The immortal blood was activated on its own.

Cang Xue's eyes flashed with a faint blood light, and he looked up again.

The solemn Buddha disappeared, replaced by a pile of white flesh mountain emitting a foul smell.

Hundreds of people were being swallowed by the violently wriggling flesh mountain.

There were old men, men, women, and children.

They struggled frantically and screamed in fear.

Unfortunately, it was useless.

Their heads, hands, feet, and bodies slowly sank into the huge flesh Buddha.

Cang Xue heard the sound of their bones being squeezed and broken, and saw blood gushing from their mouths and noses.

In a trance, it didn't look like the flesh Buddha was devouring humans.

Instead, it looked like the flesh Buddha was covered with heads. It was covered with arms and legs with fangs and claws.

The flesh Buddha seemed to be about to achieve enlightenment.

Because of its towering flesh, only the last head was not covered with flesh and blood, and it was still a huge white skull.

As it devoured lives one by one.

It is visible to the naked eye that numerous dense buds of flesh suddenly sprouted from the thick neck of the Flesh Buddha, where the bones and flesh are clearly separated.

The buds of flesh grew wildly and spread upwards, intending to cover the entire skull and help the Flesh Buddha achieve the final Buddhahood.

The Flesh Buddha, covered with human flesh and greedily eating, has a kind face and benevolent appearance.

Under the towering Buddha statue, people are kneeling and bowing their heads in piety.

""Sister, save me!"

A boy of about 11 or 12 years old, somehow, stretched out a hand to Cang Xue.

The boy's eyebrows and eyes looked like a grown-up Cang Yu.

In Cang Xue's heart, he would always be the little brat.


Seeing that the boy was about to be completely devoured, the girl slowly stretched out her hand.

Then she gently touched the red blood hilt of the sword hanging on her waist.

She did not move.


When the boy was completely devoured, Cang Xue looked through the fleeting flesh gap and saw the extremely wide world inside the meat Buddha's stomach. The sea of gastric juice surged and washed away the piles of corpses.

Cang Xue clearly saw a painted statue of a young man several feet tall.

There were three big characters carved on the statue, which were"Chen Mengfei".’

‘The Flesh Buddha, even the statue of the senior brother was devoured?! '

Cang Xue was suddenly horrified as she spoke inwardly.

The huge Flesh Buddha slightly lowered its head covered with dense fleshy granulations.

Its two dark eye sockets, like the mouth of a jar, looked down at the girl from above.

A voice that sounded like neither a man nor a woman rang out slowly.

"Immortal blood!"

"There's such a big pool of blood. Are you the direct descendant of Zhaoyao Mountain Lord?"

"I have reached the 99th level of Buddhahood, and I am only one step away."

"After searching for three hundred years, this last opportunity actually came to me."

The two arms of the Flesh Buddha, which were much thicker than the main beams supporting the hall, slowly raised up.

Then he put his hands together and said,"Good, good~"

Without any sign.

The noisy and pious voices of making wishes disappeared.

The surging crowd was motionless.

Outside the hall, in a huge three-legged bronze incense burner as tall as a person, the billowing and soaring incense smoke condensed in mid-air. Inside the hall, Cangxue and Xue Niang, like many pilgrims, could not move at all.

The birthmark on half of the girl's forehead suddenly burst into a blazing blood light, and the sound of a phoenix could be heard faintly.

It was a pity that it was useless.

Even if she burned the immortal blood, the girl only moved her fingers slightly.

After all, her cultivation was only the third-grade Vajra Realm, barely touching the threshold of internal cultivation, and she could not even exert one-tenth or one-twelfth of the effect of the immortal blood.

""Little girl, the world is like hell, come to my paradise and live forever~"

The huge smiling face of the meat Buddha looked kind and benevolent.

It stretched out a huge palm, casting a large shadow, covering Cang Xue.

Just when the meat Buddha's giant palm was about to hold Cang Xue in its hand, the girl and Xue Niang's body suddenly burst into red divine light.


The earth-shattering screams made the entire Taixuan Mountain tremble slightly.

The red divine light was brilliant, and the flesh of the Flesh Buddha, which was as big as a small mountain, melted quickly like snow exposed to the scorching sun in June.

"This is... Red Fragrance Fruit, Master's blood~"

Cang Xue regained his mobility

"This… what is this?"

Xue Niang, who was also free from the restraints, saw the true face of the Buddha and felt her scalp tingling.

The flesh Buddha was melting.

Layers of white and greasy sticky liquid flowed down from the huge meat mountain.

Inside, one could vaguely see skeletons, rotting flesh, and countless crawling maggots.


"Damn it, who the hell are you?"

"I will let you two be buried with me!"

With a cry of pain, the flesh Buddha, which was not a human form, stretched out a thick arm with difficulty.

"Sister Xue, let’s go!"

With only the tiny amount of Master’s blood in her and Sister Xue Niang’s bodies, how could they possibly turn this terrifying flesh Buddha into ashes?

The two women retreated out of the hall and immediately turned around and ran away.

"Girl from Zhaoyao Mountain, I will be very happy to remember you!!"


Cangxue and Xue Niang didn't stop until they reached the memorial archway at the foot of Taixuan Mountain.


Both women were panting, their expressions were full of

"Girl, what the hell is that?!"

Cang Xue shook her head:"I don't know"

"The flesh Buddha swallowed the statue of the elder brother, and there may be karma involved."

"I can only tell my master and let him decide."

The meat Buddha's mysterious 'entering the painting' technique was used by Cang Xue only after seeing the old willow head in Xijian Lane in the town perform it.

‘Sister Xue and I were lucky to escape the Demon Temple safely.

After returning to Yuelai Inn in Jingning Prefecture, Xue Niang ground ink and the girl picked up the pen to write a letter to her teacher.

After sending the letter to the post station, Cang Xue went to Xiuhuang Pavilion again.

"The costumes were embroidered overnight, and then the escort agency was entrusted to Longcheng.

After the shopkeeper Yu gave some instructions

, Cangxue and Xueniang rode out of Jingning Mansion at sunset.

Without delay, they headed north.


Ps: This is an extra chapter for big brother Zixi. There are also two big brothers named Pao Ge and Human Game coming up.

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