As the sun was setting in the west, the old man carried a half-straw candied haws and came to the lush century-old locust tree at the entrance of the town.

After leaning the straw target, the old man sat on a wooden block, took out his pipe and puffed out smoke.

Half of the setting sun sank into the other side of the mountain, like a shy beauty holding a pipa and half covering her face.

The old man's cloudy eyes quietly looked at the girl who was walking slowly outside the town, her mind wandering in the sky.


When the girl walked past the archway at the entrance of the town, Old Liutou called out softly.

The girl was so lost in thought that she didn't even turn her head to respond, and it was unclear whether she heard it or not.

""Snow girl!"

Old Liutou said loudly.

The girl finally turned around and looked at the old man. Her pretty eyebrows slightly frowned and she asked,"What are you doing?"

Old Liutou showed a few crooked yellow teeth in his mouth and waved at the girl.

The girl hesitated slightly and walked towards the old locust tree.

"Sit down." The old man pointed to the long sword hanging from the girl's waist and said,"This is not your sword."

The girl asked in confusion,"What do you mean?" The old man replied,"Xue girl, do you still remember the four life and death tribulations that grandpa told you about?" The girl nodded slightly. The old man said quietly,"If you hadn't grasped that ray of hope, the first life and death tribulation would have cost you your life.


"The consequences and the bloodshed caused by your death are much more tragic than that of the child from the Chen family in Wuyi Lane, your senior brother."

"This world will fall into a long-term turmoil, and all living things will be forced to be involved in the disaster.

The girl's face changed.

The first life and death disaster the old man mentioned must have been the Qixia Prefecture incident in the eleventh year of Fuling, which was the twelfth month of last year.

‘The most crucial point in this incident, that glimmer of hope, is... Brother Tiger?! '

The girl murmured in her heart

‘It is because of Brother Hu that I decided to kill Xu Lianzhi, the prefect of Qixia.’

‘That's why I returned to the town and asked my master for the sword.’

‘That’s why Sister Xue had the time and opportunity to inform Master of the crisis she sensed in Qixia Prefecture.’

‘That's why I was able to survive the massacre by tens of thousands of warriors.’

‘Brother Tiger has been dead for eight years, and in the dark, only a head saved my life again!

After thinking deeply, the girl was shocked and stunned, and she was still frightened after surviving a disaster.

‘If there had been a hint of cruelty that day, Uncle Pig Emperor and Sister Snow would not have had the chance to inform the Master of the crisis they had sensed.’

‘Not only will I die, but Uncle Pig King and Sister Xue will also be buried with me.

Seeing the heavy look on the girl's face, Old Liu asked with a smile,"Have you figured it out?"

The girl nodded.

"The second life-and-death crisis is not far away."

Old Liu turned around and picked a bunch of candied haws from the straw target and handed it to the girl.

"Grandpa has some advice, do you want to hear it?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her trembling hand.

She stared at the string of juicy and colorful candied haws.

It was not right to take it, nor to refuse it.

Old Liutou:"You don't have even a penny, do you?~"


The girl let out a long breath.

Then she rolled her eyes and said,"The syrup on your candied haws is almost melted away."

"I'd better save it for your dinner."

Old Willow:"Three bunches for one penny?"

Girl:"If I eat too much red fruit, I'll have acid reflux."

Old Willow:"How about three bunches for one penny?"


After a fierce bargaining between the old man and the girl, both sides were very satisfied.

Looking at the girl who was eating a red fruit, the old man said solemnly:"First, the second life and death tribulation is the same as the first one. There is also a very elusive ray of hope."

"Second, this sword belongs to the child of the Chen family in Wuyi Lane. You need one, no, two swords of your own."

"Third, there is no third."

The girl asked curiously:"Grandpa Liu, how do you know this?"

Old Liu grinned,"I calculated it."

The girl stood up, picked up the straw target, and chuckled:"Wrong."

Old Liu asked:"You mean, I calculated it wrong?"

The girl nodded.

Old Liu was puzzled and asked:"What's wrong?"

The girl sucked the bamboo sticks and smiled slyly,"Guess..."

""Xue girl, believe me, you must believe me!"

Facing the girl who turned away with the straw target on her shoulder, Old Liu anxiously warned her,"Life is death, and death is life, remember this, Xue girl!"


Night falls. The moon is bright and the stars are shining.

In the main house of the Chen family courtyard in Wuyi Lane, the girl ate a candied haws while writing"Life is death, death is life" on rice paper over and over again.

Half an hour later, the girl, who had finished eating half a straw of candied haws, took a new piece of rice paper and began to draw a knife.

Compared to a sword, the girl likes the knife more.

The sword is good at stabbing, and the knife is good at chopping.

Compared to stabbing, chopping and killing is more satisfying.

Blood-eyed Cangxue leaned over and looked at the two knives that gradually appeared, and sneered:"You little bitch, you are too kind"

"What is the difference between killing someone with a sword and killing someone with a knife?"

"You should forge a boning knife"

"Take the 100,000 soldiers of Longcheng, no, the Wei Kingdom, all the living people and creatures in the world, and peel off their skins bit by bit."

Golden Eyed Cangxue gently dissuaded:"When will the revenge end? Mother, stepfather, stepmother, Xiaoyu, and Brother Tiger, Master, Uncle Pig King, Sister Xue, Sister Feng, I hope you can live in peace."

"Xueer, the sea of suffering is endless, turn back now"

"Those who have passed away, watching the people they gave up everything, even their own lives, to save, are burdened by hatred all day long, living in pain and guilt."

"Mother, stepfather, stepmother, Xiaoyu, how sad they must be when they see you now."

The girl's face was calm, but her palm holding the small calligraphy brush showed thin blue blood vessels on the back of her palm, and her knuckles were blue and white.


The next day.

It was light.

The girl lying on the bed had two thick panda eyes.

Blood-eyed Cangxue and Golden-eyed Cangxue stood by the bed, chattering all night.

Blood-eyed Cangxue:"Xiaoyu's revenge has not been avenged yet, how can you, a conscienceless little bitch, sleep?"

Golden-eyed Cangxue:"Go to sleep, sleep well, tomorrow will still be a sunny day."


The girl got up with a sigh.

After washing up, she walked out of the courtyard with the blueprint.


A quarter of an hour later.

Blacksmith shop in Windy Lane, a small town

"Wow, gulp, ah~"

The bald man gargled a mouthful of mouthwash and almost sprayed it on the girl.

"Sorry, sorry."

Han Ying looked her up and down,"You are the girl from Chen Yanshi's house in Wuyi Lane, right~"

The girl smiled and greeted politely,"Hello, uncle, my name is Cangxue."

Every piece of flesh on Han Ying's face was filled with displeasure,"Chen Mengfei, that kid, always calls me big brother."

The girl quickly changed her words,"Hello, big brother Han."

Han Ying grinned with a mouthful of white teeth and asked,"Xue kid, what can I do for you, big brother?"

The girl took out rice paper from her sleeve,"Big brother Han, I would like to ask you to forge two knives for me."

Looking at the piece of rice paper casually rolled into a cylinder in the girl's hand, the bald man sighed for some reason.

"You don’t really want two swords~"

The girl was slightly stunned


Ps: Thank you for the gift king of 'Zi Zi Zi Zi Xi', but unfortunately I can only get 245, not even 250, which really cost you a lot. I'll ask you to give me a massage some other day.

Thank you for the master certification of 'Insomnia Lao Chu Zi', let's rub your back together some other day.

Thank you for the paid gifts from fellow Taoists, I'm here to show my love, I bow to you. I'll update more chapters for you on Saturday or weekend.

Chapter 2 around 11 o'clock.

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