"Master, I have heard"

"Xiangang martial arts, divided into external training and internal training"

"As for the realm of warriors, there are nine levels in total. They are further divided into the upper three levels, the middle three levels, and the lower three levels."

"Nine, eight, and seven are the lower three grades, which are the skin and membrane realm. Six, five, and four are the middle three grades, which are the tendons and bones realm. Three, two, and one are the upper three grades, which are the internal organs realm."

"The membrane realm and the tendon and bone realm are external training, which does not require strict qualifications and is very easy to achieve."

"Ordinary people can become ninth-grade warriors after three to five years of physical training."

"The internal organs are cultivated internally, which requires extremely high talent and understanding, and requires a master to teach."

"In terms of the internal organs, a top-notch internal training method is the most important thing."

"In a nutshell, practice external muscles, bones and skin, and internal breath"

"The time required for external training is very important. Even if a pig is trained for two or three hundred years, it can become a fourth-grade warrior."

"Internal training depends on aptitude, natural talent, comprehension, and opportunity, none of which can be missing. Most fourth-grade warriors, after decades of internal training, still find it difficult to reach the third-grade threshold."

Ah Fei sat cross-legged in front of the cave, talking freely.

Zhu Jiuyin, who was lying on the ground, raised his eyelids slightly,"Did Mr. Qi tell you all this?"

Ah Fei shook his head,"It was Uncle Han Ying from the blacksmith shop in Jifeng Lane."

"Haha, this tiny town is home to many hidden talents."

""What about the Qi Refiner?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked

"Uncle Han scolded me for reading too many books about gods and demons.

Ah Fei replied.

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his red vertical pupils slightly.

Could it be that... there are no Qi cultivators in this world?!

"By the way, Master, Uncle Han also said that after a martial artist has tempered his body, he needs to soak in medicinal soup as soon as possible to repair and nourish the lost qi and blood, otherwise the whole person will be easily disabled or useless."

A Fei gently shook his two drooping arms,"Master, it hurts, it hurts so much, I can't even lift it up"

"If I don't rest for ten days or half a month, I won't even be able to go to the toilet."

Zhu Jiuyin rolled his eyes and asked,"Is the medicine expensive?"

Ah Fei smiled bitterly and said,"I went to the Yang family's pharmacy to ask. The cheapest medicine used by martial artists outside costs one hundred taels of snowflake silver."

"It's really not cheap."

Zhu Jiuyin smacked his lips and said,"Poor in literature but rich in martial arts, the ancients really didn't lie to me."

"Master, I can't even afford the leftovers of the medicine soup with all my belongings, so... forget it."

Zhu Jiuyin rolled his eyes at the young man,"After all, it's just to nourish the blood, come with me."

The sturdy python body swam towards the depths of the cave.

The young man followed closely.

After an incense stick of time,

Ah Fei looked at the pile of red spiritual fruits in front of him, and his eyeballs almost fell to the ground in shock.

"What a shitty medicinal soup! Can it compare to the red fragrant fruit of the master?"

Zhu Jiuyin said calmly:"Eat it as you like, eat it with big mouthfuls, eat it as much as you want, eat it to death~" Ah Fei

, who was thirsty, grabbed a fruit.

Snap, snap, the juice splashed.

The juice mixed with the pulp slid into his stomach.

Ah Fei immediately felt warm and light all over, and his arms were slightly itchy.

A red fragrant fruit entered his stomach.

Ah Fei tried to swing his arms.

The pricking and soreness disappeared without a trace

"Does it still hurt?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

A Fei shook his head.

"If it doesn’t hurt, get out and raise your sword!"


Day and night.

Blazing sun and bright moon.

In front of the cave, on the south side of Buzhou Mountain, under two peach trees on the cliff, a young boy holding a heavy black iron sword appeared. He was waving it or holding it horizontally.

Sometimes he was so tired that he was panting like a cow, lying on his back on the lush and soft grass.

Sometimes he was so excited that he cheered and jumped for joy.

"Master, I lasted 197 more heartbeats than yesterday!"

Whenever this happened, the red python lying in the sun at the entrance of the cave would lazily say,"It's only one or two minutes, what's there to be happy about? For a mating female snake, it's not even an appetizer."

""My disciple, you must not be a milkman."

The young man asked in confusion,"Master, what is a milkman?"

The red python said with a confused look,"Not knowing is a blessing~"

Time passed day by day.

Summer turned to autumn.

One day, the young man was holding the sword.

He had persisted for half an hour. He looked calm and relaxed.

As for the red python, there was a pile of plump peaches in front of him. He lowered his head from time to time and ate a few.

In his mind, the cold mechanical voice of the system suddenly sounded.

【Ding, it is detected that the host's apprentice Chen Mengfei has successfully advanced to the ninth-grade martial artist】

【Master-Disciple Return System: In effect

Apprentice's name: Chen Mengfei

Talent: Born a Sword Embryo

Age: 12 years old

Cultivation : Ninth Rank (0.3/100)

After several years of cultivation, the seeds have finally sprouted.

Zhu Jiuyin felt like she was in tears.

Unfortunately, only when Ah Fei died would the system return the boy's cultivation.


""Master, there are no more peaches on the tree~"

The red python flicked its tail gently.

With a sound of breaking through the air, an object shot out from the cave.

With a clang, it pierced in front of the young man.

A rusty iron sword

"Master, what are you doing?"

The young man asked in astonishment. Zhu Jiuyin's divine aura was blazing. He took a few steps forward and drew out his iron sword.

"My disciple, open your eyes and watch carefully, this sword technique is famous for its elegance!"


《The"Falling Ying Sword Technique" is tailor-made for Ah Fei, who was born with a sword.

Not only can it be trained externally, but there is also a whole chapter of internal training.

It is enough to make the young man a first-class warrior.

Autumn passed and winter came.

Zhu Jiuyin took away the iron sword and gave Ah Fei a soft sword like a silk ribbon.

First run in the mountains to train a strong body. Then use the heavy sword to temper the strength. Then use the hard sword to master the Falling Ying Sword Technique.

Then use the soft sword to polish the details and control the power to achieve the state of free control. Finally, change back to the hard sword, and then you will soar into the sky. In the

29th year of Wenjing, winter.

The cold current was raging.

The world was bleak.

With a swish, the soft sword passed across the cheek, and the young man immediately bled profusely.

"Master, it’s too difficult, not easy at all!"

The boy was afraid that the soft sword would cut his cotton jacket and trousers, so he took off all his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts.

At this moment, the boy held the soft sword like a belt in his hand, wanting to cry but unable to, with cuts all over his body.

The red python lying at the entrance of the cave waiting for hibernation opened its bloody mouth and yawned.

"Disciple, is the water soft?"


"Have you ever experienced a flood?"


"have you heard of it?"


The young man nodded and said,"My mother told me that in the 17th year of Emperor Wenjing's reign, it rained for more than two months in Qixia Prefecture, Baoping Prefecture, causing a flood."

"The flood broke through the 100-mile strong embankment, engulfing the entire Qixia Prefecture, and causing hundreds of thousands of disaster victims."

Zhu Jiuyin asked:"Since water is a soft substance, how can it break through the strong embankment?"

The young man seemed to be thinking.


In the 30th year of Emperor Wenjing's reign, summer

【Ding, it is detected that the host's apprentice Chen Mengfei has successfully advanced to the eighth-grade warrior. 】

This year, the boy is thirteen years old and can be considered proficient in the soft sword.

The thirty-first year of Wenjing, autumn.

This year, the boy successfully advanced to the seventh-grade warrior.

The soft sword was also replaced with a hard sword.

The thirty-second year of Wenjing, summer.

This year, the boy is fifteen years old.

The realm has reached the peak of the seventh grade, and is only one step away from the sixth grade of the middle third grade.


Early in the morning.

The town was looming in the mist.

Deep in Wuyi Lane.

With a creaking sound, the door of the east wing was pushed open.

A young man in shorts, a short shirt, straw sandals, and a wooden sword hanging from his waist came into the yard.

He closed his eyes gently and breathed in the fresh air greedily.

The young man now has a tall figure and his long black hair is tied up casually. He is no longer the skinny little boy. He took off the purse from his waist. The young man weighed it twice.

The copper coins collided, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

""I finally saved up five taels of silver, so I can ask Uncle Han to open a furnace and forge a sword for me~"

With a bright smile, the boy walked out of the courtyard.

After an incense stick of time, in Jifeng Lane, looking at the locked blacksmith shop, the boy frowned slightly,"Uncle Han, won't you open the door today?"

The sun was rising.

The boy walked out of the town.

Just as he was about to go to Buzhou Mountain, he suddenly saw a carriage coming on the ancient road in the distance.

The luxurious carriage pulled by three white horses drove across the small town's covered bridge and slowly drove towards the fenced courtyard by the Taiping River.

On the left and right of the carriage, there were two white horses carrying two women.

The distance was too far, so he could only see the tall and slender figure, but not the clear appearance.

"Are you here to see Mr. Qi?!"

Muttering to himself, Ah Fei withdrew his gaze and plunged into the forest.

"I wonder if the master will agree?"

The young man who was running fast in the forest was in a state of confusion.

Because that man was back.

The prodigal son named Zhonglishan.

Poor Cui'er, she hasn't gotten out of bed for three days.

"If Master agrees, my brother Li Shan, who possesses all five poisons, will cut you into pieces!"

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