A corner of the cave world was exposed in the vast white fog.

Cang Xue saw huge pieces of red and black dragon scales inserted diagonally into the ground, like sections of ancient city walls.

Under the city wall, the ground was covered with broken blades.

There were swords covered with fine cracks, and there were halberds broken into several pieces. There was dried blood on the blades.

Cang Xue took a step and walked towards the nearest dragon scale.

As the distance got closer, the girl could clearly and deeply feel the terrible energy gushing out from the dragon scale.

It was like a volcano gradually awakening, about to spew out rolling magma that would destroy the world. It was also like a sleeping supreme taboo. Just looking at it from a distance was suffocating, as if the sky was above.

The energy became stronger and stronger, pressing Cang Xue's bones and making the blood in his body seem like boiling water.

The birthmark on half of his forehead slowly bloomed with rosy clouds, offsetting the pressure of the dragon scale.

Cang Xue was able to get closer.

The girl's eyes first fell on a sword.

The ancient sword seemed to be made of dozens of pieces of snow, full of an indescribable beauty of fragmentation.

Two ancient characters were engraved at the junction of the hilt and the blade.

The girl didn't recognize them, but she blurted out:"Yuan Shi."

Somehow, ripples suddenly appeared in her heart.

The girl suddenly felt that she should know the owner of this sword.

An inexplicable force drove the girl subconsciously to stretch out her palm and want to hold the ancient sword.


Suddenly, a sword rang out, and the sky was filled with murderous intent.

With a loud bang, endless blazing light bloomed wantonly.

A blazing sun rose in the cave world.


When the surging and terrifying annihilation energy dissipated,

Cang Xue slowly opened her eyes.

The black and red dragon scales were close at hand, and there was no end to the left or right, rising up into the depths of the clouds.

The girl turned around and was slightly stunned.

A deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground, like an eye socket.

"This is... generated by the explosion of the ancient sword called Yuanshi!"

"I should be at the center of the explosion, why did I appear here after opening my eyes?"

The girl was puzzled. Why did the ancient sword suddenly explode?

Did it want to kill me?

Who saved me?

The girl turned around again, stretched out a slender palm, and gently stroked the dragon scales.

The touch was cold and extremely smooth.

The girl couldn't help but move her mind.

The cave world suddenly burst into brilliant red light.

After a long time, the divine aura dissipated.

On the ground, a section of the"ancient city wall" disappeared out of thin air.

The girl lowered her head lightly, looking at the black and red dragon scales with restrained divine aura in her palm, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

"Sister Feng once told me that the red fragrant fruit in Zhoushan Cave is the result of the ancient vine absorbing the blood of the master."

"No wonder Brother Han asked me if I had eaten it before going down the well."

The reason why the dragon scale's energy disappeared was not because it was offset by the immortal blood, but because there was Master's blood in her body. The reason why Yuan Shi exploded was because the owner of this ancient sword was Master's enemy, and because the remnant of the ancient sword sensed Master's breath.

If it weren't for this dragon scale, she would have been annihilated by the energy released by the explosion of the ancient sword.

Looking at the huge creatures slowly cruising in the vast white mist, the girl murmured:"What on earth has Master experienced?~"


Amid the sound of rushing water, the girl, all wet, climbed out of the Dragon Locking Well.

She wiped her face, tucked her wet hair behind her ears, and looked into the distance at the pale sky, surprised,"A whole night has passed~"

Pulling up the red blood, the girl looked around.

Not far away, under the wall, the owner of the blacksmith shop was sleeping soundly with his head resting on two blue bricks stacked together.

The girl walked closer, squatted down, and called softly,"Brother Han, wake up!""


"Short Bald Head~"

"Who called me?!"

Han Ying sat up and turned to look at the girl.

"I dreamed that you were drowned. I was so scared that I kept pressing your chest and gave you artificial respiration for several hours.

The man stretched and yawned, and asked,"Did you get it?"

The girl nodded, stretched out a fist, and spread her palm.

Three black and red dragon scales lay on her palm.

"Two knives and two scales are enough.

"What about this piece?" the girl asked

"Give you master"


Han Ying stood up, put his hands behind his back, and said solemnly:"Xue girl, do you want to hear the story of your master? Big brother will tell you until dawn."

Girl:"Big brother Han, it's a bit cold."

Han Ying:"As a warrior, we must have the courage to face the tragic wind and bloody rain. If we can't stand a little bit of cold, how can we become great in the future?"

Girl:"Big brother Han, you have a nosebleed again."

Han Ying:"Staying up late is harmful to the body, the ancients are not deceiving me."

"The deposit of 200 taels will be delivered today. See you later."

After saying this, the man disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


The sun rises in the east.

Zhoushan Cliff Terrace.

The Pig King is nowhere to be seen on the cliff, with his back to the world. Under two lush peach trees, only Xue Niang is sitting cross-legged to practice.

Footsteps are coming closer.

Cang Xue arrives in front of the cave.

Lowering his voice, he calls out,"Master, are you still alive?"

"Master, if you die, please listen to your disciple."

After a while,

Zhu Jiuyin, who was angry when he woke up, walked out of the depths of the cave with a donkey face.

"What's the matter?"

Zhu Jiuyin sat cross-legged, untied the yellow gourd from his waist, and took two gulps of clear wine.

"Master, look at what this is!"

The girl put her palm in front of Zhu Jiuyin.

Looking at the black and red scales, Zhu Jiuyin's face changed.

"This is... dragon scale!"

"Who gave it to you?"

The girl replied,"Master, there is an underground sea under the Dragon Locking Well in the town."

"There is a scroll floating in the sea, with the mountains, rivers and the country written on it"

"The scroll is a cave world in itself, with clouds and mist, and many dragon corpses floating in the sky."


The girl chattered a lot.

Her words made Zhu Jiuyin frown.

The mountains and rivers, the state map, the Queen of Wa, Zhang Bairen, morality, Yuanshi, Lingbao, etc., one after another, familiar and unfamiliar words popped up in the depths of his mind.



The girl waved her hands in front of her eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin came back to his senses and said,"Speak"

"Where is Uncle Pig King? Was he killed by you, Master?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head:"Your Uncle Pig King has gone into seclusion to attack the Yin Fairyland."


The girl sighed,"I thought I could eat snake soup.~"

"Master, where is Sister Feng? I haven't paid the deposit to Brother Han yet."

"Go find it yourself in the Netherworld Abyss."

The girl stood up.

She took two steps and suddenly turned back.

""Master, is my disciple pretty?"

Zhu Jiuyin raised his eyes and looked at the girl in white with two ponytails.

She was tall and slender, with fair skin and beautiful bones.

Her peach blossom eyes were full of spring water, like two peach petals.

There were two rosy bags under her eyes.

Her chest was full and upturned, like two newly formed sand dunes.

Zhu Jiuyin:"It's pretty."

"It’s almost one-third of your sister Xue’s."


"Master, how do you like to spend your time?"

Zhu Jiuyin thought for a while and said,"Reading books."

"It's best to be a God and Demon"

"Why are you asking this?"

The girl did not answer, but ran down the Netherworld Abyss with a smile.

Zhu Jiuyin retracted his gaze and looked at the dragon scale that was twisted between his thumb and index finger.

"I took great pains to borrow the girl's hand to give me this dragon scale."

"What exactly is the bald man named Han up to?"


Ps: It’s so damn hot, I’m sweating profusely while typing.

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