May 15th.

The sun was setting in the west.

In the back garden of the Zhenbei Palace in Qingfeng Lane, Longcheng,

Zhenbei Prince Zhao Heng sat on a stone chair, expressionless and thoughtful.

The eldest son Zhao Jinghong squatted under the shade of a tree, watching the ants.

The boy held half a steamed bun in his hand.

He rubbed off some steamed bun crumbs from time to time. He watched with relish as the tiny ants carried the steamed bun crumbs, which were larger than their own bodies, to their nests, back and forth.



"When the child grows up, he wants to be a general."

After a short pause, Zhao Heng said,"Jinghong, come and sit down."

When the boy sat down beside him,

Zhao Heng brought up a topic,"Jinghong, you should know that a general has to lead his troops to fight, right?"

The boy nodded.

Zhao Heng:"Then what do you think war is?"

The boy shook his head,"I don't know."

Zhao Heng smiled and said,"You and the two children of our Tianji prefect, Wenlai and Wuqing, often quarrel over a disagreement."

The boy said,"Dad, what happened between Wenlai and Wuqing is called fighting."

Zhao Heng:"One-on-one, one-on-two is called fighting, then what about three-on-five, seven-on-eight?"

The boy replied,"It's also called fighting."

Zhao Heng:"Fifty against sixty, eighty against ninety?"

The boy said,"That's called a group fight."

Zhao Heng asked again,"Then what about eight hundred against nine hundred? What about eight thousand against nine thousand? What about eighty thousand against ninety thousand?"

The boy was speechless.

Zhao Heng said earnestly:"Jinghong, remember, the so-called war is just a large-scale fight."

"There are two children aged five or six. Zhang San has a rattle to play with, but Li Si does not."

"Li Si also wants to play, but his parents refuse to buy him one. What should he do?"

"Grab Zhang San's"

"Zhang San guards, while Li Si snatches. Jinghong, what is the key here?"

The boy said without hesitation:"Rattle."

Zhao Heng was relieved and said earnestly:"Jinghong, remember, whether it is a fight between children, between adults, or between countries,"

"The essence of war is not that I beat him black and blue, or that I killed so many people."

"The essence of war lies in interests, in the oppression, plunder and enslavement of the loser by the victor."

"Don't fight meaningless fights"

"You are walking on the street and someone spits at you and swears at you. The first thing you should do is not to punch him, but to force yourself to calm down."

"After calming down, start thinking"

"Think about whether he will attack you and threaten your own interests."

"Think about what you can get from him after you knock him to the ground and step on him."

"If he threatens your own interests, if defeating him can gain certain benefits, you must act vigorously and take the initiative."

"If he is only good at talking, if he is penniless, stay away from him"

"Because whenever there is a fight, injuries are inevitable."

"All wars are accompanied by casualties, throughout history, without exception"

"You can gain nothing, but never lose anything"

"As the saying goes, there is no gain without early rise."

"Those who cannot control their emotions when faced with provocation, those who always like to fight meaningless fights, are destined to never achieve great things."

The boy was obviously not interested in these profound principles.

"Dad, when I grow up, I want to lead 200,000 soldiers, which is twice as many as you."

Zhao Heng poured a cup of tea for himself and his son.

He asked with a smile:"Jinghong, do you think it is easy to command ten people?"

The boy said confidently:"As strong as an arm... What's as strong as an arm?~"

"Like an arm"

"Right, right, as if they were one’s own arm."

Zhao Heng:"What about the one hundred?"

The boy hesitated for a moment, then said in a sonorous voice,"As if they were one’s own arm."

Zhao Heng:"What about the one thousand?"

The boy whispered,"As if they were one’s own arm.""

""What about ten thousand people?"

The boy opened his mouth, but dared not speak nonsense.

Zhao Heng took two sips of tea to moisten his throat and said,"Let alone a thousand people, even a thousand sheep would be enough to give you a headache."

"Those were not a thousand majestic and brave soldiers charging into battle, but a thousand hungry mouths, each of whom could eat a dozen steamed buns in one meal."

"As for the sheep, you don't have to worry about food, after all, the mountains and plains are covered with grass."

"But you have to manage them."

"A thousand sheep left the sheepfold. Some sheep thought the grass in the west was tender, so they ran to the west hill. Some sheep thought the grass in the east was delicious, so they ran to the east hill."

"Some sheep run north, and some run south."

The boy was shocked and swallowed his saliva.

Zhao Heng did not stop and continued:"Do you think sheep cannot understand human language and are more difficult to manage than people?"

"Jinghong, if you think so, Dad can only tell you that you are totally wrong."

"The total number of soldiers in Longcheng Camp is about 137,918."

"Our Wei State stipulated that during wartime, each soldier was allocated about three kilograms of food per day."

"No more, no less"

"Otherwise, you will be so hungry that you will be pale and skinny, and you won't even be able to swing a sword on the battlefield."

"Let's calculate based on 100,000 people and one pound of grain."

"One hundred thousand people would have to eat one hundred thousand kilograms of food a day."

"Do you know what that means?"

The boy said uncertainly,"A hill?"

Zhao Heng shook his head,"Several hills ?""

"In addition to humans, military horses would also switch from eating grass to eating grain during war."

"The food consumed by a horse in a day is equivalent to that consumed by six or seven soldiers."

"And Dragon City now has more than 11,000 military horses, which translates to 60 to 70,000 people."

"There are about 200,000 mouths. Just imagine how much food they eat in a day.

The boy was so frightened that his scalp went numb.

"Even if you solve the food problem perfectly"

"What about the soldiers?"

Zhao Heng asked one after another:"What if the soldiers fight with each other? What if someone is killed by mistake? If you execute that person according to military regulations, will the soldiers think that you, the general, are cold-blooded and heartless?"

"If you are magnanimous and let that man go, will the soldiers think you are easy to bully?"

"Who should be assigned as the cook? If the food he cooks is not tasty, will the soldiers beat him up without your knowledge?"

"Will the cook, in his rage, poison the next meal?"

"Who should be assigned to guard the granary? Can that person be trusted? What if he steals from the warehouse?"

"What if there is a plague? What if the weather is too hot and the soldiers get heat stroke? What if the camp is flooded by heavy rain?"

"And the most crucial point is that you, as a general, are going to fight a war."

The boy wanted to cry but had no tears. He had never thought that being a general would be so difficult.

Zhao Heng said quietly:"Suppose you lead 100,000 soldiers, and the enemy general also leads 100,000 soldiers. You can control them as easily as your own arm, and the general can also control them as easily as his own arm. How should this war be fought?"

"How strong is the enemy's army? What advantages does it have over yours? What tactics will it use after the war begins?"

"How good is your army? What are its advantages? What tactics will you formulate?"

"Will the enemy general predict your tactics and adjust them accordingly?"

"Do you want to adjust your tactics based on the tactics he adjusts?"

"Do you want to passively defend or take the initiative? What should you do in passive defense? Should you take the initiative to attack by dividing your forces into three groups and encircling the two wings, or should you concentrate your forces and attack Huanglong directly?"

"If the city is breached in a passive defense, should we fight to the death, or order a retreat?"

"Take the initiative to attack, divide the troops into three groups, and what should we do if one of the groups is completely wiped out by the enemy?"

"What if the enemy refuses to fight you after you have concentrated your forces? Should you pursue them? Will there be an ambush along the way?"

"You concentrate your forces, but the enemy divides his forces into three groups and surrounds you from both wings, making the situation precarious. What should you do?"

"When you divide your troops into three groups, you suddenly receive news that the general of the left group is a spy from the enemy country. What should you do?"

"Is the source of the news authentic and reliable?"

"If it is true, and you order the left army to retreat, what if the spy general disobeys orders?"

"If it is false, and you order a retreat, missing the golden opportunity to annihilate the enemy's army, what if the emperor suspects you of rebelling?"

"If you insist on attacking, and the general of the left army is really a spy from the enemy country, and leads the army away from the battlefield, what should you do when facing a situation where you are outnumbered?"


Seeing his son holding his head in pain, Zhao Heng said nothing more.

"What Dad told you is just the tip of the iceberg."

"If you want to know the way to be a general, I can tell you for three days and three nights."

""No, Dad, don't say anymore."

The boy said with a slightly tearful voice,"Being a general is too difficult, it's not easy at all."

Footsteps came closer.

A martial arts attendant from the palace walked up to Zhao Heng, leaned over and whispered,"Your Majesty, someone is coming."


Ps: Extra chapter for Pao Ge, and Human Game Master owes me chapters.

The foreshadowing is almost done, let the tide come more fiercely.

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