The bright moon, the numerous stars, the Milky Way.

The candlelights of the hundreds of households seemed like countless eyes that never blinked in the night, staring at the two people walking slowly on the long bluestone street.

At about the end of the first watch, Han Ying led the girl to the Dragon Locking Well in the town.

""Go down."

Han Ying said calmly.

The girl looked down at the ground,"Where to go?"

Han Ying pointed to the Dragon Locking Well,"Go down to the well."

The girl was surprised,"There are knife-making materials in the well?"

Han Ying nodded.

The girl asked curiously,"What exactly is it?"

"You will know when you go down"

"In addition,"

Han Ying warned,"three pieces are enough, and you are not allowed to be greedy and take more."


The girl came to the well and leaned over to look.

She saw that the water in the well was not rippled at all, reflecting the stars, as dark as the abyss, as if it led directly to the underworld. The girl's scalp tingled, and her throat moved as she swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


She breathed repeatedly, suppressing the fear of the unknown in her heart.

The girl first untied the red blood hanging from her waist and inserted the long sword into the ground.���The girl turned her head and met Han Ying's eyes, which were as big as copper bells.

"Uh, Brother Han~"

"What? Are you afraid that I will steal your clothes?"

The girl shook her head and said,"Brother Han, you have a nosebleed."

Han Ying raised his hand to wipe it off, his face not red and his heart not beating, and said,"Girl, you also know that I am a blacksmith, which is physical labor."

"In order to replenish physical strength, he had seven or eight meals a day, each of which was rich in fish and meat."

"Excessive nutrition will cause the Qi and blood to leak out, just like the sun will set at noon and the moon will wane at fullness."

"Makes sense, right?"


The girl sighed and put down her hands that were stroking her belt.


Han Ying let out an inaudible sigh, thinking, 'Even a gentleman like me is on guard. The world is really going downhill and people's hearts are no longer the same as before.'

Seeing the girl riding astride the Dragon Well,

Han Ying suddenly asked,"Girl, there are dense ancient vines in the Zhoushan Cave, with red fruits on them that emit blood. Have you seen them?"

The girl nodded.

Han Ying asked again,"Has your master given you any to eat?"

The girl replied,"Yes, I have taken one a day for nearly ten years. I'm about to vomit."

Han Ying:"That's good, let's go down"

"Brother Han, see you later."

With a splash, water splashed out of the well, and the girl disappeared in an instant.

Han Ying came to the well, squatted down, and picked up a long black hair from the ground.

The girl's black hair.

Han Ying stared at the hair and suddenly said faintly:"What about immortality? What about holding the sun and the moon in my hands and picking the stars? I am just a poor ghost who has been begging for hair but can't get it."


It was so dark.

Even with my eyes open I couldn't see anything. My eyes felt dry.

It was so cold.

The cold well water quickly took away my body heat, so that I couldn't swing my arms or legs anymore.


The girl went down, and the bubbles went up.

The deeper she swam, the heavier the pressure became.

The girl felt a tightness in her chest, as if a mountain was pressing down on her.

‘Is that... light?!

The girl's heart was shocked, and she saw a faint cold light in the depths.

Gritting her teeth, the girl made a concerted effort.

The vastness of the moment made the girl slightly stunned.

It was like a fish that suddenly swam out of a narrow underground pipe into the vast ocean.

‘Under the Dragon Locking Well, there is actually an underground sea?! '

The underground sea is like the universe.

There is no sun, moon, or stars.

There is only boundless, despairing, and oppressive darkness.

The surroundings are too quiet, dead silent without a single sound.

The girl is like a speck of dust floating in the depths of the universe.

‘That is……’

The girl saw the source of the cold light.

It was actually an open scroll, floating quietly in the underground sea, emitting weak rays of light.

The girl waved her arms and legs, and swam to the scroll against the indescribable water pressure.

The scroll was huge.

It was about two feet long and more than seven feet wide. There were four large characters on it, as agile as a startled dragon.

They were"Mountains, Rivers, and States."’

‘"The map of mountains, rivers, and the state."

Somehow, the girl subconsciously murmured these five words in her heart.

Unable to restrain herself, the girl stretched out a white jade finger and slowly poked the scroll.

The moment the nail touched the scroll, the girl's face changed drastically.

An incomparable and terrifying suction force instantly pulled the girl into the scroll.


I don't know how much time has passed.

Cang Xue slowly woke up

"Where is this?"

The girl got up and looked around blankly.

The sky and the earth were all white. The girl took two steps forward and suddenly felt empty under her feet.

She stepped back in panic and said with a trembling heart:"I am on a cliff?!"

A cool breeze hit her face.

The two pupils in the girl's eyes suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

The mountain wind pushed away the clouds and mist, revealing a huge dragon head like a star.

The ferocious dragon head closed its eyes, and its two dragon whiskers seemed like two winding black rivers falling from the sky.

Each black and red dragon scale was like a sea.

The dragon heads filled the sky, swimming from one star-like cloud to another.

The dragon body, which was who knows how many miles long, made the girl stop and look for a long time, but she could not see the dragon's tail. It was not until a floating cloud covered the dragon body that the girl withdrew her sight.

"A black dragon that has been dead for who knows how many long years!"

The girl could smell a faint odor of decay in the air.

"It seems that... the Master has increased tens of thousands of times?!"

The girl was puzzled.

"This world should be a self-contained paradise of mountains, rivers, and states.~"


Suddenly, there was a loud noise that shook the earth, causing the cave world to tremble slightly.

It was as if two pieces of heaven collided with each other.

The terrifying energy that collided with each other generated a wild hunting wind that swept across the world.

Groups of clouds collapsed, revealing the truth of the cave world.

The girl stood there blankly, her mouth slightly open.

In the vast sky, there were floating huge dragon corpses one after another.

Some corpses were intact, while others were left with only a dense dragon skeleton.

Others were rotting.

A drop of dragon blood falling on the wild land would instantly form a lake.

If the dragon blood continued to flow, it would create a sea.

Some dragon corpses only had dragon bodies but no dragon heads.

The dragon blood was dark yellow, and the broken heads were extremely smooth, as if they were cut off by a sword.


The girl saw with her own eyes a skull dragon falling from the sky.

The ground it hit made a roar.

In an instant, a series of rolling mountains were formed.

"Is this really... Master?!"

"Master of all my lives!"

After a long while, the girl calmed down and suppressed her shock.

She lightly tapped her toes and her slender figure swooped down from the bottom of the cliff like a bird.


About half an hour later, the snow finally fell to the ground.

It was hard to imagine how majestic the mountains here were.

If they were placed in the human world outside, they would easily reach the outer space.

With a wave of his sleeves, the clouds and mist were dispersed.


The girl gasped at the sight.


Ps: Today is the only chapter. In the next chapter, I will leave the town and go to Dragon City. I need to spend some time to work out the follow-up details and then work on the outlines of several chapters.

In addition, I would like to thank the gift king 'Please call me Zhang Dapao'. I bow to him and ask Brother Pao to fire a cannon some other day.

Thank you to all the Taoist friends for the paid gifts.

The Dragon City plot will not disappoint you.

I even think that the next Taiping chapter is more exciting than the Asuka chapter and the Cangxue chapter.

Finally, here are a few names.

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