On March 13, the 14th year of Fuling, at about noon, a girl in plain clothes and a girl in white clothes and white hair arrived at Qixia Prefecture.

Each of the two girls carried a shabby opera box.

The days of trekking through mountains and rivers, sleeping in the open air, were a great torture both physically and mentally.

"Sister Xue, let's go to the inn and rest for two days, then go to the horse market tomorrow to buy two horses, and then set off the day after tomorrow, okay?" the girl asked.


Xue Niang said briefly.

The two girls booked two upper rooms at the Yuelai Inn in Qixia Prefecture.

After a simple lunch, Xue Niang went back to her room to practice, while the girl went to bed to catch up on her sleep.

She slept until the sun was setting, and then she yawned and walked out of the room. She came to the next room and looked through the crack in the door, and saw Xue Niang still immersed in practice.

The girl left the inn alone.

The wide bluestone street was crowded with people, and the sleeves were spread out to form a shadow.

On both sides were crowded stalls set up by small vendors, filled with a wide variety of goods.

The girl walked into a ready-made clothing store.

First, he bought two silk clothes for Xue Niang, and then picked out two pairs of shoes.

The shoes were small and exquisite, with a snow-white base and embroidered with light green lotus leaves and pink lotus flowers.

The girl also bought herself a set of clothes and shoes.

The clothes were bright red like blood.

The shoes were the same.

If everything goes well.

Half a year later, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15, the girl will take off her plain clothes and put on red clothes.

Plain clothes are like white, which is for mourning.

From childhood to adulthood, from beginning to end, the girl did not like to wear plain clothes or white clothes.

The girl likes extremely bright and colorful red clothes.

Every time she sees red, she will think of her mother.


A quarter of an hour later, the girl walked out of the clothing store.

Just as she was about to go back to the inn, she heard a familiar voice shouting:

"Tanghulu, gourd, selling Tanghulu"

"Big and sweet candied haws, ancient immortals say they are delicious, three taels of silver a string."

The girl looked up and saw an old man in a coarse linen shirt squatting at the alley a dozen feet away.

"Grandpa Liu?!"

The girl was slightly surprised and walked through the crowd to the old man.

The old man squatted on the ground and smoked a pipe. He looked at the figure in front of him and slowly raised his head.

"Hey, isn’t this girl Xue~"

The girl widened her eyes, staring at Old Liu’s shiny bald head without any grass on it, and said in surprise:"Grandpa Liu, why are you the same as Brother Han from the blacksmith shop in Jifeng Lane?"

"Where did your hair go?"

The old man said calmly,"It's just three thousand strands of troubles. If I'm bald

, I'll be bald." The girl said,"Grandpa Liu, can you stay in the shade? It's too bright."

The old man said with a donkey face,"No!"

The girl said,"No!""……"

"Grandpa Liu, why did you come to Qixia Prefecture? I haven't seen you for two years. I thought you were dead."

"Is it because this town can’t accommodate you?"

Old Liu said unhappily,"In this vast world, are you young kids allowed to go anywhere?"

"The world is so big, I want to see it too."

Girl:"He is such a carefree old boy."

Old Liu:"When fellow villagers meet, their eyes are filled with tears. Girl, buy two skewers."

"Grandpa hasn't been to Yihong for quite some time... or to Yuelai Inn for a drink or two"

""It's so uncomfortable when you're addicted to alcohol, it makes you feel anxious and worried."

The girl took out a few silver coins from her sleeve.

Old Liu took them with a big grin.

Taking two strings of candied haws from the straw target, the girl was about to say goodbye.

Old Liu spoke first and said,"Xue girl, for the sake of three taels per string, grandpa will give you another piece of advice."

"Advice?! What do you mean~"

The girl was puzzled.

Old Liutou said solemnly:"When we go to Longcheng, Fengqie and Liushuang are not in our hands, so we must not kill anyone."

"Otherwise, if you kill someone, you will kill yourself."

The girl frowned slightly and whispered,"If you kill someone, you will kill yourself."~"

"Wait, Grandpa Liu, how do you know……"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then looked around.

There was no trace of Old Liutou.

Fengqie and Liushuang were the names of the swords.

The girl had never told anyone except her master and Han Ying.

Even Xueniang didn't know.

"Grandpa Liu, maybe he is even more powerful and terrifying than I thought~"

Under the setting sun

, the girl muttered to herself as she walked.

"Life is death, death is life"


On March 15th, when the sun was rising, the two women led two reddish-brown horses out of the north gate of Qixia Prefecture. After leaving the city, they mounted their horses and galloped towards Yunzhou.


On March 17, the 14th year of Fuling.

In Jintong Prefecture, Liangzhou, Xiaohe Village, Tongqiu

Town. Zhang's family at the end of the village.

On the earthen kang in the house, Zhang Qingrong slowly opened his eyes and sat up.


Zhang Qingrong felt his dry stomach and saw his ribs on both sides.

He looked out the window and saw the sky was slightly brighter.

He turned his head and looked again.

His wife lying beside him was pale and thin, and her brows were still furrowed even in her sleep.

Next to his wife was the little girl who was just one month old.

Finally, it was the eldest daughter, who was not sure whether she was six or seven years old.

His wife should remember, but Zhang Qingrong had long forgotten.


With a sigh, Zhang Qingrong lifted the patched quilt, put on his linen shirt and straw sandals, and quietly pulled the bolt and left the house.

The man was only twenty-three years old this year, but his back was slightly hunched like an old man in his sixties.

Holding a shoulder pole in one hand and two buckets in the other,

Zhang Qingrong walked out of the courtyard under the starry sky and walked slowly towards the well at the entrance of the village.

Again and again.

After going back and forth for more than half an hour, the man finally filled the three water jars in the house.


Wiping off the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, Zhang Qingrong sat on the threshold of the yard and breathed repeatedly for a long time.

When his pounding heart calmed down, the man took the axe, sickle, and hemp rope and went up the mountain again.

Because the family needed firewood to make a fire.

Because the black pigs in the pen needed to eat grass after waking up.

An hour later.

The sky was bright.

Zhang Qingrong came back from the mountain. He carried a large bundle of firewood on his back and two small bundles of green grass under his armpits.

The man's steps were weak, his thin body was staggering, with two streams hanging between his temples, and his rough face was like a piece of yellow land wetted by stream water.

He walked into the yard and unloaded the firewood and green grass.

The eldest daughter immediately brought a bowl of water.

She said in a childish voice:"Nannan knew that daddy would be back soon, so she blew the water to cool it down in advance."

""Nannan tasted it, it's not hot at all, Daddy, drink it quickly."

Zhang Qingrong rubbed his daughter's head, and finally a smile appeared on his dead face.

The man took the white porcelain bowl.

He watched his daughter walk to the pigpen holding the grass taller than herself.

In the kitchen, his wife tied the little daughter in the swaddling clothes tightly to her back with a belt.

Worried about falling her daughter, the woman bent down as hard as she could, and used one of her hands covered with fine cracks to support her daughter's buttocks.

The other hand held a spoon to scoop the porridge.

""Dad, wash your hands and eat."

The woman said. But the man, with his head lowered, did not move.


Ps: I will update the second chapter as early as possible. Starting from tomorrow, I will update for Zixi, Paoge, and Human Game. I will update three chapters in three consecutive days. I beg for gifts.

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