellow Taoist 'zizizixi' for his two great god certifications. Thanks to fellow Taoists for their likes, milk tea, urging talismans, inspiration capsules, Xiuer and other gifts. Thanks to fellow Taoists for their enthusiasm.

Because the gift thank you will be reviewed, I guess it is probably because some fellow Taoists' IDs are pornographic, so I won't list them one by one.

Thanks. In addition, I went out for a drink yesterday, not for whoring.

Finally, here is a picture of me crying.

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