
The terrifying scream was far away in the sky one breath, and it was close to my ears the next breath, like thunder rolling across the sky and the earth.

Outside the ancestral hall, screams suddenly sounded and quickly dissipated.

With a puff, bright red blood splashed on the window paper, and then flowed stickyly.


Xu Lianzhi took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest.

After a long time, when he had calmed down, the Qixia prefect held the three-son scroll tightly in one hand, carried a bench in the other, and pushed open the door of the ancestral hall.

Outside the ancestral hall, dozens of constables were dead, their bodies lying in the snow.

After closing the door of the ancestral hall, Xu Lianzhi sat on the chair and waited quietly.

He never thought of escaping from beginning to end.


About half a minute later.

Footsteps came closer.

Cang Xue brought Zhu Huang and Xue Niang into the backyard of the Xu family mansion.

Looking at the Qixia prefect sitting in front of the ancestral hall with a big horse and a golden sword, the girl was slightly startled.

Xu Lianzhi, holding the scroll in his left hand and a dagger with a cold glow in his right hand, said calmly:"In my twenty years as an official, I have always been the only one who coerced and bribed others, and no one can threaten me."

After speaking, Xu Lianzhi raised his hand, with the tip of the dagger against his throat, and said in a deep voice:"Girl, if I am not mistaken, do you want to bury me alive~"

The girl did not answer, but her expression was surprised.

As expected of an old fox who has been working in the temple for more than twenty years, his eyes are vicious.

The palm slowly exerted force, and the tip of the dagger slowly pierced into the throat.

It turns out that the blood of good people and bad people is the same color.

The girl thought it would be a fishy black color.

"Girl, I give you two choices."

With a plop, the dignified Qixia prefect actually knelt down on his knees in front of the girl.

"First, accept me as a dog"

"From now on, Qixia Prefecture is no longer the Qixia Prefecture of Emperor Fuling, nor is it the Qixia Prefecture of the hundreds of thousands of people in Qixia."

"From now on, Qixia Mansion is the girl's back garden."

"I am the most loyal dog guarding the girl's back garden."

These ridiculous words caught Cang Xue off guard and she was at a loss.

"What about the second one?

The girl is very interesting.

"Second, if I commit suicide, the girl's wish to bury me alive will be in vain."

Xu Lianzhi replied

"Uncle Pig King~" the girl whispered


After confirming that there was no more warrior in Qixia Mansion, the red blood flew back with a whistle and was caught by Zhu Jiuyin.

With a creaking sound, the girl, the pig emperor, the snow lady, one person and two snakes, plus an old horse pulling a cypress coffin, came slowly from the other end of the long street.

"Master, the ancients said that fallen leaves return to their roots and rest in peace in the earth."

"Xue'er wanted to bury Xu Zhifu in the Xu family's ancestral tomb.

Zhu Jiuyin nodded,"Let's go."

One man, one horse and three snakes left the bloody Qixia Mansion through the South Gate.


Two quarters of an hour later. Beside the snowy road.

A corner of the coffin lid was lifted.

Zhu Jiuyin's red pupils closed, and a slender palm covered Xu Lianzhi's head, performing the soul-searching technique. The

Qixia prefect, who was tied up with hemp ropes, had a hideous and distorted face, struggled violently, and let out a heart-wrenching scream.

Soon, Zhu Jiuyin withdrew his palm.

Xu Lianzhi, who was sweating coldly from the pain, immediately flowed into the coffin like a puddle of mud.

The girl took out the coffin nails that had been prepared long ago, and nailed the coffin lid shut with a thump.

Immediately, the girl carried a shovel, led Zhu Huang and Xue Niang in front, and the old horse pulled the coffin behind.

They drove down the official road to the path leading to the Xu family's ancestral tomb.

"Zhao Xuaner~"

""Luo Xinghe, the national teacher of Wei State~"

Zhu Jiuyin muttered to himself, his red eyes narrowed slightly.

With a thought, the system panel appeared in front of him.

【Remaining free time: 318 hours】

【Free time for this time: 6 hours

Countdown: 02:51:47]

Zhu Jiuyin looked up at the stupid crane Jifeng soaring under the snowy sky.

"Only thirteen days of free time"

"Qixiafu is more than a thousand miles away from Weidu."With the help of Chuhe Jifeng, Zhu Jiuyin can reach Weidu in thirteen days.

Unfortunately, there is not enough time to come back.

Moreover, as long as the Wei State Master Luo Xinghe is not a fool, he will not go back to Weidu and bring the python into the house.

Wei is so vast, with thirteen states, it is easy to find a deep mountain and old forest to hide your whereabouts.

Not to mention thirteen days, even if it is thirteen years, Zhu Jiuyin can't find it.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Black Death Spear...it's time to return it to its owner~"

Zhu Jiuyin murmured.


After burying Xu Lianzhi alive.

One man, three snakes, and a crane returned to Buzhou Mountain.

Zhoushan Cliff Terrace.

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the girl carrying a sack and asked,"If you want to be buried in a small town, the peach blossom forest is a good place."

"Your senior brother likes that child very much."

Cang Xue pondered for a while, shook his head and said:"Master, it's not just Brother Hu, but also his grandparents, mother and"

"The four of them should return to Xizhuang Village in Lingshi County, Wutong Prefecture, Yunzhou."

"This is the home of the master, the home of the eldest brother, the home of Uncle Pig Emperor and Sister Xue Niang, and even more so the home of Xue Er."

"But it is not the home of Brother Hu and his family of four."

Zhu Jiuyin smiled and said,"Let's set off again in the spring next year."

"When I went to Yunzhou, I went to see the temple that the child built for your senior brother on behalf of the master.

The girl nodded obediently.

"Master, don't hibernate yet, tomorrow is the Little New Year."

The girl pointed at the Pig King who was facing away from everyone on the cliff, and then pointed at Xue Niang who was sitting cross-legged under the bald peach tree with her eyes closed practicing.

"Let's have some dumplings for our family of four."

Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his hand, wanting to rub the girl's head, but suddenly remembered something and took it back.

He nodded and said,"Okay."

The Pig King's voice floated over

"This emperor wants to eat human flesh and green onion stuffing."


Zhu Jiuyin:"Xue Niang, accompany the girl down the mountain"


After the girl and Xue Niang left,

Zhu Jiuyin slowly walked to the edge of the cliff.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand in front of the Pig King. With a whoosh

, the Black Death Spear flew out from the depths of the cave, startling the cranes.

The Pig King stared at the blood-red ancient spear.

The fine cracks on the spear body opened and closed, like a mouth thirsty for blood.

The Pig King's scalp numbed.

"The god of Zhoushan is called Nanzhu. When he gets angry, all the immortals are afraid. When he stays at peace, all things are extinguished."

Zhu Jiuyin glanced at the Pig King and slowly raised the Black Death Spear.

"My master is handsome and elegant, he can reach the moon in the sky and catch turtles in the five oceans.……"

Zhu Jiuyin closed his bloodshot pupils and sketched the appearance of Luo Xinghe, the national teacher of Wei State, in his mind.

Because he had searched Xu Lianzhi's soul, Zhu Jiuyin knew Luo Xinghe's voice and appearance.


The Pig King let out a heavy breath and said with lingering fear:"So you don’t want to kill me!"

"Damn it, I was so scared that my heart was beating fast."

About half a minute later,

Zhu Jiuyin suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his right arm and leaned back slightly.

Then he used his whole arm to drive his body and threw the black death spear fiercely.

It was like an eternal blood light across the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the ancient spear disappeared in the depths of the wind and snow.


Ps: Chapter 1 is here, Chapter 2 will be at 9:30, and Chapter 3 will be around midnight.

Next up is the Dragon City plot, and I’m so excited just thinking about it that I don’t want to write anymore.

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