The New Year's Eve is coming, and there are many stalls selling door gods, spring couplets, window decorations, lanterns and other festive items in the town market.

The little one wearing a tiger hat pulled his eyes away from a firecracker stall with difficulty and trotted towards the fireworks alley.

""Dong, dong, dong~"

After an incense stick of time, the little guy knocked gently on the door of a house in the fireworks alley.

"Ah Fei, come in."

A powerful voice rang out in the courtyard.


The little guy slowly pushed open the gate and walked in


Inside the main room, a man in his 50s, wearing a sheepskin coat and with a scruffy beard, gathered a dozen letters and put them into a bundle.

After handing the bundle to Little Bit, the man untied the purse on his waist and said,"A Fei, there are 19 letters in total. Here are 19 copper coins. Take them and don't lose them."

Little Bit stretched out his hands, took the 19 copper coins, and carefully put them into his waist pouch one by one.

"Uncle Guo, don't worry, as long as the person is there, the trust is there."

The man rolled his eyes and said,"I'm talking about copper coins. If anything happens to you, your mother will skin me alive, right?"

"Boy, don't you always have a smiling face? Why did you pull longer than Niu Malan's donkey today?"

The little guy sighed in a mature manner.

"Uncle Guo, my mother has been coughing these days. She has taken several doses of medicine but it has not improved."

"I go to the sacred forest every day to worship the gods, but it's useless."

The man pulled out the brass pipe from his waist, lit it, took two puffs, and exhaled the choking smoke.

"Boy, the reason why it is useless is because you are not sincere."

The little guy blinked his big eyes,"Uncle Guo, I think I am very sincere, very sincere."

""Honest ass."

Two streams of smoke blew out of the man's nostrils, and he said,"As the old saying goes, there is a god above your head."

"The gods in heaven can see clearly what people say and do."

"Boy, to be honest with you, I have an ancient method to knock on the gods, it is very effective."

The little boy's eyes were like copper bells,"Please teach me, uncle!"


Wherever there are people, there are rich and poor.

This is the case in small towns.

Yanhuo Lane where Uncle Guo lives and Wuyi Lane where Little Bit lives represent the poverty of the town.

The muddy loess road and crumbling loess walls when it rains. The loess courtyards that are dusty and squinting when the wind blows, and the dilapidated tiled houses that are barely surviving.

The lanes located in the northeast represent the wealth of the town.

The deep courtyards, blue bricks and green tiles. The criss-crossing alleys paved with cobblestones, there is not even a pile of shit.

It is so clean.

If it weren't for delivering a letter, even if Little Bit lived in the town for a lifetime, it would be difficult for him to set foot here.

""We're here~"

At this moment, Little Bit was standing in front of the gate of a mansion in Wolong Lane. On the gilded plaque hanging high above the mansion was the word"Zhao Mansion".

Two majestic stone lions stood at the door.

Little Bit walked forward and knocked gently on the door.

"" Knock, knock, knock~"

After a while, the vermilion door creaked and opened a crack.

An expressionless young man looked down at the little guy.

With a cold expression and no emotion in his voice, he said,"What's the matter?"

"There is a letter from the Zhao family."

The little one stretched out his hands and handed the envelope over.

The young man stretched out a rough hand covered with calluses from behind the door and gently pinched a corner of the envelope.

With a bang, the door closed.

The little one lowered his head and looked at his own hands, which were not much better than the young man's.

He looked at them over and over for a long time.

The little one was sure that his hands were very clean.


The heavy lead-gray clouds pressed very low.

The branches of the pear tree in the corner of the yard were shaking violently in the north wind.

Inside the hut.

On the wooden bed.

The woman sat up with difficulty and took the bronze mirror on the windowsill.

Looking at her dry and ugly face in the mirror.

The woman whispered:"Fortunately, I have never been out of the house in these years, so I didn't scare the children."

The young generation in the town knew that deep in Wuyi Lane, there was an orphan and a widow.

It was rumored that the woman's flesh was rotting and her body was crawling with maggots.

Only the older generation knew that when the woman was young, the man who proposed marriage almost crushed the threshold of the woman's house.

Mr. Qi, who lived in front of the Shenmu Forest and the Taiping River and was in charge of the only school in the town, and was highly respected, once said that the woman's shoulders carried the spiritual energy of Qingping Town for three hundred years.

Skinny and dry hands.

Take the wooden comb on the windowsill.

The woman combed and combed, gently combing her withered and sparse black hair.

After combing the black hair, the woman began to apply makeup again.

After an incense stick of time, the little one came back with his arms full of things.

""Son, what did you buy?"

The woman smiled gently.

""Mom, you are so beautiful today!"

The little kid stared at her with his eyes wide open.

The woman joked,"Are you beautiful only today?"

"Mom is prettier today than yesterday, and she will be prettier tomorrow than today"

"The mother is more beautiful every day.

The woman's eyes suddenly curved into two crescents.

"My son has such a sweet mouth, he will definitely be very popular with girls in the future."

The little boy blushed immediately.

"Mom, I earned 19 copper coins from Uncle Guo today."

"I bought door gods, spring couplets, and lanterns in advance, but didn't buy window decorations."


The paper -cuts on the windows at the market are not as pretty as the ones my mother cuts.


"Mom, what’s wrong?"

"My mouth is bitter, I want to eat candied haws"

"Mom, wait, I'll buy it for you."

"Buy two, one for each of us."

"I know"


Half an hour later, the little one came back.

"Mom, Grandpa Liu is ill in bed, we have to wait until next year to eat Tanghulu"

"But I bought a few pieces of cane sugar."

The little one opened the oil paper, and inside lay a few square pieces of yellow cane sugar.

The woman picked up the first piece and looked at the little one.

""Son, open your mouth."

The little boy opened his mouth obediently.

The woman put the cane sugar into her son's mouth, looked at the little boy's happy expression, and then smiled and picked up the second piece and put it into her own mouth.

"Mom, is it sweet?"

"Mm, very sweet"

"Mom, this New Year's Eve, I want to eat pork and green onion dumplings"

"No problem, you roll the dough and I'll wrap it."

"Mom, it looks like it's going to snow"

"Son, go outside and see the snow for me."


The woman wrapped the oil paper and left the remaining three pieces of candy for her son to eat later.

Through the window, she looked at her son standing in the yard with his head tilted up.

The woman whispered,"Son, after I leave, you must listen to your sister Cui'er and your master."

"In this life, I only want you to owe your sister Cui'er and your master a favor."

"Although there is only corn rice, but two meals a day, eat enough"

"Remember to take a bath every three days and wash yourself clean."

"Keep the habit of soaking your feet every day, because it will warm your body and make you feel comfortable."

"Son, I will give your cotton-padded jacket and trousers for 10 to 20 years old, as well as new shoes, to you, Sister Cui'er."

"Son, no matter how late you are, don't forget to eat hot meals and drink plenty of water."

"Son, I like peach blossoms"

"Every year when the grass grows and the birds fly, don't forget to pick a branch of peach blossom and place it on your mother's grave."

Looking at the little one wearing a tiger-head hat, stretching out his little hand and catching snowflakes, the woman's bright eyes gradually dimmed.

"How could there be such a kind and lovely child in this world? And how could he be my son, Nan Jinping?"

"Son, I will turn into a star that is neither too bright nor too dim, and watch over you forever in the sky."

"Son, I'm leaving.~"


Suddenly, a spring breeze came overnight, and thousands of pear trees blossomed. Heavy snow fell.

The sky and the earth were covered with white.

Guo Ziru, wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, smoking a pipe, stepped on the snow and walked towards the tavern.


A burst of hurried footsteps floated from behind.

Before Guo Ziru could take a closer look, a small figure had already passed by him.

Rushing quickly into the depths of the wind and snow

"Hey, Chen kid, where are you going in this heavy snow?!"


On the way to the sacred forest, the little one first took off his shoes and socks.

His bare feet stepped on the thick salt layer.

Then he put on the outermost linen clothes.

Finally, the cotton jacket and cotton pants.

The little one even took off the innermost shorts.

Soon, outside the town, in the northwest border.

The little one ran to the sacred forest.

He knelt naked and gave his body and soul to the gods without reservation.

This is what Uncle Guo Ziru taught the little one.

In the wind and snow.

The little one knelt on the snow with a plop.

"Gods above, may mother be healthy, happy, and safe in the next life.���, buried deep in the snow.

In an instant, the snow melted into boiling water.


The first snow of the year.

The woman left.

The little boy grew up to be a teenager.

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