The wind was very strong.

It was blowing.

It rolled up the snow, sweeping across most of Qixia Prefecture, and then slammed hard on the towering city wall, making a thunderous explosion.

In the wind and snow, the girl stood tall and graceful, stroking the hilt of the sword with one hand. She raised her eyes slightly and stared at the falling snow.

No one knew what the girl was thinking.

Perhaps even the girl herself didn't know.

The young man and girl carrying swords and knives were eager to try. The middle-aged man wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat looked at the girl in plain clothes from a distance. Under his face, as calm as a quiet lake, there was a volcano about to erupt.

There were also many old people in their sixties and seventies, either smoking dry tobacco silently or squinting their vicissitudes of life, like old men and women watching the excitement. In fact, these internal martial artists were the enemies that the girl should be most vigilant about.

Surrounded by a pack of wolves, there was no chance of survival.

In a slowly unfolding picture, the rows of houses did not move, and the ancient mottled city walls did not move.

The long snow-covered street was motionless, and so were the people.

Only the wind was sobbing and the snow was falling.

In the silent painting, a young man in coarse linen suddenly walked out of a small tavern.

He was like a ship sailing across a calm sea. The young man leaned on a wooden stick in his right hand, tilted his head slightly while walking, and listened attentively.

The young man stopped three meters away from the girl.

With a light sniff, he could smell a faint body fragrance. It smelled much better than the girls in the brothel.

"My name is Chuyi, and my sword is called Shiwu."

The young man said.

The girl withdrew her gaze from the sky and turned her eyes to the young man.

"I am called Cangxue, and my sword is called Hongxue."

The boy murmured,"What a good name."

The girl said,"My senior brother's sword."

The boy smiled,"That's a good name for a sword, too."

His hand loosened slightly, and the wooden stick that had accompanied the boy throughout the spring, summer, autumn and winter fell down and embedded itself deeply in the thick snow.


He let out a long breath.

Then he took a deep breath.

The boy's chest rose and fell violently, as if he wanted to suck all the wind and snow in the city into his stomach.


Without any warning, the boy stepped heavily with one foot.

Amid the splashing snow, the boy's thin figure flew out like a sharp arrow.

His slender hand tightly grasped the hilt of the iron sword on the left waist of the hanging pendant.

The boy's pale and handsome face smashed the snowflakes falling along the way.


Two crisp sword sounds suddenly rang out.

Two sword lights suddenly burst out at the head of Yuchan Street.

With a whoosh.

A sword blade pierced deeply into the city wall with a sound of breaking through the air.

The boy and the girl, two figures also staggered past.

The strong wind swept the snow, fluttering wildly.

The boy suddenly raised his head slightly.

A bright blood line gradually appeared on his neck.

Then there was a puff.

The blood curtain splashed.

The boy had a smile on his lips.

Because he heard the most beautiful wind sound in the world.

It turned out that the wind sound formed by blood splashing was so beautiful.

It was as if his mother was humming. With a muffled bang, the boy fell to the ground.

In an instant, the blood melted into a large piece of snow.

The fifteenth was broken.

The first day was also dead


The world returned to silence.

The girl held the sword in one hand.

The blade was as clear as autumn water, without blood or snow.

The same was true for the pure white clothes.

Among the martial artists, those young men and women who had just started out, who did not seek a fortune or a title, but only wished to step on Cang Xue's corpse and make a name for themselves, gradually became solemn and fearful.

These young men, whose cultivation was below the fifth rank, would never dare to say that they could survive such a sharp sword energy.

""Pa pa pa~"

At the end of Yuchan Street, Xu Lian, who was sitting on a chair, clapped his hands and chuckled,"Excellent."

In the teahouse, the man's rough palm gently stroked the scimitar placed horizontally on the edge of the wooden table.

"Do you want revenge?"

Old Man Gu asked,"For Chuyi?"

The man shook his head,"For Xiuning."

Old Man Gu said,"This girl has superb swordsmanship. Although you are one level higher than her, it is difficult to kill her."

"Don't go, wait for the girl to be killed by others, then you can go up and chop her a few times"

"Take one thousand taels of silver and go home, so that you and your family can spend a prosperous new year in peace and security.

The man smiled and said,"For me, killing is easy, but insulting a corpse is very difficult."

"People, after all, want to die with a complete body and be buried in peace."

""Old man Gu, tell me the truth, what is your level of cultivation?"

The man stared at the old man.

The old man said in a deep voice:"Third level Vajra Realm."

The third level is the inner training martial artist. The terrifying killing power is far different from the outer training martial artist.

"Old man Gu, you, me, and Chuyi, we are all acquainted."

"If I kill this girl by chance, I will give you three thousand of the ten thousand gold"

"I will also complete Chuyi's three tasks for him."

After a pause, the man continued:"If I die, Chuyi's funeral will be left to you."

"I don't know where my hometown is."

"The mother is buried in the south, the son is buried in the north, perhaps this is the real sadness of dying in a foreign land.

The man took off his shoes and took out a fifty-liang silver note from his shoes.


The man placed the banknote on the table, pressed it lightly with his four fingers, and pushed it in front of Old Man Gu.

"Old man Gu, if you had a little compassion for Chuyi, you could buy him a coffin with your banknotes. The cheapest cypress would be enough."

"Burn more paper money, so that the child can go to the underworld and no longer worry about clothes and food."

The old man was serious, picked up the banknotes with both hands, put them under his nose and sniffed them.

Then he grinned and said,"That's the smell!"

The man slowly stood up and held the scalpel tightly.

"What about you?"

Old man Gu frowned.

The man was silent for a while, and suddenly showed his mouthful of white teeth.

Without saying a word, he strode out of the teahouse.


Everyone's eyes were focused on the man.

The man came to where the young man had stood before and stopped.

Man:"Qin Feng, Chaos Blade."

Girl:"Cang Xue, Red Blood"

���The blade slowly came out of its sheath.

The blade was extremely bright, as if the brightest sunlight was reflecting the whitest new snow.

The long blade and his arm were in a straight line.

The man walked towards the girl step by step.

His pace became faster and faster, and his murderous intent became stronger and stronger.

In just a few breaths, the man turned from walking to running.

His strong and muscular body swept up the falling snow.

The tip of the long blade plowed a straight mark in the snow.

When he was ten feet away from the girl, the man suddenly jumped high and chopped down with a knife.

The knife had not arrived yet.

The girl's white clothes fluttered and her black hair danced.

The snow several feet around the girl was swept away, revealing the bluestone street.

The girl could even clearly see the snowflakes that were cut in the middle by the blade.

In just a moment.

The blade light was like a galaxy, drowning the girl's figure.


A galaxy of blade light fell from the sky.

Another galaxy of sword energy rose straight up.

Amid the clanging sound of metal clashing, the snow tornado danced wildly, blurring everyone's vision.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~

Amid the shrieking sound of ghosts and wolves howling, countless broken blades shot out in all directions like a rain of iron.


Ps: Another master is here. Thanks to the master of"Human Game" for his master certification, and thanks to the master of"Cheng Min who loves butter baked lobster" for his burst of updates. Thanks to all the Taoist friends for their love, paid gifts, and bows.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, three consecutive updates are scheduled.

I am happy today, no more words, I must go for a massage.

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