The flowing water and falling flowers are gone, and the world is like heaven.

Two and a half years have passed before I knew it.

Among the thousands of peaks, the boy in a short shirt climbed up the cliffs and crossed the streams, like a nimble monkey.

When the sun rose, the boy came to the cave under Mount Buzhou.

Although he ran all the way from the town, his breathing was steady and long.

""Master, wake up, the sun is shining on your butt!" the young man shouted into the drowsy cave.

The sound of friction drifted out from the depths of the cave, and soon, a huge and ferocious python head came into view.

The inverted snake pupils, as red as golden candles, looked down at the young man in front of him.

Zhu Jiuyin suddenly opened his bloody mouth and yawned loudly.

"Your eyes are becoming more and more like your mother's."

The little boy has grown up and can now be called a teenager.

Although he is still thin and skinny, he is full of vigor and vitality for his age.

With thick black hair and bright eyes, he looks like a little cheetah.

"It's normal for a son to look like his mother, Master."

Ah Fei smiled brightly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth,"Master, it's been two and a half years, and my disciple's foundation is very solid. Would you consider teaching me swordsmanship?"

"Two and a half years? So fast!"

The red python's head fell to the ground, basking in the sun comfortably.

Inside the cave, the python's tail flicked lightly in the shadow.

With a whoosh.

A heavy iron sword like a door panel flew out of the cave with a clang, and stabbed in front of Ah Fei.

The sword was edgeless and pitch black, as if it had been soaked in an ink jar for hundreds of years, and the sword body glowed with a faint red light.

Zhu Jiuyin said calmly:"The black iron heavy sword weighs more than 130 kilograms. My dear disciple, if you want to learn swordsmanship, hold this sword horizontally for two hours first."


Ah Fei's throat moved and he swallowed hard. He took two steps forward and grasped the hilt of the heavy sword with both hands. He sank his qi into his dantian, roared, and exerted force with both arms.

The black iron heavy sword was pulled out, but the boy, who had used too much force, stumbled back a few steps and fell to the ground. He was grinning from being hit by the gravel.

"Master, it doesn't seem that heavy."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Master, please don't underestimate your disciple. I didn't run in vain in the past two years."

A Fei held the hilt of the sword with his right hand and raised the heavy sword suddenly.

His whole right arm and the black iron heavy sword were connected in a straight line.

Ten seconds later, the boy gritted his teeth.

One minute later, the boy was sweating.

Two minutes later, his right arm couldn't stop shaking.

Five minutes later, his whole face was redder than a monkey's butt.

Seven minutes later, with a bang, the black iron heavy sword fell to the ground and smashed several stones directly.

At this moment, the boy was in a mess, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Wet hair stuck to his forehead and temples, and his short shirt was soaked.

He was panting like a cow.

"Master…it hurts…it hurts so much!"

"" My arm muscles feel like they're on fire!"

Ah Fei pinched his right arm, and with a hiss, he took a breath of cold air.

It really hurts.

The red python slightly hooked his lips,"Does your face hurt?"

Ah Fei said shyly,"It hurts a lot."

"The ice is three feet thick, it is not formed in one day"

"Don't rush, take your time"

""Let's get used to the weight of the black iron heavy sword first."

Ah Fei nodded.

After resting for a while, he held the heavy sword with both hands and swung it slowly.


"Master, what’s wrong?"

"It has been many years since I last visited the human world. What is the world like outside now?"

"Master, I once heard Mr. Qi say that the continent we are on is called Xiangang.

Ah Fei waved his sword and said,"The Xiangang continent is home to ten countries and a hundred schools of thought."

"Although there are ten countries, there are actually dozens or even hundreds of them. However, most of them are small countries with only a few states."

"Northern Qi, Northern Jin, Great Zhou, Great Qin, Great Li, Baiyue, Dirong"

"Daxia, Dashang, Wuqian. These ten countries are the most powerful countries in the Xiangang Continent today."

"The nations fought against each other frequently. The collision of giants gave birth to hundreds of schools of thought and nurtured hundreds of nations and thousands of talents."

"Master, as for Mount Buzhou, it is located in the southwest of Baopingzhou, one of the thirteen states of Wei."

"This year is the 29th year of Emperor Wenjing of Wei"

"Uncle Guo said that Emperor Wenjing is already very ill and won't live for long.

Zhu Jiuyin said:"This is the imperial court, what about the martial arts world?"

"How are the martial arts realms on this continent divided? Do Qigong practitioners have the power to burn the sky and boil the sea?"

A Fei was stunned and said,"Master, what is a Qigong practitioner?!"

"Qigong practitioners are cultivators and monks."

"What is a cultivator? What is a monk?"




The sun is setting.

The boy who had been swinging the heavy black iron sword for a day returns to the town.

"Ah Fei, come here quickly and have a bowl of tofu."

In front of a stall, Liu Cui'er, who was wearing green clothes, waved to the boy.

""I'm here."

The boy happily ran to the tofu stand and sat down.

He crushed the white and tender tofu with chopsticks, sprinkled some fine salt, drizzled with sesame oil, and garnished with chopped green onions and coriander.

Liu Cuier handed the boy a big bowl of mixed tofu.

The boy immediately gobbled it up.

"Ah Fei, are you short of money? Why do I always see you running deep into the mountains with a medicine basket on your back?"

"Don't say you're going to see Mr. Nanzhu"

"In the past two years, you have been collecting herbs, helping Uncle Guo deliver letters, and fishing in Taiping River."

"Ah Fei, if you need money, tell me."

Liu Cui'er said with worry in her eyes.

"Sister Cui Er, the reason why I travel around the world all day long is to save money so that Uncle Han from Windy Lane can help me forge a sword."

"Forging a sword?!"

Liu Cui'er was surprised and asked,"What do you want a sword for?"

The boy put down his chopsticks, took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

He smiled and said,"Sister Cui'er, I have decided that when I grow up, I will leave this small town and venture into the world."

"A world full of swords, brightly dressed horses and furious horses"


On the way home, Ah Fei saw Grandpa Liu selling candied haws.

The bright red fruits covered with syrup, sparkling and smooth, made people drool just by looking at them.

Ah Fei didn't buy any.

Not because he didn't have money.

But because he didn't want to eat them again.

Even though he had never eaten them before.

Back to the yellow earth courtyard in Wuyi Lane,

Ah Fei first lit a fire and boiled a pot of hot water.

Then he washed himself off.

He came to the main house, lit three incense sticks and inserted them into the incense burner.

He bowed to his mother's spirit tablet.

"Mother, it’s the 897th day since you left your son"

"Today, my master formally taught me to practice swordplay. That heavy black iron sword is really heavy. My son's arms are still shaking."

"Today, I ate a full bowl of mixed tofu, but I still didn’t pay. Otherwise, Sister Cui’er would ask the monk to chant sutras again, and the Bodhisattva would shed tears."

"Mom, Sister Cui Er has been really happy in the past six months, happier than ever before, because Brother Li Shan went out to work."

"Sister Cui Er no longer needs to be beaten"

"Mother, when my child has completed his studies and Brother Lishan returns, I will kill him immediately."

The setting sun shines into the house.

The young man talks to himself facing the spirit tablet.


The next day.

Early morning


A scream like a ghost howling suddenly sounded in the east wing of the courtyard.

Inside the house, on the wooden bed.

Feeling the needle-like pain coming from every inch of flesh and blood in his arms, Ah Fei's face turned pale as paper.

"Why does it hurt so much?"

It's like being sawed by a saw.


With a sound of taking a breath, Ah Fei put on his clothes with difficulty and went out


Half an hour later.

The sun rose.

Ah Fei came to the only blacksmith shop in the town, located in Jifeng Lane.

In the shop with ventilation on all sides, black charcoal was sizzling in the furnace, and wisps of choking charcoal smoke were rising.

Several strong men with bare chests were swinging hammers and hitting the red iron bars again and again.

Sparks were flying. The dark room was always bright.

Beads of hot sweat wrapped in charcoal ash passed through the men's bodies that looked like cast copper and iron.

Ah Fei's eyes were like bells, and he was envious.

"Hey, kid from Wuyi Lane, how come you have the leisure to come and watch me forge iron today?

A short, stocky man with a shiny bald head walked out of the shop.

He pulled off the towel around his neck and wiped the sweat off his face.

"Uncle Han……"

"How dare you! Who is your uncle?"

The bald man's eyes widened with anger, like a raging tiger.

"Uh, Brother Han, I would like to ask you to forge a sword for me."

"Hey, do you have any drawings?"


Ah Fei took out a square piece of folded rice paper from his sleeve, unwrapped it and handed it over.

The bald man took the rice paper and looked down.

"The painting is shit!"

"This is a sword? It's not even one percent as thick as the thing between my legs.

The bald man threw the rice paper to the boy.

"Tell me, little girl, when are you going to get the sword?"

"Let me make it clear first, I'm very busy these days and don't have time to forge your embroidery needle."

The boy asked curiously,"Brother Han, what are you busy with?" The bald man stared at the boy with a smile on his face,"I'm forging a peerless���A sword, a dragon-slaying sword~"

"Dragon Slaying Sword?!"

The boy murmured

"You talk too much nonsense. When will you get the sword?"

"Uh, Brother Han, I don't know how much this fee is.……"

The bald man stretched out his big calloused hand,"Five hundred taels of silver!"

The young man also stretched out his small hand and gritted his teeth,"Five taels!"


The bald man laughed wildly and contemptuously, causing dust to fall from the surroundings of the blacksmith shop.


The laughter stopped abruptly.

The bald man glared at the terrified boy fiercely.

He said word by word:

"make a deal!"

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