The 14th year of Fuling, the seventh day of the fifth month.

It was early summer, and the air was already filled with restlessness.

The sky was blue, without a single cloud.

The sun was high in the sky, and the horse was moving slowly.

A girl with a ponytail in white put her hand under her brow and looked into the distance at the end of the sky.

Where the earth dragon disappeared, there were endless mountains and ridges.

Between the two huge mountains, there was a towering city.

"Sister Xue, that majestic pass is called Jufeng Pass, and that city is called Longcheng, which is the northern gateway of Wei State."

"Xiaoyu died there~"

After saying that, the girl took off the wine gourd from her waist and gulped down a few big gulps. Xue

Niang said softly:"Girl, drinking is harmful to the body."

The girl smiled and said,"Although alcohol is harmful to the body, it can comfort the heart."

About half an hour later.

The two women were very close to the south gate of Longcheng.

The sound of training shouts came into their ears.

"Sister Xue, that is the East Parade Ground, and the main camp is beyond that."

"There used to be a mountain of bones behind the parade ground, all of which were the victims of the famine who were cooked and eaten by the soldiers of Longcheng during the three years of Fuling."

The girl retracted her gaze and lowered her eyelids,"If my stepfather and stepmother hadn't taught me to sing opera, if I hadn't worn out my shoulders while fleeing from the famine, I would not have given up the opera box."

"Otherwise, I will be dismembered and put into the pot like Xiaoyu in the three years of Fuling."

Xue Niang opened her mouth, but didn't know how to comfort her.

The two women and two horses slowly passed by the large camp with fluttering flags and tents.


The south gate of Longcheng was wide open.

Some people were entering.

Some were leaving.

Most of them were families leaving the city.

After all, in a month, the agreement of non-war would expire, and the two countries of Wei and Su would start a national war.

It is human nature to seek benefits and avoid harm.

Cangxue and Xue Niang dismounted.

They led the horses into the magnificent ancient city. In the third year of Fuling, Cangxue had only seen Longcheng from afar.

The little girl was only seven years old at the time, but now she is an eighteen-year-old girl.

Cangxue was surprised when she entered Longcheng for the first time.

This city is not much inferior to Qixia Prefecture in Baopingzhou and Jingning Prefecture in Yunzhou.

The main road of the central axis is wide, and there are many shops along the street. There are a lot of cars and people.

It is very lively.

Cangxue and Xue Niang checked into Yuelai Inn.

The girl rented the only small courtyard of the inn for a large sum of money.

Night fell, after dinner.

Xue Niang returned to the east wing to practice.

Cangxue sat on the threshold of the main house and thought.

"Life is death, death is life"

""If you don't have Fengqie and Liushuang in your hand, killing someone is killing yourself."

Cangxue muttered to himself.

This was the advice given to him by Old Liu.

The second one was easy to understand.

Old Liu asked him to take revenge on the 100,000 soldiers in Longcheng after he got the two swords, Fengqie and Liushuang.

If the sword is not in your hand, you should keep your troops still.

But what does the first one mean?

Life is death.

Death is life.

It's so profound.

Cangxue suddenly looked up.

Outside the gap between the two doors of the courtyard, there was an eyeball.

The moment the owner of the eyeball looked at Cangxue, he was shocked and took several steps back.

In the panic, the owner of the eyeball ran away.

"That’s… the son of the innkeeper~"

Cang Xue frowned:"Why was that boy peeping at me?"

"Isn't this a shady shop?!"

Yuelai Inn is run by a family of three.

The male owner is called Li Hongyuan and the female owner is called Si Wen.

They have a son named Li Ting, who is about thirteen or fourteen years old.

"The family of three looks honest and kind, so they shouldn't be a scammer."

"Master taught me that we should not have the intention to harm others, but we should be on guard against others. It is always better to be cautious."

Under the moonlight, Cang Xue walked out of the courtyard.

About a quarter of an hour later, she came back with a silver needle between her fingers.

"From now on, no steamed bread or rice will be allowed for the three meals a day. No matter whether it is vegetables or porridge, you must use a silver needle to test for poison."


On the eighth day of the fifth month in the fourteenth year of Fuling

, a family of three from Yuelai Inn enjoyed breakfast in the lobby on the first floor.

Although there were several dishes on the square table, they were all leftovers from the guests yesterday.

‘Those two sisters only ordered two bowls of porridge. Are they trying to lose weight? They are already so slim.’

‘The sister with two ponytails is really thin. Does she often not have enough to eat?’

‘But she is really cool and pretty, a thousand times, ten thousand times prettier than my mother.~’

‘If I could marry my sister, that would be great. I would rather shorten my life by ten years.’

‘I want my sister to give birth to many children for me’

‘What should I name my child? Li Gousheng or Li Tiegen? I'm so confused.

Ding ding ding.

The host Li Hongyuan knocked on the edge of his white porcelain bowl with chopsticks.

""Ting'er, what are you thinking about? The food is getting cold."

Li Ting, who was lost in thought, came back to his senses, looked at the leftovers, and finally cast his eyes on the eggs in the bowl. There were three boiled eggs in total, one for Li Ting and one for his parents.

"Dad, Mom, I'm full, let's go to the backyard to chop wood."

The boy picked up an egg that belonged to him and hurried to the backyard.


In the backyard of the inn.

In the small courtyard that was built.

After waiting for a long time, Cang Xue finally took the silver needle out of the rice porridge bowl.

After glancing at the silver needle, the girl smiled and handed the big white bowl to Xue Niang.

"Sister Xue, drink it, it's not poisonous."

Xue Niang took the bowl of porridge and picked up the porcelain spoon.

She raised her orchid finger slightly and scooped a spoonful.

Then she blew a few times, put it into her thin lips, and chewed it slowly.

"Boom boom boom~"

"Sister, open the door, I am Li Ting."

Xue Niang looked at Cang Xue.

The girl slowly put away the silver needle,"Sister Xue, you drink, I will go open the door."


Cang Xue opened the courtyard door.

The young man who came into view was wearing a coarse linen shirt, perhaps because he had to eat meat three times a day. The young man had thick black hair, a ruddy face, and bright eyes.

He was not handsome, but he was definitely a symbol.

For some reason, the young man's cheeks were burning red, and he didn't dare to look at Cang Xue at all.

"Sister...sister, stretch out your hand"

"What are you doing with your hand?"

The girl's faint body fragrance lingered in his nose. The boy took a light breath and felt dizzy.

There is such a good smell in this world. It is many times more fragrant than the flowers all over the mountains.

""Sister...sister, please...stretch it out."

Looking at the stuttering boy whose cheeks were so red that they seemed to bleed,

Cang Xue slowly stretched out a slender hand in confusion.

The boy couldn't help but hold his breath.


The sister's palm was so white, as if it had just been dug out of the soil and the roots of scallions washed clean of mud with the clearest well water.

The white was warm and dazzling.

The hand behind the back was stretched forward, and the egg that was clenched tightly until it broke into fine cracks was placed in the girl's palm.

The boy trembled and said,"Sister, this... this is my most... cleanest thing."

"No... it's not the leftovers from the guests..."

After saying that, the boy turned around and ran away


Half a quarter of an hour later, the girl sat on the doorstep, staring blankly at the egg in her hand.

"Sister Xue, what does that young man mean?"

"Egg, egg, are you asking us to get out?"

Xue Niang put down the empty bowl, took out a handkerchief from her sleeve, and wiped her rosy lips.

"If I'm not mistaken, that boy should like you."

Cang Xue was shocked:"Like... like me?!"


Ps: I also want a sweet love, 嘤嘤嘤.

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