Cang Xue and Xue Niang led the horses into Jingning Prefecture.

The main road of the central axis was crowded with people.

The two women checked into Yuelai Inn.

"Waiter, bring two light vegetarian dishes and two bowls of rice, and fill my wine gourd. I want to burn the knife."

Cang Xue handed the wine gourd to the hemp-clothed servant.

""Wait a moment, ladies. Good wine and delicious food will be here soon." The servant took the wine gourd and walked away with stiff steps.

Xue Niang retracted her gaze and asked,"Girl, do you smell it?"

Cang Xue asked in confusion,"What?"

Xue Niang frowned and said,"A faint... rancid smell."


Cang Xue smiled and said,"Sister Xue, you are a snake with a keen sense of smell. Anyway, I can't smell it. Maybe Xiao Er hasn't taken a bath for a long time, so he has a cellar smell."

About half a quarter of an hour later, the wine and food were served.


Xue stopped the waiter and asked,"I passed by Jingning Prefecture three years ago and went to the temple on Mount Taixuan to burn incense."

"Isn’t the temple called Mengfei Temple? How come it became Jile Temple three years later~"

The servant was stunned and asked in astonishment:"What Mengfei Temple?"

"Ladies, I am a native of Jingning."

"There has only been Jile Temple in Taixuan Mountain, where did Mengfei Temple come from?!"

Cangxue and Xueniang looked at each other, one person and one snake, their eyes full of doubt.

After quickly filling their stomachs, the two women walked to the guest room in the backyard.

The servant stared at the tall backs of the two women, and suddenly two lines of yellow turbid corpse water flowed from the corners of his eyes.

In the guest room.

Cangxue's eyes flickered

"There has always been only the Kek Lok Si Temple~"

"Where did Mengfei Temple come from?~"

"Sister Xue," the girl looked at Xue Niang and said in a serious tone,"Let's go to Taixuan Mountain!"

Xue Niang nodded lightly,"Okay."

After a person dies, a statue of a god is made and a temple is built.

Enjoy the incense and accumulate merit.

Taixuan Temple was built by Brother Hu for his eldest brother.

No matter who takes over the magpie's nest, Cang Xue will never let it go.

"Maybe... it's just a change of name, the temple still worships the eldest brother~"

Cang Xue took Xue Niang out of Yuelai Inn and first came to the largest clothing store in Jingning Prefecture.

The store is called"Xiuhuang Pavilion’

"Shopkeeper, ask the best embroiderer in your shop to make me a set of costumes. Here are the drawings."

Cang Xue handed the shopkeeper the drawings of Yu Ji's costumes that she had drawn two years ago.

The shopkeeper took the drawings, lowered his head and stared at them for a long time, and said,"It can be done, but it's not easy."

Cang Xue took out a piece of mutton-fat jade the size of a baby's palm from her sleeve.

"Hehe, rest assured, young lady, I will make it for you with splendor. Please come back in half a month to pick it up."

Cang Xue:"Come back in a day to pick it up."

The shopkeeper's eyes were like copper bells,"Impossible, absolutely impossible, this is a costume, and the embroidery steps are extremely complicated."

Cang Xue said nothing, but mechanically smashed one piece of beautiful jade after another on the counter.

She smashed nine pieces in total, shocking the shopkeeper like a wooden chicken

"I immediately summoned the best embroiderer in Quanjing Ning to embroider for the girl overnight."


The sun gradually sets in the west.

The two women walk out of Jingning Mansion.

"I promised Brother Tiger that I would set up a stage for my eldest brother to perform."

Xue Niang:"Time is running out, why not wait until the blood feud is avenged, and then you can perform as long as you want."

The girl whispered:"I'm afraid I won't be able to come back~"

About two quarters of an hour later.

The two women came to the foot of Taixuan Mountain.

They looked up at the three words"Jile Temple" on the archway, and after a while, they climbed the mountain.

The long bluestone steps were like a slanting river. There was an endless stream of pilgrims going up and down.

Cangxue frowned and said,"Is it really that spiritual?"

A woman who went up the mountain with her took over the conversation and showed Cangxue a kind smile,"Sister, you are not from Jingning, right?"

Cangxue nodded.

The woman glanced at the looming temple group, and said piously:"Sister, I didn't believe it at first, so I held the mentality of giving it a try and offered three incense sticks to the Buddha of Bliss."

"Guess what?"

Cang Xue rolled her eyes."What happened?"

The woman smiled and said,"Three months later, the doctor found out that I was pregnant."

"Women, you have to give birth to children."

"After three years of marriage, I still haven't gotten pregnant. My husband's family and neighbors all mock me as an old hen that doesn't lay eggs."

"Ever since I got pregnant, my parents-in-law have been grinning all the time."

"My husband, who is doing business abroad and often doesn't come home for half a year, is now serving me at my service and taking care of me in every possible way."

Cang Xue:"Are you here to fulfill your vow?"


"Where is your husband?"

The woman suddenly stopped and murmured absentmindedly,"Husband?!"

"Yes, where is my husband~"

Cang Xue and Xue Niang were both confused.

Could this woman have gone mad?

The two women climbed up the stairs.

As for the woman, she stayed where she was, talking to herself all the time:"Where is my husband? Where did my husband go?"

"What's my husband's name?~"

"What about me? What's my name?"

The woman looked around blankly,"Where is this?"

Suddenly, two lines of turbid corpse fluid flowed from the corners of the woman's eyes.

Perhaps she felt itchy, so she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes.

Unexpectedly, she rubbed an eyeball directly out.

In the dark eye sockets, countless maggots were squirming crazily.


At the end of the long steps, a group of temples stretched out in front of Cangxue and Xueniang.

Incense was burning brightly, and columns of smoke rose into the sky. Above the solemn temple gate with bright yellow glazed tiles, a huge plaque with red characters on a black background was hung.

The three characters"Jile Temple" were painted with iron and silver hooks.

The colors were extremely bright, as if they were sticky blood.

Xueniang looked tense and whispered,"Girl, be careful, there are not only living people around you, but also wandering corpses.""

""Wandering corpses?"

Cang Xue's expression was startled.

She took a long, slow breath of air.

The stench of corpses was very faint, but it was real, lingering in the solemn temples.

Recovering her mind, the two women spent six coins to buy a total of six incense sticks, and followed the crowd into the temple gate.

Behind the temple gate, there were palaces of all sizes, especially the main hall dedicated to Buddha, which was magnificent and majestic.

"I want to see whether the master of this hall is worshipping the elder brother or the unknown Buddha of Paradise."

Cang Xue and Xue Niang almost used all their strength to squeeze into the main hall with eight doors.

Inside the hall, on the worship seat, a huge Buddha about 70 to 80 meters tall sat cross-legged.

The painted Buddha statue bowed its head slightly, with kind eyes, one hand holding the bowl, and the other hand pinching the seal.

"I pray to the Buddha of bliss to bless my father to reach bliss as soon as possible"

"Son, son, Buddha, please bless me to have a son"


The murmurs continued, and the aspirations rose and fell.

Cang Xue was lost in thought, and the bright red birthmark on her forehead under her bangs suddenly emitted a faint glow.

The girl's body trembled, and she slowly raised her eyes to look at the painted Buddha statue again.

The two dark pupils in her eye sockets suddenly shrank sharply.


Ps: My stomach is rumbling, I’m going to have a midnight snack. The third update will be around 1am.

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