The blood, like heavy makeup, stained the two sleeves red.

It dripped on the fingertips.

The blood and snow merged.

Unable to feel.

The girl still could not feel the slightest strong sense of life and death crisis that was enough to make her dormant potential explode.


The young girl looked at the old woman and chuckled,"It's just so-so."


The old woman snorted coldly,"You are still stubborn even when you are about to die."

The old woman raised her orchid finger slightly with her skinny palm, and pinched the fifth snowflake with her thumb and middle finger.

"This is the last piece of snow."

"I want to pierce your heart and take your life."

The old woman said coldly,"But I changed my mind!" With a whoosh, half a street was gone in an instant.

With a crack, blood mist exploded.

The girl groaned, her tall body tilted, and she almost fell to the ground.

It was her left knee that was pierced by the blade.

The blood and flesh were blurred, and the knee bone with winding cracks was clearly visible.


The pain of the bone piercing made the girl gasp.

In the cold winter, in the snowy weather, she was in a cold sweat.

"I don't know whether it is a hard bone or a cheap bone."

The old woman sneered and pinched the sixth piece of snow,"I will break all the bones of your knees, and then I will see what you can use to stand tall!"

She flicked her fingers.

A shriek suddenly rose and then disappeared.

The sound of bones cracking and breaking was so frightening.

The girl's right knee was covered with blood mist again.

The sudden pain was like a tide that drowned the girl and suffocated her.

Crack, crack.

The friction and collision between bones, that indescribable sound, fell into the ears, making the warriors shudder.

The girl's body was swaying, but she always managed not to kneel down.

The old woman's face suddenly changed.

Because in the teahouse, in the inn, under the eaves, on the roof of Yuchan Street...

Every place has a warrior in the inner realm, or break off a piece of tile, or pick up a chopstick, or take out a poisoned hidden weapon silver needle from the sleeve, or hold a copper coin between two fingers.

Because the girl has already shown the appearance of death.

So many inner warriors want to kill her together.

No matter tiles, chopsticks, silver needles, or copper coins.

Whoever kills the girl first will get ten thousand gold and ten thousand households.


The sound of swords being unsheathed continued.

The outer martial artist certainly did not have the domineering skills of the inner martial artist who could pick leaves and flowers and twist snow to kill people.

But anyone who insulted the girl's body would immediately receive a thousand taels of snowflake silver.

Such a good thing was like a pie in the sky, and no one could refuse it.

""What a shame!"

The old woman cursed in a low voice, raised her hand and pinched the seventh and last piece of snow. At the end of Yuchan Street, the prefect Xu Lianzhi yawned lazily.

"I wonder if the national teacher is secretly peeping at me?"

"I did a pretty good job on this."

"Once the Imperial Master has spoken, he will surely speak well of me in front of His Majesty."

"The governor of Aquarius State is just around the corner!"

Thinking of this, Xu Lianzhi couldn't help but feel happy physically and mentally,"Eat more tiger penises today, I want to have sex with ten beauties and ten handsome men at night!"


The wind and snow blew on her face and body.

The girl's peach blossom eyes swept across the entire Yuchan Street.

The dark crowd was like jackals, and the cold light of swords and knives shone together.

The girl took a deep breath.

Then she sneered:"What are you waiting for? Waiting for dark!"

The next moment.

Tiles, chopsticks, silver needles, copper coins, and snow blades all shot towards the girl.

The shrieks that broke through the air were connected together, like thunder.

The murderous intent that broke out in an instant was like a surging flood that wanted to swallow the girl. The violent sense of life and death crisis that was as violent as a volcanic eruption was like a big hand, strangling the girl's throat.

Murder tools were everywhere. In a flash.

With a bang.

At the head of Yuchan Street, a brilliant rain of fire suddenly broke out.

The terrible shock wave instantly shattered the murder tools in the sky.

The warriors were like stone statues, motionless.

Unbelievable and unbelievable horrified eyes stared at the same direction.

In the wind and snow, the girl stood tall and graceful, no longer trembling due to the broken knees.

The hideous birthmark that covered half of her forehead was now swimming on the girl's face.

The bright blood-red birthmark sometimes swam to the left cheek, sometimes to the neck.

It would also pass through the arm and swim to the girl's slender palm.

Sometimes it looked like a burning fire, and sometimes like a gorgeous sunset.

Sometimes it turned into a blooming blood lotus, and sometimes it split into pieces and turned into a group of vivid birds.

Finally, with a loud and clear phoenix cry, the birthmark turned into a blood phoenix.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the blood phoenix actually leaped out from the back of the girl's palm.

With a flap of blood wings, the phoenix's body suddenly swelled from a few inches to several feet.

With a second flap of blood wings, several feet became dozens of feet.

With a third flap of blood wings, it soared straight up.

With its wings spread, it was like a cloud hanging from the sky, sprinkling endless fiery red rain.

After soaring for several circles, the blood phoenix swooped down.

The huge bird body shrank in the blink of an eye.

It rushed into the girl's white forehead.

It was like blood splashed on the snow.

The scarlet and white blended together, extremely bright and dazzling.

The warriors stared blankly at the girl's wounds blooming red.

Those terrible injuries that tore the skin, flesh and bones were repaired at an extremely fast speed.

"This...what is going on?!"

"Isn't that...a birthmark?!"

"She seemed to have... made a breakthrough! Her cultivation level advanced from the peak of the fifth rank to the fourth rank.~"

"Fourth rank... Haha, there are so many internal cultivation seniors here!"

The old woman came back to her senses from her shock.

"I was so shocked that I thought I had advanced to become a land immortal.~"

""Fourth rank, hum~"

The old woman raised her hand and pinched another piece of falling snow.

Many internal training warriors were also preparing for the second round of attacks.

At the head of Yuchan Street.

The girl gently stroked the birthmark on half of her forehead.

The once extremely disgusting existence, cursed by the villagers of Changliu as a jinx, a she-devil, an ugly monster, the culprit for not reincarnating cleanly, was the peerless immortal blood in the master's mouth that was one in a billion.

When she thought of herself who was so sad and angry that she wanted to use a knife to cut off this disgusting birthmark, the corners of the girl's mouth could not help but curl up.

Slowly squatted down and picked up the red blood.

With a whoosh sound, the sky was full of killing weapons.

The girl suddenly shouted:"Master, Xue'er can't bear it anymore!"

Countless weapons suddenly froze in the air.

Then they fell to the ground like snow.

A bang suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and looked at the southern wall behind the girl.

On the top of the towering wall, a huge crane stood there.

The white crane's long beak pecked the wall again and again, breaking the stones into pieces.


Then, a sound of footsteps came from outside the city, approaching from far away.


Ps: Thanks to fellow Taoist 'zizizizixi' for his three great god certifications. Thanks to fellow Taoist 'qimobushiqimo' for his great god certification. Thanks to all fellow Taoists for so many paid gifts, and for using love to generate electricity. I bow with my fists.

It's a pity that I have to update three chapters in three days, otherwise I will definitely press the button until the sky is dark.

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