A corner of the backyard of Yuelai Inn.

A young man in a coarse linen shirt sat on the threshold of the woodshed, staring blankly at his right hand.

""Sister's hands are so soft."

When the boy handed the egg to the girl, he accidentally touched her hand.

The feeling is hard to describe, softer than dough.

"After marrying my sister, I want to hold her hand every day"


The young man grinned.

Which girl doesn't have spring in her heart?

So does the young man.

In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the ninth day of the fifth month.

Early in the morning, the young man came again.

"Boom boom boom"

""Sister, open the door, I'm Li Ting."

Half a minute later.

In the courtyard.

The boy held the still warm boiled egg in his hand. Facing Xue Niang's scrutiny, he was embarrassed and at a loss.

From time to time, he looked up and secretly glanced at the girl who was having breakfast in the main room.

Cang Xue, dressed in white, squatted on a long bench. Her two black and shiny ponytails fell like two black waterfalls. She picked up the big white bowl and drank the rice porridge.

The girl stretched out her pink tongue and licked the rice grains at the corner of her mouth.

Then she slammed the bowl and chopsticks heavily on the table with a bang.

Finally, with a"burp", she burped with satisfaction.

Walking out of the house, the girl hugged her arms, leaned against the threshold, and looked at the boy.

Li Ting's head was very low, almost inserted into his chest.

That slightly delicate face was red as if it was burning.

"Li Ting, right?"

Cang Xue pondered for a while and said,"You need a virtuous woman, but I am a bad girl."

"We are not suitable for each other, take the eggs back and eat them by yourself."

The young man said in a muffled voice:"Sister, I don't want your feelings, I want my feelings"

"I think my sister is the good girl that I would rather sacrifice everything for and protect till death."

Cang Xue rolled her eyes and said,"You should protect your father and mother till death."

"Besides, how old are you, thirteen or fourteen? My sister is already eighteen this year."

The young man said stubbornly:"As long as we love each other, age is never a problem."

Cang Xue:"But I don't love you"

"As for your feelings towards me, at best it can only be considered as a favorable impression, not love."

The young man gently placed the egg on the stone table.

Then he looked at Cang Xue with a serious expression.

"Sister, I firmly believe that one day I will move you."

After saying this, he quickly ran out of the courtyard.


Cangxue held his forehead in pain,"If only Uncle Pig King was here."

Xue Niang picked up the egg and asked,"What should I do?"

Cangxue was in a dilemma.

After all, it was the boy's heart.

When they were fleeing famine, not to mention eggs, even grass roots and tree barks were luxuries, and the girl didn't want to waste them.

But since she decided not to have an emotional entanglement with the boy, how could she have the audacity to eat his eggs.


Before Cangxue could come up with a way to have the best of both worlds.

Xue Niang had already rubbed the egg back and forth between her slender palms.

The shell crumbs fell off.

The girl said speechlessly,"Sister Xue, why did you eat it again?"

"How about you go and have a love affair with that young man?"

Xue Niang peeled the eggshell clean and took a small bite.

While chewing slowly, she said calmly:"Girl, the master is right, you are too sensitive and care too much about other people's feelings."

"I ask you, were you clearly rejecting that boy just now?"

Cang Xue was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Xue Niang:"That boy is neither deaf nor stupid, he knows very well that you are rejecting him."

"He may be very naive and have no idea how much trouble this small egg can cause you."

"He just expects and fantasizes that you will eat this egg as if it were a treasure."

"Those with a stronger personality would smash the egg hard on the boy's face."

"Those with a colder personality will wait until the boy leaves before throwing away the eggs."

"Those who are simple-minded will eat it with gusto, thinking that it is just an egg and they will just eat it."

"As for those truly bad girls, they will always be like a fishing hook to lure the boy. If they eat the boy's eggs today, they will want to eat fish and meat tomorrow, and they will want money to buy rouge the day after tomorrow, clothes the day after tomorrow, and jewelry the day after tomorrow."

Xue Niang quickly finished her eggs, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Girl, you almost starved to death several times when you were fleeing famine. If your stepmother hadn't cut off her own flesh to save your life, you would have been buried deep in the silent loess."

"When you eat on weekdays, you pick up and eat the rice grains and steamed bread crumbs that fall on the table."

"So you can't throw this egg away."

"Give it back to the boy. Look at his stubborn look. If you dare to give him one today, he will give you ten tomorrow."

"So, you think hard to find a solution that is good for both you and the boy."


Xue Niang said word by word,"Why do you make your life so tiring?"

"So what if I ate the juvenile eggs?"

"So what if he is infatuated with you? If he doesn't like you, then he doesn't like you. Did you put a knife to the boy's neck and force him to be infatuated with you?"

"Why don't we give his parents some more money when we leave Longcheng?"

"You came to Dragon City to seek revenge, don't let these little things bother you."

"Tomorrow, if that young man comes again, don't leave the house."

The girl who was scolded said timidly:"Sister Xue, you are not going to eat him alive, are you? He is just a little annoying, not dead."

Xue Niang said speechlessly:"I am not your uncle the Pig King, don't worry, sister, I have a good plan"

"Just wait and see~"


May 10th.

The sun has not yet risen

"Boom boom boom"

""Sister, open the door, I'm Li Ting."

With a creaking sound, the courtyard door was pulled open a crack.

The young man was slightly startled.

"Hello, Sister Wang Zhi, I'm looking for Sister Wang Zhi."

Wang Zhi and Wang Zhi are pseudonyms for Xue Niang and Cang Xue.

Xue Niang looked at the egg tightly held in the boy's right hand and sighed.���"Li Ting, your sister Wang Zhi hasn't gotten up yet."

"My sister is kind-hearted but shy. She is afraid that you will be hurt if she tells you some things."

"In order to prevent you from getting deeper and deeper into trouble, I will be a bad guy for once."

The young man was puzzled and said,"Sister Wang Zhi, why don't I understand what you are saying?"


Xue Niang sighed again and said,"Li Ting, to tell you the truth, my sister has already been engaged."


The young man's eyes were as big as bells.

Xue Niang:"My sister's future husband is called Zhu...Mo Xuan"

"He is nine feet tall, vigorous, handsome, graceful...~"

"The most important thing is that he is from a noble family. Don't blame me for being harsh. Even if I can get a little bit of my money from my fingers, it would be enough to buy twenty Yuelai Inns for you."The young man came with joy and left in despair.

In the next few days, Cangxue was quiet.

Every time they met outside, the young man didn't smile foolishly like before, but would only secretly glance at her from a distance.

"He is a good child who knows his limits and keeps them in place."

Xue Niang praised him.

On May 15, the 14th year of Fuling,

Zhao Heng, the King of Zhenbei of Wei, arrived in Longcheng with his eldest son Zhao Jinghong.


Ps: After reading the chapter reviews, I was relieved that no one had guessed the subsequent plot development.

I went out to eat in the afternoon. I couldn't resist the temptation and drank a big gulp of white wine. I lay there until 8 o'clock before I came back to life. I went out to have a midnight snack. I guess the extra chapters for Brother Pao will be after 2 o'clock in the morning. I feel very worried when I think about the thousands of screws tomorrow.

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