March 21, the 14th year of Fuling.

Gusuzhou Tianji Mansion.

In the front yard of Zhenbei Palace.

The eunuch who announced the imperial edict held the imperial edict and waited patiently.

Zhenbei Prince Zhao Heng and Princess Qi Rou, led the attendants, servants, and maids in the mansion, and knelt down like wheat waves blown by the wind.

Time passed by bit by bit.

About half an hour later, the housekeeper of the palace hurried over with Zhao Heng's eldest son Zhao Jinghong.

After Zhao Jinghong knelt beside Zhao Heng, the eunuch read the imperial edict.

"By the Will of Heaven, the Emperor proclaims:


Order the King of Zhenbei, Zhao Heng, to go to Longcheng as soon as possible, command the entire army, and fight against the foreign enemies.


A quarter of an hour later, in the back garden of the palace,

Zhao Heng, with white hair on his temples, held the imperial edict in his hand, lost in thought.

Footsteps approached from afar.

Princess Qi Rou swayed, holding a cup of fragrant tea and approaching.

"This is already the ninth imperial decree this year."

Qi Rou said softly, handing the teacup to Zhao Heng.


Zhao Heng sighed, put down the imperial edict, and took the teacup.

"This is not an imperial decree, this is a death warrant"

"It seems that we have to go to Longcheng."

Qi Rou said worriedly:"Although the emperor's order cannot be disobeyed, there is no salary and no food. How can you lead so many soldiers, my husband?"

Wei is a country involved in three wars. It borders Su in the north, Qing in the south, and Li in the east.

The four countries have been at war for years and have frequently attacked each other.

During the reign of Emperor Wenjing, Wei's national strength was still good. Although it could not do anything to Su in the north, the two armies in the southeast advanced straight into the country and encroached on large tracts of territory in Li and Qing.

Unfortunately, since Emperor Wenjing passed away and Emperor Fuling came to power, the terrible drought that lasted for three years almost destroyed the foundation of the country.

The court no longer had the strength to march east and expand south.

Li and Qing gathered their forces and launched a massive counterattack.

Now the situation of Wei is precarious. If it is not careful, it will be a disaster of national destruction.

"Liguo and Qingguo have already made His Majesty so overwhelmed that he has no time to care about Suguo."

Zhao Heng took a sip, and the fragrant tea went down his throat, but it tasted bland.

"How about asking one of the state teachers to ask the two immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain to sign a ten-year non-war agreement with Suguo?"


Zhao Heng explained:"First, the Imperial Master has gone to a secluded place and even His Majesty cannot see him."

"Secondly, the two immortals from Zhaoyao Mountain forced the Su Kingdom to sign a ten-year non-war agreement with the Wei Kingdom because the destruction of the Wei Kingdom's destiny was not God's will, but because the national teacher cast statues for the two immortals and placed them in the Taimiao for the people of the Wei Kingdom to worship."

"Now, the Wei Dynasty can no longer produce anything that would make the immortals jealous."

Qi Rou frowned and said,"For the 100,000 soldiers in Longcheng, the salary can be delayed, but what about food? Even if it's only one meal a day, we still have to eat."

Zhao Heng's fingers gently stroked the slightly rough surface of the stone table,"Regarding food, I have a plan to deal with it."

"In a word, do your best and leave the rest to fate."

"If the city is broken, there is only death."

Qi Rou knew that her husband had decided to go to Longcheng.

After this separation, she didn't know when they would meet again.

The woman couldn't help but gently hold her husband's calloused hand.

"My husband, when are we leaving?"

Zhao Heng smiled at the woman and answered the question:"Rou'er, go and call Jinghong. I have something to say to him."


A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Jinghong, the eldest son of the Zhenbei Palace, came to Zhao Heng quietly.

He called out cautiously,"Dad."

Looking at his son with a bruised face, Zhao Heng asked expressionlessly,"Who did you fight with again?"

Zhao Jinghong replied,"The two sons of the prefecture refused to submit to me."

Zhao Heng:"It's a good thing to have enemies. When you grow up, you will find that you are surrounded by enemies, both open and covert."

""Jinghong, you are eleven years old this year, right?"

The boy nodded.

Zhao Heng:"Then you should understand the principle that you lose more than you win when playing one-on-two."

The boy:"Dad, I understand. Last time, I found several friends of my age and beat Wen Lai and Wu Qing up so hard that they kowtowed and begged for mercy."

"But this time, they didn't come even when I called them. They didn't care about my status as the eldest son of the Zhenbei Palace at all."

Zhao Heng asked,"Those children came the first time, but were indifferent the second time. Do you know why?"

Zhao Jinghong shook his head.

Zhao Heng:"Because there is no free lunch in the world"

"Those kids attacked Wen Lai and Wu Qing for you. They were lunch to you."

"How can it be possible that you ate lunch but didn't pay for it?"

"Daddy once promised you that every time you finish reading a book, Daddy will give you ten taels of silver as pocket money."

"Over the years, has Dad ever broken his promise?"

Zhao Jinghong:"No."

Zhao Heng asked again:"What if Dad broke his promise?"

The boy pondered for a moment and said:"I would hate him and be very angry."

Zhao Heng:"So? What have you realized~"

The boy narrowed his eyes:"To those friends, who I am is not important, what I have is not important, what is important is what I can give them."

Zhao Heng smiled and said:"Jinghong, remember, don't use the illusory face to drive people, use benefits."

The next day.

March 22.

Zhao Heng, the King of Zhenbei of Wei, went north to Longcheng


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the first day of April, the sun was high in the sky. Outside Jingning Prefecture in Yunzhou, on the wide official road, Cang Xue looked at the memorial archway standing tall at the foot of Taixuan Mountain, and her beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned.

"Sister Xue, am I dazzled? Is the inscription on the memorial archway"Jile Temple"?"

Xue Niang:"You are not dazzled. I saw the three characters of"Jile Temple" as well."

The girl was surprised and thought she had come to the wrong place.

Three years ago, the inscription on the memorial archway was"Meng Fei Temple".

How could it become"Jile Temple" three years later?’?!

"Could it be that someone has taken over the place of our eldest brother~" the girl said with a gloomy expression.

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