The eleventh year of Fuling.

The twenty-second day of the twelfth lunar month.

The night was dark, like thick ink.

The cold wind howled, blowing up the broken snow like knives.

There was not a single candle in the huge Qixia Mansion, and it was as silent as a ghost town.

Amid the creaking sound of his feet on the snow, Luo Xinghe, the national teacher of the Wei State, wearing a purple and gold Taoist robe and carrying a sword on his back, entered the Qixia Mansion through the south gate.

The old Taoist put his hands in his sleeves and walked through the snowy streets.

In front of me, the corpses were spread all over the ground like wheat.

The blood and snow melted and froze together, which was extremely bright.

This was not a feast for jackals.

It was a delicious meal for vicious dogs.

Even though the stomachs of countless stray dogs were already bulging, they were still biting and gnawing on human flesh.

The minced meat, thick blood, and bones were horrifying to look at.

"What a great kill!"

Luo Xinghe couldn't help but curl up a happy arc.

In the entire Wei Kingdom, there were tens of thousands of warriors, but the young man in white didn't leave a single one alive.

"This bloody scene of purgatory is very much to my liking"

"Unfortunately, they failed to bury the hundreds of thousands of people in the city."

"In the end, it's still not cold-blooded enough."

Luo Xinghe, as light as a swallow, walked out of Qixia Mansion.

Now, with a decisive move, the chess piece has been played.

Wait for the heaven to send down the immortal.

Let the immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain and the young man in white fight to the death.

"Humph, what about the high and mighty immortals on earth? What about the descendants of ancient immortals who eat wind and drink dew?"

"You are the chess pieces in the game, and I am the chess player outside."

"In this game of chess, I, Luo, am half a step ahead of the immortal."

"Ha ha……"

The laughter suddenly stopped.

Luo Xinghe suddenly looked up to the southwest.

Deep in the Taihang Mountains, a little blood suddenly lit up.

The blood was as blazing as a meteor, drawing an arc of blood in the night sky.

"This strangely familiar smell……"

The bloody light seemed to be coming straight towards him!

"This is... Black Death Spear?!"

Luo Xinghe shuddered for a moment.

He did not choose to run away, but quickly bit his right index finger and outlined ancient and mysterious runes in the void in front of him.

The Black Death Spear is a broken ancient immortal weapon that Luo Xinghe brought out from the Fengxue Temple.

Once thrown, it will not stop until the target's blood and essence, as well as the three souls and seven spirits, are sucked clean.

The violent wind came in an instant, blowing Luo Xinghe's Taoist robe and white hair fluttering, as if a wall was pressing on him.

The next moment.

The blood light fell obliquely.

In the deafening roar.

Endless scorching light bloomed wantonly.

It was as if a second sun rose in the world.

Zhoushan Cliff Platform.

With his back to the cave, the Pig King, who was immersed in cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes.

Feeling the wind blowing on his face, he looked at the magnificent blazing light at the end of the night.

The Pig King was terrified and said,"What happened?!"

"Could it be the half of the ancient spear that Zhou Shanzhichong just threw out?~"


The eleventh year of Fuling.

The twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month.

Little New Year.

The snow has stopped.

The sky is extremely blue, vast and distant. The sun rises in the east, and the bright sunshine illuminates the purity of the mountains and rivers, which is very dazzling.

Zhu Jiuyin, dressed in white and barefoot, walked across the covered bridge and came to the fenced courtyard by the Taiping River and in front of the Shenmu Forest.

In the doghouse with a plaque of"Open and Honest" hanging on it, the sleepy big yellow dog yawned lazily.

In the kitchen, the teacher of the school, dressed in a spotless green shirt, put four fingers of both hands side by side, and wrapped his left hand around his right hand, a total of eight fingers stacked diagonally in ten. With two thumbs pressed on three thin incense sticks, he bowed three times to the statue of the Kitchen God in the Kitchen God niche.

He muttered to himself:"Little New Year's sacrifice to the Kitchen God, the Kitchen God praised me; write to the Jade Emperor, and grant me good luck."

"Good health and safety, good fortune and success, everything will be with you"

"Adequate food and clothing, a house full of gold and jade; a full treasury, prosperity on prosperity"


Zhu Jiuyin came to the door of the kitchen.

"The dog hasn't barked yet, but you're the first to bark."

Qingyi inserted the thin incense into the incense burner and turned to look at Zhu Jiuyin.

"Oh, rare guest."

"Why are you coming to me in this cold winter instead of hibernating?"

"Wake up from hunger?"

Qingyi pointed in the direction of the doghouse,"Don't eat me, eat rhubarb, dog meat is so delicious."


Half a quarter of an hour later, in the hall,

Qingyi poured a cup of hot tea for Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin got straight to the point and asked,"Is Zhao Xuan'er your disciple?"

"Why are you asking about her all of a sudden?"

Qingyi replied,"Didn't my Xuan'er go back to her hometown in Liangzhou with your Cangxue?"

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his eyes,"Your Xuan'er……"

Qingyi took a sip of tea and said,"If you raise a dog for eight years, you will develop an inseparable feeling for it, let alone a human."

"I watched Xuan Er grow up"

"Once a teacher, always a father."

Zhu Jiuyin chuckled,"Do you know what your precious Xuan'er did to my girl?"

Qingyi said indifferently,"Did she kiss your Cangxue's mouth again~"

Half a minute later, there was a click.

Qingyi, who was full of anger, slapped the table into pieces with one slap.

""What a dog! What a dog!"

The big yellow dog ran happily into the house, wagging its big furry tail.

""Get out!"

Qing Yi yelled.

The big yellow dog ran away with its head and tail hanging down.

"I can’t believe it, I really can’t believe it, that my Qi Qingji’s mother actually raised such an ungrateful person!"

"I'm so angry!"

"Qi Xiuli, ah Qi Xiuli, you are blind and stupid!"

Looking at the blue-clothed man who was about to smoke and punch the ground with his fists,

Zhu Jiuyin quietly left the hall.


Wuyi Lane in the small town.

In the Chen family courtyard.

The maid and Xue Niang were in the kitchen making dumplings.

Zhu Jiuyin was sitting under the eaves of the west wing, staring at the east wing in a daze.

The Pig King stood at the door of the main house, staring down at the sugar melon in his hand.

After a long time, the Pig King first glanced at the kitchen, then opened a corner of the ancient bronze mask and stuffed the sugar melon into his bloody mouth.

The next moment, the big face plate, as wide and broad as a water tank, suddenly changed color.

With a wow, he spit out the sugar melon and kicked it away.

"Is this emperor���Eat something this sweet"

"This emperor is a top predator who is feared by everyone in and outside Zhoushan and who eats raw meat and blood."

The dumplings are ready.

Two large bowls were put into the first pot.

The girl first brought the two bowls of dumplings to the master.

Zhu Jiuyin then brought the dumplings into the main room and placed them in front of the spirit tablets of Nan Jinping and A Fei.

On the altar, the girl had already placed most of the offerings.

The mother and the son, each with a bowl of sugar melon.

Zhu Jiuyin had never told the girl the story of the mother and the son.

But the girl could see that her eldest brother and mother had a very hard life.

The sugar melons were piled up into a small hill.

They could roll down at any time.

After placing the two pairs of chopsticks.

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the spirit tablets of the mother and the son and whispered,"Little one, your junior sister and I are eating dumplings in the human world."

"You and your mother will also be reunited in the underworld"

"Pork and green onion filling, eat it with big mouthfuls, eat it freely"


Zhu Jiuyin, the girl.

Zhu Huang, Xue Niang.

Each of them had a big bowl of dumplings.

Look at these dumplings, they are big and round.

Dip them in a little vinegar and garlic paste and stuff them into your mouth.

One bite and your mouth is full of the aroma of onion and meat.

Zhu Huang turned his back to the three of them.

He poured the full bowl of dumplings into his big mouth.

"This pork is not to my taste."

"Girl, wait for your uncle Mo and brother Xuan to kill someone."

The eleventh year of Fuling, the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month.

Zhu Jiuyin ate dumplings for the first time.

Time flies like a galloping horse, and the sun and the moon are like falling flowers and flowing water.

In the blink of an eye, it is the spring of the twelfth year of Fuling.


Ps: Sorry, I watched two games of XYG. My stomach is rumbling, let me have a midnight snack.

The third update will probably be at 1am, tomorrow will be the same as usual. Fellow Taoists, please sleep well, let me do the late night work.

I don't know, if you want to know what a sugar melon is, you can go to Baidu.

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