Outside the bamboos, there are three or two peach blossoms. The ducks know first when the spring river water warms up.

In the fourteenth year of Fuling, it was March in the spring. Under the cliff platform of Zhoushan.

Next to the stream. A tall and graceful girl in white clothes, Cang Xue, stood tall.

The girl's peach blossom eyes were slightly closed, and one hand gently stroked the red blood hilt of the sword hanging from her waist.

Blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green water.

A group of sparrows flew across the sky amid the chirping of birds.

Suddenly, a drop of crystal clear water was suspended in the gurgling stream in front of the girl.

The soft green grass around the girl seemed to be cut off by an invisible air blade.

With the crackling sound of breaking, countless suspended crystals fell into the stream, like large and small pearls falling on a jade plate, splashing ripples.

The girl suddenly opened her eyes.

With the sound of clanging, a sword swept out.

A bright sword light was sent far away, rolling up the green grass and blue waves.

The stream rose straight up, and under the bright sunlight, it looked like a glazed wall.


A large piece of water curtain crashed down, and the agitated water vapor soaked the black hair and penetrated the thin clothes.

The long sword was sheathed.

The girl squinted at the rainbow that was so close and looming.

Unknowingly, she had lived in this peaceful place for eleven years.

It was time to leave.


A quarter of an hour later.

On the cliffside of Zhoushan Mountain.

Zhu Jiuyin and the girl sat cross-legged facing each other.

"Master, the ten-year agreement between Wei and Su will end on the fifth day of June, and today is the eighth day of March."

Zhu Jiuyin untied the wine gourd from his waist and asked,"Are you leaving?"

The girl nodded slightly.

"But your two swords are not yet forged."

The girl narrowed her eyes and said,"When they are forged, Master, please personally deliver them to your disciple."

Zhu Jiuyin whispered,"Okay."

Once the Wei and Su countries start a war, the battlefield will be littered with corpses and rivers of blood.

The girl's enemies, that is, the 100,000 soldiers in Longcheng, are destined to suffer heavy casualties.

In a sense, the 100,000 soldiers died on the battlefield, and the girl can be regarded as avenged.

But if you trace the root cause, revenge is easy to avenge, but hatred is hard to clear.

The most cherished person was cruelly dismembered and cooked.

Not to mention outsiders, even as a master, Zhu Jiuyin, it is difficult, or even impossible, to personally feel and understand the pain in the girl's heart.

"Bring the red blood, and your sister Xue Niang"

"Your uncle the Pig King will probably be out of confinement in three or four months. I will ask him to go to Dragon City to find you then."

"Finally, girl,"

Zhu Jiuyin warned,"revenge is secondary, only by avenging your hatred can you relieve your inner demons."

The girl was slightly stunned.

Little Tornado couldn't see it, Pig King and Snow Lady couldn't see it, and Stupid Crane Swift Wind couldn't see it.

Even Zhu Jiuyin couldn't see it.

He could only vaguely sense that there were always two people wandering around the girl.’

"Master's admonition, disciple will remember it in heart"


Half an hour later, the girl walked along the clear stream, straight into the depths of the mountains.

The blood-eyed Cangxue, who was floating beside the girl like a ghost, sneered:"I have never seen such a stupid person."

"Knowing that your cheap master has great skills and cares about you so much, why don't you make use of him?"

"As long as you cry and shed a few pitiful tears, the fool master will definitely cut the 100,000 soldiers of Longcheng into pieces for you."

"No matter whether Nanzhu is a bug or a dragon, he cares about us."

"We can easily use emotions as chains to tie him up like a dog."

"By then, with the Southern Dog in our hands, not to mention the State of Wei, even the entire world will become our plaything."


Golden Eyed Cangxue gently dissuaded,"Xue'er, don't let the devil bewitch your heart."

"A teacher's job is to teach, educate, and answer questions. How can you repay a teacher's kindness with hatred when he treats you with all his heart?"

"Xueer, I know you don't want to leave your master. Once the war between Wei and Su begins, it will last until the sky collapses and the earth breaks apart, the sun and the moon lose their light, and no one can walk out of the battlefield unscathed."

"How can this not be considered revenge if all the murderers who cooked and ate Xiaoyu are killed?"

"Xueer, revenge is not just about killing the murderer yourself."

"Stay, stay in Qingping Town"

"Don't go out, your relatives are all here."

Faced with the chatter of the divine and the devil, Cang Xue turned a deaf ear.

About two quarters of an hour later, the girl stopped.

At the end of the stream was a vast lake with blue waves.

On the lakeside, the Pig King, wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, was holding a fishing rod and sitting cross-legged on a huge blue stone, fishing alone.

The girl walked closer.

One side of the blue stone was extremely smooth, as if it had been cut by a knife.

There were four lines of crooked ghost paintings engraved on it.

It was"No birds fly in the thousands of mountains, no traces of people in the thousands of paths.

Zhou Shan Mo Xuanke, fishing alone in the cold river snow’

""Tsk tsk."

The girl smacked her lips and said to herself,"It's not enough to plagiarize, but he also made random changes; Zhou Shanmo Xuanke... If the master saw this, he would be so disgusted that he would vomit his organs~"

The girl tilted her head and stared at the face of the Pig King.

The bronze mask that was picked up from the grave of the dead had layers of fat pork belly flowing out from its edges.

In eleven years, the girl had never seen what the Pig King looked like.

She asked Sister Feng and Sister Xue, but the rat and the snake couldn't explain it.

She also asked the master.

The girl only remembered that the master frowned that day, pondered for a long time, and finally uttered four words in general,"stunning".

No snake, no rat, and no crane knew how much the girl wanted to see the face under the Pig King's mask.

That must be a face that shocked the world and made ghosts cry.

The girl swallowed her saliva and whispered,"Uncle Pig King, are you still alive?"


"Uncle Mo?"


The girl leaned close to the pig king's ear and whispered softly,"Brother Xuan."

The pig king remained motionless.

The girl showed her mouth full of pearly teeth and stretched out an evil hand towards the pig king.


As the sun was setting,

Xue Niang and the girl walked side by side towards the town.

The little whirlwind was held in the girl's arms.

The white-haired mouse, like a kitten, hugged the girl's neck with its two claws like little hands and cried.

The hot tears slid down her neck and into her clothes. The girl suddenly remembered the night when her adoptive father died.

Xiaoyu also hugged herself like this, crying like rain.

"Xue'er, I can't bear to see you go."

Little Tornado sobbed.

"Sister Feng, you are so sad.

The girl gently patted Little Tornado, like a mother coaxing a child to sleep.

The master once said that Sister Feng was different from Uncle Pig Emperor and Sister Xue Niang, and she would never be able to set foot on the path of cultivation. Even if she had the red fragrant fruit to prolong her life, she would only live for sixty or seventy years at most.

"Sister Feng, Xueer promises you that I will come back in seven or eight months at most."

Little Tornado wiped away her tears and said,"Don't lie to me, sister, or I will scratch your face."


When passing by the covered bridge, the girl handed the little whirlwind to Xue Niang.

Then she crossed the bridge alone and came to the fenced courtyard of the school teacher.

Under the willow tree in the courtyard, Qingyi and Lao Huang, one person and one dog, quietly looked at the gorgeous sunset in the sky.

Looking at Qingyi's thin back, the girl suddenly felt that the master and the teacher were not much different.

One has no freedom, the other has only loneliness.

""Master~" the girl called softly. The man in green with white hair turned his head, his three dark pupils focused on the girl, and asked coldly:"What's the matter?"

"Master, I will leave our town tomorrow."

Qingyi was silent for a while, and said:"In the eyes of the world, my reputation as one of the 72 Confucian scholars of Jixia Academy is much greater than that of your master."

"If necessary, you can call yourself my last disciple. Not everyone, but all scholars must respectfully call you"female teacher."

After saying this, the man in green took off a piece of jade from his waist and threw it to the girl from three feet away.

""Goodbye, I won't see you off."

The girl bowed deeply to the back of the man in green.

"Thank you, Master~"


The jade is the size of a palm, and feels soft to the touch. On one side is engraved"Jixia" and on the other side is engraved"Qi Xiu Li".

The girl tied the jade around her right waist.

Night fell.

In the small courtyard of the Chen family in Wuyi Lane, a small town.

The girl handed a dozen pages of rice paper to Xiao Xuanfeng.

"Sister Feng, I will give it to Master when I get back to the mountain."

Little Tornado took the rice paper, but saw that it was covered with dense and beautiful small characters.

""Xue'er, what is this?"

Little Tornado couldn't read, so he asked curiously.

"Master said he likes to read novels about gods, demons and otherworldly things."

"When I was a child, my mother often told me stories about demons and monsters, and I wrote them all down."

Master Qi said that it would be better for the master to raise a few more white-haired mice than me."


"Master has always given me"

"I have never repaid my master for anything."

"Sister Feng can always stay with the master, and can steal wine and tobacco for the master."

"When the master is in a gloomy mood, Sister Feng can still act cute and coquettish."

Little Tornado suddenly stood up like a human, pointed a paw in the direction of the fenced courtyard by the Taiping River and said,"Qi Qingji, bullshit your mother"

"Parents work hard and raise their children with great difficulty, is it just for the children to repay them?"

"What the hell is this bullshit!"

Little Tornado looked at the stunned girl and said earnestly,"Xue'er, when the master brought you back to the mountain, you were so small and thin that you looked like you could be blown up to the sky by a gust of wind."

"Eleven years have passed. Yes, the master has given you everything he can, but he has never asked you for anything."

"Because he has got what he wanted."

The girl was surprised and asked,"Master...what did you get from me?"

Little Tornado said in a deep voice,"Companionship"

"It's not the master who accompanies you, but you who accompanies the master."

The girl's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Don't cry, it's not a life-and-death separation."

Xue Niang took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes.


At three o'clock in the morning, the girl walked out of the town alone and came to the depths of the peach blossom forest in the southwest.

The moonlight, as bright as frost and snow, sprinkled on the peach trees and peach blossoms in the forest, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

The girl poured all the wine in the gourd in front of the two tombstones.

"Senior Brother, Junior Sister didn't want to, but Master forced me to take the red blood."

"If you are angry, go find the master. I am innocent."

Five minutes later, the girl climbed a hill.

Under the bright stars, the girl looked up into the distance.

"Bang, bang, bang~"

One loud noise after another came from the southwest.

The earth seemed to be shaking slightly.

On the top of the distant Yue Mountain, the towering figure of the owner of the blacksmith shop in Jifeng Lane could be vaguely seen.

The man held a hammer and struck again and again.

Every time the hammer fell, it could smash out billions of blazing sparks.

It was like a burning sea of stars.

""So beautiful!"

The girl was stunned by the magnificent rain of stars.


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the ninth day of the third month.

In the bright spring light, the girl left.

On the cliff platform of Zhoushan Mountain, at the entrance of the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin gently stuffed a dozen pages of rice paper into his clothes. He immediately stood up and half-clenched his right palm into a fist.

He slowly closed his red eyes.

He imagined holding a scabbard in his hand.

He could stab, chop, or pick...

After a long time.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly opened his eyes.

He smiled at the empty front.

"Girl, are you tired? Take a break~"

No one answered.

The man feeding the knife was still there.

But the girl was gone.


Ps: I wrote non-stop after the massage, more than 3,000 words, just to show my appreciation.

I was so excited to receive the manuscript fee today, but it only happens once a month, so please forgive me, fellow Taoists.

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