Jade is dressed up as a tree, with thousands of green silk ribbons hanging down.

I don't know who cut the fine leaves, the spring breeze in February is like a pair of scissors.

The twelfth year of Fuling.


When the morning sun rises, Cang Xue, dressed in white, with red blood hanging from her waist, walks out of the town.

Over the covered bridge, the teacher of the school walks over with his hands behind his back.

"Master, has Xuan'er not returned yet?"

Cang Xue asked


Qingyi passed by the girl with a blank expression.

Looking at the teacher's back, Cangxue sighed.

The girl always thought that Zhao Xuan'er left without saying goodbye and returned to Liangzhou.

An hour later.

On the cliff of Zhoushan Mountain, the two peach trees, Taoda and Xiaosan'er, sprouted tender buds.

Xue Niang sat cross-legged under the tree and practiced quietly. The

Pig King still turned his back to the world.

Xiao Xuanfeng also found a mace from somewhere.

Standing on the Pig King's shoulder, he swung the Pig King's head again and again, knocking it loudly.

"I asked you to eat dumplings without calling me."

"You are such a disrespectful person, you don't know how to respect the wild boar king, the number one minions of Zhoushan."

The footsteps came closer.

Little Tornado threw away his mace and quickly jumped into Xue Niang's arms, snoring slightly.

Zhu Jiuyin came to the entrance of the cave, raised his hand and stretched lazily.

"It's another beautiful spring~"

Sitting cross-legged, Zhu Jiuyin called softly:"Little Tornado"

""Here comes the master."

Little Tornado jumped out of Xue Niang's arms and climbed up the peach tree.

He took down a pot of wine and a bag of tobacco hanging on the branches.

He ran over and handed them to Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin took the wine jar with both hands and drank a few big gulps.

Then he took out the brass dry pipe inserted in his waist, added tobacco and puffed out smoke.

"There are not many red fragrant fruits in the cave. From now on, you and Xue'er will eat one each every day."

Zhu Jiuyin rubbed the furry head of the little whirlwind.

The little whirlwind is not as good as the pig emperor and the snow lady. He cannot embark on the path of cultivation. He needs to swallow the red fragrant fruit to prolong his life.

""Master, where is that stupid crane? Where are the pig king and the snow lady?"

Little Tornado asked, blinking his bright red eyes.

"They don't deserve it."

Little Tornado grinned like a human.

Some mice are so easily satisfied.

""Master, Sister Feng."

Zhu Jiuyin and Xiao Xuanfeng turned their heads and saw the girl climbing up the cliff with a smile on her face.

"Sister Feng, come and let me hug you."

The girl stretched out her arms.

The little whirlwind immediately turned into a white shadow and flew away.

"Master, Xue'er comes every day, you are finally awake."

The girl held Xiao Xuanfeng and sat cross-legged beside Zhu Jiuyin.

"Missing home?"

The girl nodded lightly,"I miss my first home."

Zhu Jiuyin exhaled a puff of smoke and said,"The spring scenery is so beautiful, let's set off tomorrow."

"Take away Little Tornado, Pig King, Snow Lady, and Gale."

"Go early and come back early."

Ride a crane back to Liangzhou?!"

The girl squinted her two crescent moons happily,"Master is so kind."

The next day.

Amid the shrill cry of the stupid crane, which was overwhelmed by the gust of wind, a man, a mouse, a crane and two snakes soared into the sky.

They disappeared in the bright spring scenery.

They also disappeared in Zhu Jiuyin's peaceful eyes.


On February 17, the human, rat, crane and snake arrived at Wutong Prefecture in Yunzhou, which is under the jurisdiction of Xizhuang Village in Lingshi County.

"It’s so huge!!"

Looking down from the sky, the Lingshi was bottomless, as if it was a huge black abyss leading directly to the underworld. Cang Xue’s face was filled with shock.

"If it weren't for the fact that Siyou's world couldn't bear it, this emperor could have poked out a hundred or eighty of these black abysses with one finger."

The Pig King's tone was full of disdain.

Little Tornado:"This black abyss was formed by the master using ancient magic to avenge Little Bit, and sending the entire county from the world of the living into the underworld."

Pig King:"The master's magic is truly unprecedented, and this emperor can't even begin to catch up with him."

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Cang Xue walked into Xizhuang Village alone.

Unfortunately, he worried too much.

The village was deserted.

The earthen walls collapsed, the houses overturned, and the yard was overgrown with weeds.

A crane flew in the sky.

One man, one mouse and two snakes searched for two whole days, but still could not find the Cheng family's ancestral tomb.

Finally, Cang Xue had no choice but to bury Cheng Hu's family of four somewhere outside the village.

Backed by green mountains and facing the river.

There are mountains and water.

Cang Xue dug four burial pits.

Put the wooden boxes containing the skulls of the four people in each pit.

Then cover the soil.

Finally, find four long thin stone slabs, which are regarded as tombstones.

Cheng Hu, Cheng Wu, Cheng Yi, Xu Wanjiao.

Cang Xue used red blood to carve words on the four tombstones one by one.

When everything is ready.

Cang Xue took off the yellow gourd from his waist and poured a full gourd of clear wine in front of Cheng Hu's tomb.

"Brother Tiger, this is your hometown"

"Qixia prefect Xu Lianzhi has been buried alive by his sister. No one will disturb your sleep anymore."

"Also, I chopped down the four kneeling bronze statues cast by Xu Lianzhi."

"Brother Tiger, I promise you that I will live well."

"Brother Tiger, goodbye~"

A quarter of an hour later.

On the bank of the Baima River.

The girl tiptoed and gently jumped onto the crane's back.

"Xueer, where are you going next? Liangzhou?"

"No hurry."

The girl smiled and said,"Go to Jingning Mansion and see Mengfei Temple."


February 20th.

Outside Jingning Prefecture, Yunzhou, Luer Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, a girl put her palms between her brows to block the sun, squinting her eyes to look at Taixuan Mountain hundreds of feet away.

Halfway up Taixuan Mountain, temples with yellow tiles and red walls are connected together, magnificent. At the foot of the mountain, the mountain gate archway stands tall, and the three large characters"Mengfei Temple" can be seen in the distance. There is an endless stream of pilgrims, and a long line of people from the official road to the temple on the mountain

"Unfortunately, I have grown up, and the costumes my stepfather and stepmother bought for me no longer fit me, so I can’t perform for my senior brother for the time being."

The girl sighed softly.

"Then next time."

The Pig King yawned,"You are not going to die tomorrow."

"Shut up your crow mouth!"

Little Whirlwind jumped from the girl's arms to the pig king's shoulder, pinching and biting


"This emperor has no claws, a black dragon, and he will not fight with you, a white-haired rat spirit.���"

I'll be back soon." The girl nodded,"Of course."

Half an hour later, a white crane flew up into the sky.


In the twelfth year of Fuling, at the end of February,

Gu Shucheng, who had just celebrated the New Year with his young apprentice, hurried south to Suzhou.

On February 27, the spring was bright and beautiful.

The master of Qingyang Temple traveled through mountains and rivers, under the stars and moon, and finally arrived in Chun'an County.

While wandering aimlessly on Chang Street, Gu suddenly heard a violent cough coming from the second floor of a medical clinic.

""The shopkeeper."

Old man Gu walked into the clinic.

An old man in his seventies came forward and said in a vague voice:"Who is the Taoist looking for? There are several tuberculosis patients upstairs. Be careful of infection."

"No problem."

Old Man Gu bowed to the old man and said,"My name is Chuyi, I want to ask you about someone."

"What’s your name?"

"Ji Yang"

"No no no, call me Qin Feng"


An hour later.

Old man Gu, carrying a bag, came to Anning Village under the jurisdiction of Chun'an County.

With the guidance of a villager, Old man Gu came to the end of the village and stopped in front of a small yellow earth courtyard.

There were neither door gods nor spring couplets on the two courtyard doors of this family.

This is Qin Feng's home.

Qin Jia Xiuning has died of tuberculosis for many years.

As a ghostwriter, Qin Feng of the Qin family traveled all over the country and cut off countless heads of thieves and bandits.

All the money earned, except for daily needs, was donated to the county clinic.

"The child of the old Qin family is a good person. If it weren't for his support, several tuberculosis patients in the county would have died of coughing up blood like Xiuning in his family."

Thinking back to the words of the old man, Old Man Gu couldn't help but sigh.

Old Man Gu didn't go into the yard.

He just asked the neighbor for half a bowl of paste.

He took out the brand new door gods and spring couplets that he had just bought in Chun'an County from his bag and pasted them on the door of the Qin family yard.

"Qin Feng and Qin Xiuning reunited in the underworld"

"It can be regarded as... comforting~"

Old Man Gu turned and walked away.

The bright spring light shone on the gate of the courtyard.

It shone on the door gods and spring couplets.

A family that accumulates good deeds is extremely happy.


P.S. I overestimated my hand speed. How can it be so slow? It shouldn't be! Usually it's almost like a ghost image.

Driving thousands of screws a day, what do you think?

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