The sky was filled with heavy clouds, and the world was bleak.

A thin layer of fine salt covered the ground.

At the entrance of the cave, the red python opened its bloody mouth, yawned, and blew out a large amount of white air.

Winter is here, and the hibernation period has arrived as expected.

Zhu Jiuyin's mind moved slightly, and the system panel immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

【Host: Zhu Jiuyin

Lifespan: Immortality (immortality)

True form: Zhulong (young snake stage)

Cultivation level: 21.7 meters young snake (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 1000 meters)】

【Master-disciple return system: in effect

Disciple's name: Chen Mengfei

Talent: Born a sword fetus

Age: nine years old

Cultivation : mortal body】

【Free days: 19 days and six hours (234 hours)]

The muscles with powerful strength pulled the thick and twisted body of the python and swam towards the depths of the cave.

The dense scales like divine gold rubbed against the rough ground, splashing strands of blazing sparks.

Zhu Jiuyin swam all the way to the front of the fruit mountain.

Immediately, the body of the python was like a blazing flame, crossing the front of the fruit mountain.

"Disciple, when the orioles grow up and fly away next year, we will meet again as master and disciple."

With a whisper, the huge and ferocious head of the red python fell to the ground.

The red vertical pupils like golden candles slowly closed.

Gradually, the breathing sound became inaudible.


The frost was so severe that the belt broke, and the fingers were so stiff that they could not be tied.

When the sky was about to dawn, the little one put on his cotton jacket and trousers, put on a linen shirt outside, and went out of the courtyard.

After doing the third set of People's Broadcasting Gymnastics taught by Zhu Jiuyin in the alley, the little one ran along the bluestone street around the periphery of the town.

The sharpness of a sword comes from grinding, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. It takes time to become a true swordsman who can kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace in a thousand miles.

Only perseverance can wear away a stone.

As for being born in a humble family? It has never been a problem.

Life is like a wall, and a small person can also cast a huge shadow.

These are the principles that the master taught him. The little one kept it in mind.

Although there is no master to urge him, the little one has never slacked off these days.

In a day, the little one can run dozens of laps around the town.

An hour later.

The town is like a sleeping girl, rubbing her sleepy eyes and waking up from a spring dream.

The little kid, whose face and ears were red from the cold, ran to a forest in the northwest of the town.

The forest is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and was called the Shenmu Forest by the ancestors of the town. According to ancient rumors, the gods who rule the world once lived here temporarily.

In the middle of the Shenmu Forest, near the bank of the Taiping River, there is a fenced courtyard.

The owner of the fenced courtyard is Mr. Qi Qingji, the teacher of the town's school.

Looking at the smoke rising from the chimney of the tiled house in the courtyard, the little kid was about to go there.

Suddenly he remembered his master's warning.

"Mr. Qi has no reason to harm me"

"It's right to listen to Master."

The little guy went into the sacred forest.


Every ancient tree in the Shenmu Forest is very sturdy. The thinnest one is like the century-old locust tree at the entrance of the town.

The thickest one requires seven or eight adult men to hug.

On the thick and cracked trunk of each sacred tree, there is a lifelike face carved. There are faces of old men, energetic teenagers, children, and women.

Some people in the town say that these faces are carved by humans. Others say that the sacred trees grew out of them.

After all, the Shenmu Forest was once a temporary residence for the gods in the world. Every tree here is stained with the breath of the gods.

At this moment, the little one is facing a sacred tree, with his hands clasped together, his big eyes slightly closed, and his posture pious.

He whispered softly in his little mouth:"Great and holy gods, please bless my mother to be safe and sound."

The first sacred tree, the second, the third, the fourth... one after another.

Every time he comes to the Shenmu Forest, the little one will bow devoutly to all the sacred trees.

There are a total of 179 sacred trees in the sacred woods.

There are 179 faces of gods.

Little Bit was afraid that if he missed one, the god would be unhappy and would no longer bless his mother.

An hour later,

Little Bit walked out of the sacred woods happily.

He saw a man in green standing by the Taiping River, lost in thought.

"Mr. Qi."

Little Bit stepped forward and greeted the man in green.

He squatted down and stroked the furry head of the big yellow dog.

The big yellow dog lay beside the man in green, ignoring Little Bit's touch, looking like a melancholy girl.

"Ah Fei, who did you choose as your master?"

The man in green shirt said in a voice as gentle as jade.


The little one nodded gently.

"Ah Fei, do you know that person... is not a human?"

"I know."

The man in green shirt leaned slightly to the side and lowered his eyes, his three dark pupils looking down at the little one.

""Child, humans and demons are different."

The little one spoke softly, but his expression was very serious and solemn.

"Master for life"

"Mr. Qi, my mother is still waiting for me to come home."

Looking at the thin back of the little one running away quickly, the man in the blue shirt sighed inaudibly.

"Such a good seedling, what a pity~"

"Damn beast!"


The night was dark. A cold front was raging.

Deep in the alley, a tiny light was lit.

In the main room, a woman was sitting on the bed, threading a needle and embroidering a tiger hat.

As for the little one, he was drawing a new version of the"Blood-Spotting" sword.


"What's wrong?"

The little guy asked in confusion:"Two years ago, Mr. Qi said he wanted to take me as his apprentice."

"That day, my mother invited Mr. Qi to come over, and Sister Cui Er cooked a large table of dishes."

"Mr. Qi, like his master, ate all the food on the table and drank all the wine."

"But why didn't mother let me worship Mr. Qi as my teacher?"

The woman smiled and said,"Because of the look in your eyes,"


The little one thought for a while and said,"Could it be that mother saw from Mr. Qi's eyes that he doesn't like me?"

"And from Master’s eyes, I can see that Master likes me very much?"

"My son, no, no."

The woman's eyes curved into two crescents,"Son, what I saw was not the eyes of Mr. Qi and Mr. Nanzhu, but yours."

The little boy suddenly realized.


The winter of this year came very early.

However, the first snow was slow to fall.

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month was the little one's birthday.

On this day, the little one wore a tiger-head hat embroidered by his mother, and held a large white bowl in his arms, with ten eggs in the bowl.

After peeling the eggs, the little one dipped them in a little hot sauce, but did not dare to put the whole egg into his mouth and swallowed it whole. He only dared to take small bites and savor the flavor. From childhood to adulthood, the little one only ate egg whites and never ate egg yolks.

Because Sister Cui'er said that the nutrition of eggs lies in the yolk.

In the main room.

The woman directed Liu Cui'er to pull out a large wooden box with mottled red paint from under the bed.

"Cui'er, the box contained Ah Fei's cotton-padded jacket and trousers from the age of ten to twenty, as well as eleven pairs of cloth shoes."

"I don't know whether it will be big or small by then."

Liu Cui'er opened the box and looked at the neatly stacked cotton jackets, cotton pants and cloth shoes. Her eyes were red.

The girl gently held the woman's thin and cold hands.

She choked and said,"Sister Ling'er, I don't want you to die~"

The woman smiled and said,"Silly Cui'er, everyone will die one day, sooner or later."

"When I die, I should be peaceful."

"Because A Fei has you and Mr. Nan Zhu"

"Cui Er, I have no regrets in my life."

"I have a husband, a child, and a sister."

"I have a deep love with Yanshi, and I am close to you. My children are so kind and lovely."

"I have gotten enough in my life."

The New Year is coming to an end.

On the 19th day of the twelfth lunar month, the residents of the small town finally got the first snow of the year.

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