Looking at the white clothes approaching in the wind and snow, the girl was stunned for a moment, then her eyes turned red.

It turned out that the master was really protecting her in the dark.

Since it was a test, Zhu Jiuyin would not have told the girl in advance.

If she knew that he was there, the girl would feel at ease, and how could she make such a great progress and take the most critical step in her life.

If she knew that he was there, not to mention the whole country, even the whole world of warriors, for the girl, there would be no sense of life and death crisis


The girl's eyes were filled with tears.

"You are already a grown-up girl, but you are still crying."

Zhu Jiuyin, with his hands behind his back, walked closer and took a closer look at the bright birthmark on the girl's forehead.

"《According to the"Tongyou Xian Jue", only martial artists who practice internal cultivation can activate the immortal blood."

"My disciple is in the fourth level of cultivation, driving the blood of immortals to appear, and the phantom blood phoenix soars to the sky"

"It won't take a hundred years, and you can become a land immortal in just a year."

Zhu Jiuyin praised without hesitation.

The corners of the girl's lips curled up slightly, and her peach blossom eyes narrowed into two crescents.

All over Yuchan Street, the warriors were all confused.

Only a few old foxes smelled the uneasiness and retreated quietly.

At the end of the street, the prefect Xu Lianzhi frowned.

""Isn't the Imperial Master guarding outside the South City Gate? How did this young man get in?!"

In the middle of the long street, the old woman was about to ask.

The young man in white suddenly looked over.

When she looked into those terrifying eyes that were filled with molten gold, the old woman was instantly horrified.

Two slender pupils like swords, evil and more scarlet than blood.

It was as if two mountains were pressing on her spine.

The old woman only felt that the supreme god was staring at her fragile soul.

With her thighs trembling, she almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed devoutly.

The swords kept colliding with each other, making bursts of clanging sounds, just because the crowd was retreating.

Just because of the pair of upside-down blood pupils, they were definitely not human.

The aura unconsciously emitted by the young man in white stirred up the wind and snow dancing wildly all over the city.

When touched by his eyes, both the external and internal martial artists were stiff and cold, as if falling into an ice cellar.

In a trance, the soul was also wailing, almost annihilated

"Without you, my disciple would not have been able to advance to the fourth level so quickly."

From a distance of more than ten feet, Zhu Jiuyin looked at the old woman.

At the same time, he stretched out his right palm.

The girl understood and put the red blood on her palm.

"To show my gratitude, I will hand over a serious sword."

Holding the red blood, Zhu Jiuyin slowly raised his arm.

The warriors in Yuchan Street were instantly like two swarms of locusts.

One went west, and the other went east.

Only the old woman was locked by Zhu Jiuyin's aura, her eyes like copper bells, unable to move.

"Until now, no one has let me deliver a serious sword."

Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"This is your honor."

After that, he slashed with a sword.

The sword energy started from the south gate of Qixia Prefecture, Yuchan Street, and instantly slashed out of the north gate, and slashed straight to the end of the sky as far as the eye could see.

A sword energy wall that was so long and high that no one knew how long it was stood tall in the world.

After a long time, the sword energy wall disappeared.

Yuchan Street was still the same street, with houses on both sides, snow all over the street, every tile, and even the dry grass swaying in the gaps between the tiles, were all intact. Only the old woman was reduced to ashes. As for the girl who saw her master's sword for the first time, she was dumbfounded.


Many young boys and girls who had just started their careers were frightened to the point of collapse on the snow by this sword that shocked the gods.

Zhu Jiuyin was slightly stunned.

Somehow, he suddenly thought of Ah Fei.

These young boys and girls who wanted to step on the girl's corpse and become famous were now as frightened as when the little one first saw his python body.

The young boys and girls collapsed on the ground, their bodies as soft as mud.

Some of them were so exaggerated that they even lost control of their bladder.

At that time, the little one rolled his eyes, kicked his legs, and fainted.

Zhu Jiuyin raised his sword for the second time.

"" Immortal...Immortal!"

A young girl begged with trembling teeth,"I...I didn't hurt your disciple, I was just watching...watching the fun, please spare my life!"

A young man trembled and said,"Immortals like you should have mercy on all living beings, practice the right way, and kill...kill too much, which is against the harmony of heaven."

Zhu Jiuyin had a blank expression.

There was no murderous intent, no scorching anger, and no soaring clouds of the strong over the weak.

There was only the calmness of a god over the dust.

What does it have to do with you to destroy you?

Zhu Jiuyin was about to drop his sword


Zhu Jiuyin turned his head slightly and looked at the girl.

He asked:"Do you want to spare these people's lives?"

The girl shook her head slightly,"Master, please don't kill the people."


Zhu Jiuyin spat out a word.

Then he threw the red blood high up.

When the long sword rose to the highest point, the slender sword body suddenly trembled.

In an instant, it seemed to have a spiritual consciousness. The tip of the sword pointed downward and swooped down obliquely.

With the sound of breaking through the air, it pierced through the chests of young boys and girls.

Zhu Jiuyin was doing two things at the same time. On the one hand, he controlled the red blood and reaped the lives of warriors all over the city.

On the other hand, he shouted:"Let's go into the city."

Soon, the Pig King and the Snow Lady appeared in the wind and snow.

"Sister Xue!"

The girl threw herself into Xue Niang's arms, tears streaming down her face, and said,"Sister Xue, it's so terrible. Xue'er almost died. Woo woo~"

"Cry, don't suppress it, you will feel better after crying."

Xue Niang patted the girl's back and comforted her softly.


The Pig King stared fiercely at the back of Zhu Jiuyin who was killing people, and snorted coldly.

He muttered:"You let me stand outside in the cold, and you come in and show off in front of everyone! I am so angry!"


Yashi Street in Qixia Prefecture. Inside the Xu Family Mansion.

Xu Lianzhi held a scroll in his hand and walked from the main hall to the ancestral hall in the backyard.

From time to time, the shrill howling of ghosts and wolves could be heard from the sky above the southern boundary of Qixia Prefecture.

"What the hell is that? It's flying around!"

Xu Lian's scalp was numb.

Behind him, dozens of constables were all panicked, and no one answered.



Xu Lian pushed open the door of the ancestral hall.

After entering the ancestral hall, he turned around and told the detectives:"Stand by the left and right sides, and don't let anyone in."

""Yes, sir!"

After closing the door, Xu Lianzhi brought a chair.

The Qixia prefect sat upright, scanning the Xujiashan-like spirit tablet from top to bottom.

""My ancestors were honest and upright."

The painting scroll was slowly opened.

The man in the painting had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes. It was Xu Qingyin, the third son of Xu Lianzhi.

"Sorry, my child, Daddy can't let you be the eleventh king of the underworld.~"

"What a pity, there are only nine hundred boys and girls missing!"

"Luo Xinghe, you damned old bastard, you really screwed me over!"

Staring at the three people in the painting, Xu Lianzhi's cloudy old eyes were full of tenderness.

"They say you are arrogant and lawless"

"But in Daddy's eyes, you are the best son in the world."

"Not to mention 3,000 boys and girls, even if hundreds of thousands of people in Qixia were sacrificed alive, Daddy wouldn't care."

"Damn it, all the efforts were in vain!"

"Mr. Luo, I curse you to die a miserable death!"

Suddenly, Xu Lianzhi turned his head and looked outside.


Ps: Three updates are finished, I will continue tomorrow.

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