When the snowstorm stopped, the figures of the girl and the man appeared in everyone's sight.

The girl's face was as pale as snow. She knelt on one knee with one hand holding the sword. There was a knife wound from the left shoulder to the right lower rib, almost piercing the entire upper body.

The dazzling blood instantly dyed a large area of white clothes red.

As for the man, he stood tall, holding the handle of the knife without a blade in his right hand.

Silently, the upper half of the man slowly slid off his body.

The man was dead, cut in half by the red blood.

The spurting blood, the intestines and internal organs with wisps of hot steam, were shocking to look at.


Yuchan Street was filled with gasps.

Not to mention the warriors, even Cang Xue couldn't believe that a man would die so easily.

After all, there was a whole level difference between the two.

Cang Xue thought it would be a fierce battle.

‘"Are you seeking death?" the girl murmured in her heart.

At the end of Yuchan Street, the prefect Xu Lianzhi took a puff of dry tobacco and exhaled the smoke.

"She is a slightly surprising girl."

Looking at the girl who slowly stood up and blossomed a little.

Xu Lianzhi sighed lightly,"It's a pity that she is destined to die, otherwise she would be sacrificed in the underworld and become my son's concubine."

Inside the teahouse,

Old Man Gu felt very upset.

The two Taoist friends he just met died so hastily.

It was sad.

It was even more unhappy.

But this is the martial arts world.

Singing with swords, riding horses in fine clothes, drinking strong wine and beauties; riding horses leaning on the sloping bridge, and waving red sleeves in the building. They are all lies.

Sleeping in the open air, wearing hemp clothes and coarse cloth, running around like a stray dog with its tongue hanging out.

A penny can make a hero fall, this is the cruel and cold reality.

Old Man Gu picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup first.

Then he poured a cup for the man, and finally poured a cup for Chuyi.

The man and Chuyi were dead, so no one drank the tea in their cups.

Old Man Gu was still alive, but he didn't drink it either.

"Qin Feng, Chuyi, do you believe it or not, when I stepped into this teahouse again, the tea in the cup was still steaming?"

Old man Gu said to himself.

There was no one on the two benches.

"" Alas~"

With a sigh, Old Man Gu was about to get up.

The blue and white porcelain teacup on the wooden table in front of him suddenly cracked into several pieces with a snap. He stared blankly at the tea that had spilled all over the table.

Feeling that a bloody disaster was looming over him, Old Man Gu said softly:"Qin Feng, Chuyi, the old man wants to kill Chang Geng!"

"Waiter, check out!"

Soon, Old Man Gu walked out of the teahouse with a sack in his hand.

He instantly became the third person to attract the attention of all the warriors.

"Seeing this senior's energy and blood flow, it was like a surging river that never stops, which made me feel suffocated. He must be a martial artist who practices internal cultivation."

"Although the girl is strong, she can almost be called an externally trained genius, but the unparalleled killing power of an internally trained warrior is not at the same level as that of an externally trained warrior."

"The girl is dead!"

"Indeed, don't be fooled by the crowd of inner-cultivation warriors on this street who seem to be watching the fun. In fact, if the girl shows any sign of death, she will be attacked by hundreds of inner-cultivation seniors."

"After all, a reward of ten thousand gold and a title of ten thousand households is a huge profit."


With a creaking sound, Old Man Gu stepped on the snow and came to the place where the boy and the man had stood.


With a lewd smile, Old Man Gu said,"Girl, I am Ji Yang, from Su Country."

The girl said calmly,"Cang Xue, from Zhoushan."

Old Man Gu pointed to the body of the man, with the upper and lower halves lying separately.

He also pointed to the body of the boy lying in the snow behind the girl.

"Girl, these two are my good friends."

Girl:"Please go ahead."

In the stunned eyes of the warriors, the old man first put the two halves of the man's body into a sack.

Then he passed by the girl and carried the boy's body.

The swordsman, the knifeman, and the old man.

Gradually disappeared in the depths of the wind and snow.

Just like when they came.

Three people entered the city and three people left.

After a short silence, footsteps sounded again.

An old woman in her seventies, hunched over, leaning on a cane, came to the center of the street.

The old woman:"Tang Yu, no school or sect."

The girl:"Cang Xue, learned from Zhou Shannanzhu"


The old woman frowned her gray eyebrows, squinted her cloudy eyes, searched hard in the sea of memory, and shook her head:"I haven't heard of it."

"Girl, don't blame me for bullying the weak."

The girl had no expression on her face.

Under everyone's fiery gaze, the old woman in the inner cultivation realm slowly stretched out a skinny hand.

Then she gently picked up a snowflake falling from the sky.

The old woman moved very slowly.

Under everyone's eyes, she flicked her finger.

With a whoosh, half of the long street was covered with falling snow, and was instantly engulfed by the strong energy. With a shriek, it was as if a silver dragon was rushing by. In a flash , the dragon head suddenly crashed into the girl.


The snowflakes that the old woman had flicked out hit the Red Blood Sword squarely.

Amid the clanging sound of metal and iron, sparks flew everywhere.

The girl felt a surge of great power, and her entire right arm instantly felt numb and tingling.

Her feet plowed two long furrows in the snow.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Countless snowflakes, like broken blades, cut through the girl's exposed skin and embedded deeply into her flesh and blood.

By the time she had carried the entire silver dragon, the girl was already covered in blood.

Her right arm drooped, and she could no longer swing the Red Blood Sword.

"Is this what it means to be a martial artist with inner cultivation?"

"So strong!"

The girl switched the sword to her left hand and stared at the old woman.

"What a precious sword!"

The old woman exclaimed sincerely:"I wonder which swordsmith made this sword."

After that, the old woman raised her hand and picked up the second piece of snow.

"Such a beautiful face should not be destroyed by my hands."


The second piece of snow was ejected by the old woman.

But this time the power was much smaller, without the strong energy to hold the silver dragon.


The girl held the sword horizontally to block.

The snowflakes exploded into powder on the sword body. The girl

's left wrist, which was tightly holding the hilt of the sword, also exploded.

Large pieces of skin and flesh were torn apart, and the grim wrist bones were vaguely visible.


The long sword fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The girl drooped her arms and panted violently.

Her body was weaker than ever, and there was no strength in her limbs.

"The girl was defeated in the end, and could no longer resist the senior's third blade of snow."

Someone said with regret.

At the end of Yuchan Street, Xu Lianzhi said sadly:"This drama is a bit anticlimactic."

"The little bit of elegance that just rose up is about to disappear"


On the official road covered by snow, Old Man Gu carried the body of the young man on one shoulder and the body of the man in two pieces in one hand.

"When a person dies, it is like a lamp going out, and the world is empty."

"On the first day of the new year, Grandpa Gu will find a Feng Shui treasure land for you and Qin Yufeng."

"Gold ingots, paper money, paper shrouds, paper beauties, paper houses, grandpa burned lots of them for you and Qin Yufeng."

"Coffins are so expensive, we don't want them."

"If you refuse, just speak up.

The young man on his shoulder remained silent.

"If you don't say anything, it means you agree."

"Hehe, out of the fifty taels of silver notes, I got forty-nine taels, a huge profit"

"Qin Yufeng, don't be angry. When the grass grows and the birds fly next year, I will go to your hometown."

"It's just a minor case of tuberculosis. I, the master of Qingyang Temple, can kill your Xiu Ning with just a little effort."

"Don't be angry, old man.……"

The old man Gu's mumbling suddenly stopped.

His eyes widened.

…… ps: I sit all day at work, and sit for a few hours after work to write. My waist hurts so much. I went to get a massage to relieve it, not to whore. Don't ruin my reputation.

From tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I will update three times in a row for the big guys. Please give me free gifts.

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