The village was desolate.

The houses were in ruins.

The stupid crane and the swift wind splashed in the green river, and the pig king stood with his hands behind his back on the crown of the century-old willow tree at the entrance of Changliu Village, showing an immortal temperament that all the mountains and rivers were in his arms.

The little whirlwind squatted on the shoulder of the snow lady.

Cangxue stared at her carefully.


After a while, the girl sighed and looked away.

None of the villagers who fled to Changliu that year had returned.

No one knew whether they died on the road or settled down somewhere else.

"Sister Xue, Sister Feng."

Cang Xue pointed to a place not far away and said,"That's where the villagers of Changliu wanted to burn me to death."

"If it weren't for Brother Tiger, my bones would have been buried deep in the silent loess."

Little Tornado raised his little paw and said angrily,"Humans are so abominable."

Then he added,"Except for my Xue'er."

Xue Niang comforted him softly,"Girl, it's all over."


A man, a mouse, and a snake walked through the grassy fields and came to the second courtyard of the Cang family at the end of the village.

The girl pointed to the stable and said,"My stepfather and stepmother once raised two horses and a cow."

"Xiaoyu named the two horses Yuanbao and Erya, and the cow Huang Batian.

The girl pointed to the stone mill under the courtyard wall and said,"In the middle of summer, Xiaoyu always likes to sleep on it at noon, saying that it is cool."

"Every time the sun was setting, Xiaoyu and I would sit on the stone mill, looking far toward the village entrance, waiting for my stepfather and stepmother to come back with their hoes."

With a creaking sound, Cangxue pushed open the gate. The decayed gate, which had been weathered by wind, frost, snow and rain and had been in disrepair for many years, creaked under the weight of the heavy load.

"Sister Xue, Sister Feng, Xiaoyu live in the west wing, I live in the east wing, my stepfather and stepmother live in the main room"

"This is the kitchen."

The girl suddenly smiled and said,"When I was five years old, Xiaoyu fed all three trays of steamed buns that her stepmother had just made to Wangcai and Laifu."

"My stepmother thought I was careless and forgot to lock the door when I entered and left the kitchen, so she beat me up."

"That night, Xiaoyu acted like an adult, sworn brotherhood with me, and kowtowed to the heavens and earth."


Cang Xue pushed open the door to the main house.

Everything she saw was covered in dust.

The air was filled with a rotten, damp, and pungent smell.

The girl pointed to the collapsed bed and said,"Sister Xue, Sister Feng, my godfather died on that bed."

"That evening, Xiaoyu and I wore the costumes that our stepfather and stepmother had bought for us, and stood by the bed singing Farewell My Concubine.》"

"As I was singing, I saw my godfather's hand, which was beating the rhythm, suddenly drop down."

"At that moment, I just felt like the sky was falling."

Half a minute later, a man, a snake, and a rat came to the backyard of the Cang family.

Looking at the bluestone well overflowing with clear water, the girl was slightly stunned.

She couldn't help but think of her stepmother who had been in Fuling for three years, covered in mud, going in and out, and taking bucket after bucket of wet mud out of the well.

Thinking of her stepmother's happy and excited face when she squeezed the gauze to squeeze out the turbid muddy water.

The girl's eyes suddenly reddened.


The girl was busy all day on the fifth day of the third lunar month.

She did not ask Xue Niang and Xiao Xuanfeng to help.

She pulled out all the grass in and outside the Cang family yard by herself.

She boiled several pots of hot water and cleaned the Cang family's house several times.

After nightfall, a man, a rat, and a snake lay on the hay beside the bluestone well in the backyard.

"Sister Xue, Sister Feng, when my stepfather and stepmother were out performing, Xiaoyu and I slept here to watch the well."

The girl said, and the rat and the snake listened quietly without interrupting.

"Xiaoyu likes counting stars the most"

"I also like to divide the stars into several areas."

"That piece is my stepfather's, that piece is my stepmother's, and that piece is mine"

"The largest piece is usually his own."

"Often in the end, I always say that I am too young to manage so many stars."

"Give me all your stars"

"So, I became the one with the most stars"


On the sixth day of the third month,

Xue Niang and Xiao Xuanfeng got up early and went into the mountains to look for food.

The girl who was sleeping soundly did not wake up until the sun rose.

"Look at her, she is so heartless. Her stepfather, stepmother and Xiaoyu have been dead for almost ten years, but she doesn't think about revenge and can still sleep so peacefully."

"Hush, keep your voice down. She hasn't had such a comfortable sleep for a long time. Let her sleep a little longer.

The dazed girl slowly opened her sore eyes.

She was stunned for a moment, then rubbed her eyes hard.

She looked again.

"You… who are you…?!"

Cang Xue was dumbfounded.

At this moment, there were two girls standing in front of Cang Xue.

One was Cang Xue, wearing a gorgeous golden robe, with two golden pupils shining brightly in her peach blossom eyes.

The other was also Cang Xue, wearing a black dress like thick ink, with a pair of evil pupils as red as blood in her eyes.

"Wake up."

Golden-eyed Cangxue looked at the girl, her voice as soft as water, like an oriole emerging from a valley,"Go eat quickly, your stomach has been rumbling."

"You still have the nerve to eat?!"

Xuetong Cangxue stared at the girl and gritted his teeth and said,"It’s been ten years. You useless guy, when will you ever avenge Xiaoyu?"

The girl was stunned for a long time, and suddenly she understood.

With a blank expression on her face, she said coldly to Xuetong Cangxue,"It’s none of your business!"


Little Tornado brought back a wild rabbit.

Xue Niang caught two fat fish from the Cui River.

Unfortunately, there was no staple food.

Cang Xue cooked by herself, skinning and removing the tendons of the wild rabbit for barbecue.

Scales were scraped off the river fish for stewing.

Little Tornado and Xue Niang had eaten blood and raw meat before.

The feast belonged to the girl alone.

Watching the girl tear off the strips of meat slowly and chewing them slowly,

Cang Xue, with blood-eyed eyes, bit her teeth until they creaked.

"You are such a heartless person, your adoptive father shouldn't have adopted you!"

"What a heartless person!"

"My stepmother's bones are still buried in the cave under the mountain. You bitch, why don't you bring my stepmother home quickly? How dare you eat so comfortably?"

"Little bitch, look at this rabbit meat, does it look like your stepmother's meat!"

"Look at this fish soup, isn't it as bright red as my stepmother's blood!"

Footsteps sounded.

Golden Eyed Cangxue stood in front of the girl and smiled at Blood Eyed Cangxue.

"Please be sensible."

"The 100,000 soldiers in Longcheng are as fierce as wolves and tigers. How can you expect Xueer to kill them all by herself?"

"She has followed her master and practiced with all her strength."

"Give her a little more time, please."

Xue Tong Cang Xue spat fiercely.


"It’s been almost ten years, isn’t that enough?!"


Ps: Yesterday's third update was published at 1:20, but it was not released until 2:00 after review.

Today's third update is estimated to be published at 2:00. If the review is faster, it will be released at 2:30. If the review is slower, I can't imagine it.

Tomorrow is Monday, those who should go to work should go to work, and those who are not on summer vacation should go to school. Don't stay up late.

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