The girl held a crispy rabbit leg in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other.

It was so delicious to take a bite of the crispy rabbit meat and drink a spoonful of delicious fish soup.

"Get out of the way, let me kill her!"

Blood-eyed Cangxue moved like an eagle, while Golden-eyed Cangxue was like a hen, protecting the girl firmly behind him.

""Little bitch, I'll let you eat and drink!"

Blood-eyed Cangxue suddenly stretched out a white jade finger.

The nails were extremely bright, as if smeared with blood.

The finger tapped the large birthmark on half of her forehead. The girl who was eating, the big pool of fairy blood on her forehead, which was heavily made up, suddenly bloomed with rosy clouds.

The half hare on the plate suddenly became the bloody head of her stepmother.

The sticky corpse fluid flowed from the black eye sockets, and the two rows of white teeth opened and closed, biting out word after word.

"Xueer, why haven't you avenged Xiaoyu yet?"

"You know, you survived by eating my flesh!"

The rotten flesh fell off, and the white maggots squirmed wildly.


The girl turned her head and looked at the soup bowl.

In the bowl, there were no longer two river fish and thick white soup, but the eerie skull of a little brat.

"Sister, I have been waiting in the underworld for ten years!"

"It's been ten years, why haven't you avenged me yet?"

"Sister, I died a miserable death. The soldiers stepped on my chest and raised their axes high in their hands, swinging them down heavily."

""Sister, it hurts!"

The girl threw away the rabbit leg and the wooden spoon.

She grabbed the red blood leaning against the wooden table.

With a clang , the sword was unsheathed.

The girl passed over the golden pupil Cangxue and cut the blood pupil Cangxue in half with just one sword.

"Haha, you are angry out of shame."

The blood-eyed Cangxue, whose tall body was split into two parts, still sneered:"It's useless."

"You are such a useless piece of trash."

"You promised your stepfather and stepmother that you would take good care of Xiaoyu"

"You killed my mother, my adoptive father, and my adoptive mother."

"You failed to protect Xiaoyu, and he was cooked by the soldiers of Longcheng."

"You should live in pain all your life!"

The girl stared with her eyes.

Her eyes were filled with scarlet bloodshot, which made people's heart palpitate.

She swung her sword.

With one sword after another, the girl chopped the blood-eyed Cangxue into pieces.

"Stop it, stop it, don't fight anymore!" said Cangxue with golden pupils anxiously.

Outside the house,

Xue Niang and Xiao Xuanfeng heard the noise and ran to the front of the house.

They looked at the girl who was swinging her sword wildly in the air.

A rat and a snake were stunned.

Xiao Xuanfeng:"What are you chopping?"

Xue Niang:"I don't know, it should be flies or mosquitoes."

After noon, the haggard girl rode a crane and left Changliu Village.

She returned at sunset, holding a dry skeleton in her arms.


On the seventh day of the third month in the twelfth year of Fuling, outside Changliu Village, at the ancestral tomb of the Cang family, the girl used a shovel to dig out the grave of her adoptive father Canglan.

She used blood to pry out the coffin nails and then opened the coffin lid. What the girl saw was the white skeleton of her adoptive father.

She buried the skeleton of her adoptive mother in the same coffin as her adoptive father.

After the girl restored the grave to its original state, she dug another burial pit next to her adoptive father and mother.


Half an hour later, the burial pit was dug.

The girl took out a square bronze box from the theater box.

She opened the lid and found the skull of the little brat.

"Xiaoyu, goodbye~"

She leaned down slightly and kissed the little brat’s skull gently.

The girl didn’t want to linger any more, put the jade box into the burial pit, picked up the shovel and buried the soil.

Behind the girl, Cangxue with golden eyes whispered to comfort her:"Although the person is dead, the love is still there.""

"There is also the master, and Uncle Pig King, Sister Xue Niang, and Sister Feng."

"Mother, stepfather, stepmother, Xiaoyu, and Brother Hu all hope that we can live well."

Looking at the broken tears sliding down the girl's face, Xuetong Cangxue sneered and said,"Waste's tears!"

"If you are afraid of death, give me control of your body."

"I will burn my immortal blood. Even if there is no way back, I will burn the Wei Kingdom and the entire world to ashes and bury Xiaoyu with me!"

The girl said sternly:"Shut up!"

The Pig King, Xue Niang, and Little Tornado.

The rat and two snakes looked at each other.

The Pig King:"Girl, your uncle Mo and brother Xuan didn't say anything.~"

‘Tomb of my stepmother Cangqu’

‘Unworthy Woman Cang Xueli’

‘Tomb of Brother Cangyu’

‘In the last year of Wenjing

, the four-year-old girl lost her mother.

In the third year of Fuling, the seven-year-old girl lost her adoptive father, then her adoptive mother, and then her younger brother.

It seemed destined by heaven that the girl had been losing all her life.

When she and her adoptive mother Xiaoyu left home to escape the famine, they had clearly agreed that the three of them would return home in one piece without missing a single person.

The girl knelt on her knees and kowtowed to her adoptive father and mother.

"Uncle Pig Emperor, Sister Snow, Sister Wind"

"The Emperor is here"

"What’s wrong, girl~"

The girl stood up, wiped away her tears, and said through gritted teeth:"Go home!"


In the twelfth year of Fuling, on the second day of the fourth month, in the Zhoushan Cave,

Zhu Jiuyin put his hands behind his back and looked up at the immortal decree floating in the air.

【Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years, ten months, twenty-nine days, and nine hours.】

"One month has passed, and there are still 35,999 months left."

Zhu Jiuyin murmured,"Freedom is just around the corner!"

His mind moved slightly, and the system panel appeared in front of him.

【Host: Zhu Jiuyin


Cultivation: 121.9 meters long thin snake (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 878.1 meters)】

【Disciple's name: Cang Xue

Talent: Immortal Blood

Age: 16 years old

Cultivation : Martial Arts External Refining Fourth Level (12.7/100)]

A muffled bang sounded from outside the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin waved his sleeves, put away the Immortal Order, and walked towards the entrance of the cave.


Zhoushan Cliff Terrace.

The Pig King, Snow Lady, Little Tornado, and the girl, who were thrown to the ground and spun around, struggled to get up.

Zhu Jiuyin, who came to the entrance of the cave, looked at the stupid Crane Jifeng lying on the ground with his eyes rolled up and his tongue hanging out, and felt quite distressed.

"Girl, knowing that there is a Pig King, let the wind fly for three days and rest for one day"

"In this world, even the gods on earth cannot go to heaven"

"Master can't do that either."

The girl said shyly,"I'm sorry, Master."

Xuetong Cangxue smiled cruelly,"Little bitch, please ask your master to give you a drop of his heart's blood."

"No, it's ten drops, a hundred drops, a thousand drops"

"With the blood of your heart, you can become a land immortal in a few days."

"Then go to Dragon City and start a killing spree"

"Immediately, they moved from north to south and killed all the living people in the entire Wei State."

"Eat their flesh, drink their blood, sleep on their skins"

"Use their heads to build a Jingguan, as wide as the earth and as high as the sky"


Jin Tong Cang Xue:"Xue Er, don't listen to her."

"Master is so good to you, how can you have any ill intentions towards him?!"

"There is no one in this world who is so good to you.~"



Looking at the girl's eyes which were gradually filled with scarlet bloodshot,

Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly and shouted in a deep voice:"Cang Xue!"


Ps: Here are two ancient sword names that are more poetic.

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