At noon, Cang Xue returned to the town.

He did not go home, nor did he go to the Wind Lane, but walked across the covered bridge and came to the fenced courtyard of the school.

Under the shade of the willow trees in the fenced courtyard, Qing Yi slumped on a rattan chair, immersed in"Nine-tailed Turtle"

""Knock, knock, knock."

The girl knocked gently on the door.

"Come in."

The girl came closer and said softly,"Master……"

Qing Yi said coldly:"Dead"

"Master, I am not here for Xuan'er."

Qingyi put down the book, showing an expressionless face,"Your master has sent you to tell me something disgusting again?"

The girl shook her head slightly, very confused.

The master once said that the only person he could call a friend was the teacher in the school.

But after living in the town for nearly ten years, the girl has never seen the two of them having a long conversation or drinking happily. They have never even been in the same frame.

Maybe they have, but she just doesn't know it.

"Master, I want to borrow some collections of novels about gods, demons and otherworldly things."

"You see?"

The girl said truthfully,"Master sees." The man in green raised his eyebrows and said,"So that your master has something to do, so that he won't be alone, like a poor lonely ghost?"

The girl was speechless for a moment.

"Go back, that white-haired mouse comes here more often than you do."

"All the books I collected have been torn apart by your master."

"And," the man in green said indifferently,"your master is far more powerful than you think, both in terms of cultivation and in his heart."

The girl stood there for a long time before she whispered,"I'm sorry to bother you. I'll take my leave."

"Instead of raising you, Nanzhu might as well raise a few more white-haired mice."

The girl, who was walking to the gate of the courtyard, suddenly froze.

After a few breaths, she walked away.


The sun is high in the sky.

The blacksmith shop in the small town's Jifeng Lane

"Girl, our boss is not here."

Cang Xue asked curiously,"Where are you going?"

The blacksmith pointed to the west and said,"Do you see that mountain?"

The girl nodded and said,"Yes, we can go over the mountain."

"Why did Brother Han go to Yueshan?"

The blacksmith shook his head:"I don't know, maybe to pay tribute to the three strands of his hair that died when he was born."

The girl:"……"


About an hour later,

Cang Xue climbed to the top of Yue Mountain.

The mountaintop, which was lush and green yesterday, was now completely bare.

A thatched house was built on the cliff, and in front of the house sat an extinguished sword furnace.

"Why are you here?"

Han Ying, with nothing on his upper body, walked out of the thatched hut.

The girl took out a jade pendant from her sleeve and handed it to the man,"Brother Han, this is a deposit."

Han Ying took the jade pendant and frowned,"Isn't this the piece of Hetian jade that Mr. Tang in Wolong Lane wears with him~"

The girl said:"Brother Han, I don't know what nonsense you are talking about."

Han Ying put away the jade pendant and said unhappily:"It's so troublesome. I have to go to Qixia Mansion to sell the stolen goods."

The girl changed the subject and said:"Brother Han, when will my knife be cast?"

Han Ying replied:"I don't know, maybe two or three months, maybe two or three years, maybe twenty or thirty years."

The girl was surprised:"So long?!"

""Xue girl, do you know what those two scales are?"

Girl:"Dragon scales."

Han Ying:"Since you know they are dragon scales, how can ordinary fire melt them?"

"If the dragon scales don't melt into liquid, how can I mold the knife blank?"

"Do you want to kill people with two magic weapons, or do you want to kill people with two scales?"

The girl said honestly:"Magic weapons!"

"But Brother Han, you don't need to come here, right? Is it because the shop is too small to accommodate your short hands and feet~"

Han Ying said faintly:"When I hammer the knife blank, you will know why~"


In the blink of an eye, night had fallen.

Amid the clanging sounds, the owner of the blacksmith shop in Jifeng Lane walked past the town's archway, carrying an axe in one hand and dozens of swords gleaming coldly on his shoulders.

The moonlight shone on the man's hairless bald head, reflecting a large area of cold light like frost and snow.

A quarter of an hour later, the man walked across the covered bridge and glanced at the fenced courtyard with candlelight in the distance.

""Qi, little brat, if you dare to dig in the Shenmu Forest again, don't blame me for burying you with them."

The short man went deep into the Shenmu Forest.

Even the moonlight could not penetrate the dense leaves.

The towering trees stood tall, like silent ancient giants.

In the pitch-black forest where you couldn't see your hand in front of you, there was only the sound of the man's feet stepping on rotten leaves.

The sound of the leaves breaking sounded particularly creepy.


A light laugh suddenly sounded in the quiet forest.

It was so creepy.

The footsteps stopped abruptly.

Han Ying looked down with a cold and rough face.

He saw a woman's pale face embedded in the damp soil that smelled of decay.

The pair of dead gray eyes were empty and numb, with a chilling evil nature.

With a muffled sound,

Han Ying's hand loosened.

Dozens of swords fell to the ground.

The man picked up one casually.

He aimed at the woman's slightly cracked mouth and stabbed it hard.


With a shrill scream, the woman's face and the sword disappeared into the ground.


The man put his right index finger and middle finger side by side and pointed to the sky.

With the sound of swishing through the air, dozens of long swords soared straight up.


The man uttered a word again and chopped down with his sword.

Dozens of swords hanging in the air with their tips pointing downwards fell like galaxies and pierced into the depths of the forest.

In a trance, screams lingered in the forest.

The man looked calm and came to a sacred tree.

The sacred tree was called"the slicing ghost" by the residents of the town and was extremely unpopular.

He stared coldly at the hideous and painful face of the old man on the trunk of the slicing ghost tree.

Han Ying said to himself:"In this world, only the sacred tree can be used as firewood and the essence of the scorching sun can be used as fire to melt the two dragon scales."

"Liu Gongji, you are always calculating and stingy."

"I begged for your help, and even got an imperial decree, but you were reluctant to give me even a string of candied haws for free."

"I won't cut too many, just trim all the branches and twigs."

""Like a bald man~"

The man put the axe on his waist, and his body was as nimble as a monkey. He climbed up the sacred tree in a few steps.

Then he straddled the forked branch, pulled out the axe, raised it high, and chopped it down heavily.


The next day.

On the cliffside of Zhoushan Mountain.

Zhu Jiuyin sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, still twisting the dragon scale in his hand.

"What exactly does Han Ying want to do?"

"The dragon corpses that the girl saw in the cave world of the mountain, river, and state map should be my life after life."

"The three great celestial masters of Xuanmen, the Immortal Emperor Zhang Bairen, and... Nuwa, and even the Ten Thousand Immortals"

"These people have tried to kill me life after life, but they are unable to completely annihilate me, so they suppress me."

"Or was it suppressed long ago, evolving into a taboo from generation to generation, overturning Zhou Shan, then being killed, and then suppressed again?"

"Han Ying's move should be a warning~"

"Warn me to stay in the cave obediently."

Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly.

Because the python's body was only about 130 meters long, it was impossible to open more inherited memories hidden deep in the blood.

The footsteps came from far away.

Zhu Jiuyin put away the dragon scales.

Soon, the girl came to the cliff.

Retracting her gaze from the edge of the cliff, she asked:"Master, Uncle Pig King hasn't come out yet?"

Zhu Jiuyin said speechlessly:"The first-grade inverted sea realm advances to the Yin fairy realm, which is a heavenly man."

"Your uncle the Pig King just went into seclusion the night before yesterday. It's been less than three days. How can he be released so easily?"

The girl smiled and showed her teeth,"In that case, Master, you can be my sparring partner."

Zhu Jiuyin stretched and yawned, and said lazily:"Spring sleepiness, summer fatigue, autumn nap, winter three months of sleeplessness"

"I am tired, so I will go find your sister Xue Niang."

The girl narrowed her eyes,"Master, I think Uncle Pig King is right. You are not even as good as a speck of dirt under his fingernail."

Zhu Jiuyin jumped up with a thud.

""Give me the scabbard!"

The girl smiled slyly.

The long sword was unsheathed.

The sword belonged to the girl.

The scabbard belonged to Zhu Jiuyin.

"Master, please concentrate and do your best. I will not show mercy."

After a few breaths,


The miserable cry startled the swallows and sparrows.

Summer passed and autumn came.

Time passed day by day.

Before we knew it, it was already the spring of the fourteenth year of Fuling.

The ten-year non-war agreement signed by Wei and Su was only half a year away.

The girl knew it was time to leave.

…… ps: Thank you for the gift king from the boss of"Human Game". I am so humbled. I will be your bodyguard. I am so powerful that three of them can beat one.

Thank you for the paid gifts from all the Taoist friends.

Please send more gifts. They are free. I will pay my manuscript fee tomorrow. I am so excited that I can go for massage again.

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