Liangzhou borders the southern border of Suguo and has been a strategic place for resisting foreign enemies since ancient times.

Because Xiaohezhuang is located in Liangzhou, nine out of ten households are military households.

The so-called military households mean that the male members of the family have been soldiers for generations.

Grandfather garrisoned the border to fight the enemy, father garrisoned the border to fight the enemy, sons, grandsons, descendants, endless.

At the Zhang family at the end of the village, Zhang Qingrong picked up the white porcelain bowl and drank a bowl of corn porridge with clear soup.

Then he dug two sweet potatoes into the empty bowl, took small bites, chewed slowly.

Swallowed them together with the sweet potato skin.

The man finally picked up the only piece of pickled cabbage in the porcelain plate and put it into his mouth to taste it carefully.

His wife and eldest daughter could only watch.

The man was not stingy and was reluctant to cut off two small pieces for his wife and daughter to taste.

It was just that after the meal, he had to work in the fields all day.

The family could not eat any meat all year round. The pickled cabbage, or more precisely, the salt in it, was what kept the man alive.

His stomach could growl, but he could not lack salt.

Otherwise, he would be too weak to even lift the hoe, not to mention hoeing the fields. In serious cases, it could even endanger his life.


Before the morning sun rose, Zhang Qingrong came to his own land.

The Zhang family had a total of 13 mu of land, all dry land. After a year of hard work and paying grain taxes, they could barely make ends meet.

Zhang Qingrong picked up the hoe and worked hard to cultivate the land.

Only soft land can grow good crops.

One hoe, one hoe, and another hoe.

The man soon began to sweat profusely.

After a whole winter and half a cold spring, the land had already become as hard as the village paths, and it was very strenuous to hoe it.

Not to mention cattle, the Zhang family could not even afford a mule for several generations. For generations, people were worse than animals. He hoeed from the rising of the morning sun to the sun at noon.

Zhang Qingrong was already hungry and exhausted.

The man only drank a few bowls of water to fill his stomach, took a short rest, and continued to swing the hoe.

Soon he was sweating profusely again.

Drops of hot sweat ran across his gray and rough face, and fell into the ground like fragments.

Until the sunset.

Zhang Qingrong dragged his exhausted body back home.

The sunset glow was extremely beautiful, like a large piece of burning blood.

However, the man had no mood to appreciate it, and his face was numb like a walking corpse.

Suddenly, there were rapid sounds of horse hooves.

In the billowing yellow smoke, a man and a horse galloped from the other end of the road.

When passing by Xiaohe Village, he threw down a roll of documents.

He shouted loudly:"Xiaohe Village has thirty-nine households and a total of thirty-nine soldiers"

"The imperial court has issued an order that all soldiers and soldiers must set out immediately and arrive at Longcheng before the first day of May."

"Those who are late will be executed immediately without pardon!"

The yellow smoke dissipated on this side, and rose again on the other side.

Zhang Qingrong bent down to pick up the county office document, and the sorrow in his eyes was so strong that it almost flowed out.


The Wei State divided the common people into three categories: civilian, military, and artisan.

They were further divided into civilian households, tenant households, tea households, horse households, mining households, artisan households, weaving households, and boat households. There were fourteen types of occupational households, including merchants, livelihood households, shop households, salt households, and military households.

Civilian households farmed the land, and they did so from generation to generation.

Tenant households also farmed the land, but they did not have their own land and could only become slaves of the gentry.

Horse households raised horses, and they did so from generation to generation.

Mining households mined all kinds of ores, and they did so from generation to generation.

The temple divided the people into different classes to maintain its fragile rule.

Night fell.

The lights were dim.

Zhang Qingrong sat on the threshold, holding his head in his hands, silent.

The two daughters had fallen asleep, and his wife was mending torn clothes with needle and thread.

"It’s a long way to Longcheng, how can I afford the money~"

Zhang Qingrong frowned.

"It's too much to send someone to guard the border without even paying for the trip."

The wife said angrily.

"Alas, it has always been like this."

Zhang Qingrong sighed.

"Father, go to the county and ask your centurion to give you some advance money for your trip."


The man sneered,"It has always been the court that has given advances to the people, how can the people give advances to the court ?~"

"What to do? Without money, you will starve to death on the way."

"Even if they didn't starve to death, they would be eaten by wolves and tigers if they slept in the wilderness."

Gritting his teeth, the man stood up, took out the deed, walked out of the courtyard, and walked straight towards Tongqiu Town under the moonlight.


After climbing over mountains and crossing rivers all night

, Zhang Qingrong finally arrived at Tongqiu Town when the sun rose.

The man was familiar with the route and arrived at a luxurious mansion on the western side of the town.

The owner of the mansion was called Xiao Chengjing, the ruler of Longcheng and one of the 800 guards under the command of the King of Zhenbei.

Zhang Qingrong was startled because a long line of people had formed in front of the mansion.

Without exception, they were all soldiers from Longcheng.

Zhang Qingrong held the title deed tightly and waited patiently.

It was not until the scorching sun was high in the sky that the man saw Xiao Chengjing.

In the living room of the Xiao Mansion,

Xiao Chengjing, dressed in gorgeous clothes, calmly sipped the fragrant tea.

Zhang Qingrong knelt humbly and presented the title deed with both hands.

"Sir Xiao, do you still remember me? I am Zhang Qingrong, and I have invited you to dinner~"

Xiao Chengjing said nothing.

Zhang Qingrong felt a burning sensation on his cheeks.

"Sir Xiao, this is the deed to my Zhang family. I would like to keep it with you temporarily to exchange for some money for the journey."

"Sir Xiao, rest assured, I will pay you double when the imperial court issues the salary."

Xiao Chengjing said indifferently,"Brother Zhang, you should go to the pawnshop, not here."

Zhang Qingrong opened his mouth, wanting to say that the pawnshop looked down on his family's few acres of dry land.

"Mr. Xiao, your integrity is far beyond the reach of a pawnshop."


Xiao Chengjing laughed wantonly.

"Brother Zhang, the land under my name is more than a thousand acres."

Zhang Qingrong's expression darkened. Xiao

Chengjing narrowed his eyes slightly and changed the subject:"Brother Zhang, when you leave my Xiao Mansion, don't tell outsiders that I, Xiao, am unkind."

"I have a ninth-rank martial arts attendant in my family, and his child is only seven years old."

"The child's father recently wanted to find a child bride for his child."

"I heard that your eldest daughter is quite pretty.……"

Xiao Chengjing didn't finish his words, but Zhang Qingrong already knew it.

A man named Xiao opened a brothel in the county.

The child bride was fake, and the real purpose was to recruit prostitutes who sold their bodies.

"Brother Zhang, have you thought about it? There are still many people waiting behind you."

Zhang Qingrong held the deed tightly, biting his lips until they bled.


The sun was setting.

Zhang Qingrong took a bullock cart back to Xiaohe Village.

In the distance, his daughter, with two pigtails, ran towards him with bare feet, leaping with joy.

"Dad, you're back. Mom is preparing dinner. We can eat soon."

"Dad, today's water was brought back by Nannan in small buckets."

"Dahei was also well fed by Nannan"

""Daddy, I want to get out of bed, but mom won't let me."

Zhang Qingrong suddenly squatted down.

He stretched out his trembling hands, rubbed his daughter's little head, and pinched her skinny face.

""Dad, why are you crying? Did your daughter make you angry?"

The man couldn't stop the tears from falling from his eyes.

Gradually, the tears blurred his vision.

The man could no longer see his daughter's little face.


On March 19, the 14th year of Fuling, a servant of the Xiao family took the girl away.

On the horse, the little girl waved her hands at the man who was hoeing the land.

"Daddy, my daughter is leaving."

""She's going to be a child bride for someone else's family."

The girl was very happy.

She had never thought that she was worth so much money.

"Daddy, please come visit our daughter more often."

""With my mother and sister."

In the field, the man kept swinging his hoe.

He never dared to look up.

Two strings of crystal clear pearls fell straight into the loess.

The girl disappeared on the bright spring day.

The Zhang family man took the money from selling his daughter, said goodbye to his wife and daughter, and went north to Longcheng.

From then on, he never saw the smiling face of his eldest daughter again.

…… ps: Come and send some love to generate electricity.

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