On May 15, the 14th year of Fuling, as the sun was setting in the west, ten generals from Longcheng entered the Zhenbei Palace.

These ten people were the official generals who led the army, not the powerless generals.

"" Your Highness."

Ten people came to the back garden of the palace and bowed to Zhao Heng who was sitting on a stone bench.

Zhao Heng, who was dressed in white clothes and had white hair on his temples, asked,"Have you counted them clearly?"

A general replied,"Your Highness, there are now a total of 97,513 households in Longcheng."

"The total population is about 400,000"

"The meat of a middle-aged man is about 40 to 50 kilograms. When smoked into jerky, it will shrink slightly."

"The elderly, men, women, and children, assuming 30 catties of meat, 400,000 people, would have a total of about 12 million catties of meat."

"The grain and grass belong to the army and the soldiers eat meat. Each person is given one catty of meat per day. 130,000 soldiers means 130,000 catties of meat."

""It can support the city for a hundred days without worries."

400,000 civilians can only feed the 130,000 troops for a hundred days.

After a hundred days, if the city is broken, there will be death.

But what if the city is not broken? Where can we find food and grass by then?~

"My Lord, the agreement of not fighting ends on the fifth day of June. This month, many families in the city have left the city with their families and headed south."

"Yesterday alone, about 7,000 to 8,000 people left, which was equivalent to two days' worth of food for 130,000 soldiers."

"I hope Your Majesty will make a decision as soon as possible."

Zhao Heng thought for a while and said softly,"Let's do it tonight."

"Let the soldiers sharpen their swords"

"I will obey your command."

Looking at the ten strong and powerful generals walking away with great strides,

Zhao Jinghong asked curiously,"Dad, what did you say to them? Why can't I understand a single word?"

Zhao Heng touched the boy's head and said,"After nightfall, follow Dad to the top of the city wall, and then you will understand.~"


The sunset glow was extremely beautiful.

It was like a large piece of sticky blood.

Cang Xue came to the camp outside the city alone.

The grass was lush and growing wildly.

The girl lowered her head as she walked slowly.

Scattered bones could be seen everywhere in the grass.

There were skulls covered with fine cracks, staring at the girl with dark eye sockets.

There were ribs, arm bones, thigh bones, and foot bones, half covered by yellow soil.

I don’t know which one belongs to Xiaoyu.

Cang Xue, with blood-red eyes, wandered around the girl like a ghost, and said with great pain:"It hurts, it hurts so much!"

"Xiaoyu is so miserable, she died without a complete body"

"How could it be enough to avenge our hatred by killing only the 100,000 soldiers in Longcheng?"

"If you want to kill him, kill him in a shocking and satisfying way."

"After slaughtering the entire Longcheng, they headed south from the north to the capital of Wei."

"After killing all the people in Wei, he would go north, south, east, and west until he had killed all the people in the world."

"For Xiaoyu, he built a human head temple as wide as the ground and as high as the sky."

"Hehehe, this is so cool!"

Golden Eyed Cangxue gently dissuaded him,"Xue'er, don't let the devil bewitch your heart."

"As the saying goes, when will the cycle of revenge end?"

"The sea of suffering is endless, turn back and you will find the shore, Xueer"

"Besides, Xiaoyu was only five years old at the time, and she didn't have much flesh on her body."

"At most, it's enough for two or three soldiers."

"But why do you insist on putting this blood feud on the heads of a hundred thousand soldiers?"

"Cher, stop being burdened by hatred"

"If Xiaoyu knew that you had to kill hundreds of thousands of people to avenge him, and that you had to live in such pain to avenge him, he would feel deeply guilty." The girl leaned over and picked up a small skull. It was about the same size as Xiaoyu's.

"Do you think that if Xiaoyu were still alive, would he have married?"

"Will the couple inherit their adoptive father and mother's legacy and travel around the country with the Cang family opera troupe?"

"In a few years, will Xiaoyu have her own children?"

"Will the child call me"Auntie" in a baby voice?"

The girl took off the red blood from the pendant on her waist.

She dug a shallow pit with the scabbard and buried the small skull.

She stood up and squinted her eyes at the blazing sun on the horizon.

She whispered,"Yes.~"


The setting sun stretched the girl's shadow very long. The girl suddenly realized something was wrong while walking slowly.

She stopped and looked back at the military camp in the distance.

She saw that the vast training ground was filled with soldiers lined up in a row.

"No wonder I didn't hear the drill shouts."

"Where are they going? What are they going to do?"

"Start a war with the Su Kingdom in advance?!"

Only the sound of flags rustling in the distance could be heard by the girl.

Not a single human voice could be heard.

Above the camp, a murderous aura was surging.

The girl frowned slightly, retracted her gaze and walked towards the south gate of Longcheng, which was a hundred feet away. She raised her eyes inadvertently and saw a man in flowing white standing on the top of the towering city.

The girl recognized him. He was the commander of the three armies of Longcheng, the King of Zhenbei, Zhao Heng.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15 of the third year of Fuling, the girl was singing on the stage, and the prince was sitting in the audience, listening with his eyes closed.

The girl's eyes flickered, and her uneasiness became stronger.

"What on earth is this prince going to do?!"


Two quarters of an hour later, the girl hurried back to Yuelai Inn and found the boy chopping wood in the backyard.

"Li Ting, for the sake of your two eggs and your sister, go find your parents right now."

"You three just need to take your valuables and leave Dragon City immediately and run away."

Looking at Cang Xue's anxious face, the boy was slightly startled,"Run away? Why, sister?~"

"It's getting dark, and it will be dinner time soon. My parents are preparing the food. Why don't we wait until tomorrow?"

Cang Xue opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

After all, the massacre was just the girl's guess.

If she guessed right, she could save the lives of the boy's family of three.

If she guessed wrong, it would be just a lie and a joke.

Don't delay them from making money. The boy's parents were so angry that they reported the girl to the military camp.

The crime of slandering the three armies would be punishable by beheading.

Cang Xue finally chose to speak:"The agreement of non-war is imminent, and your family of three will always have to leave Longcheng and go south to seek refuge."

"It doesn't matter whether you leave early or late. I suggest you leave now, immediately, and right away."

The boy obviously didn't take Cang Xue's words to heart,"Sister, don't worry, I will discuss it with my parents later when we are not busy."


Cang Xue sighed lightly, turned around and walked towards the small courtyard not far away.

Looking at the tall figure of the girl, the boy couldn't help but grin,"Sister is worried about me.~"


The bright sun on the horizon was reduced to its last half.

The blood-golden sunset shone on the snow-white silk clothes of the Zhenbei King Zhao Heng.

The snow-white clothes were instantly dimmed with a faint bloody light.

The two generals and a dozen strong and brave soldiers were far away.

As for Zhao Jinghong, he stood on tiptoe, lying on the top of the city wall, looking around.

"Tanghulu, big and sweet Tanghulu, one penny a bunch"

"Steamed buns, freshly-cooked pork and green onion stuffed buns"

"Wontons, steaming hot wontons, three copper coins for a bowl."

The shouts of vendors came one after another.

Women carrying baskets squatted in front of the vegetable stalls, picking and choosing, and bargaining.

An old woman in her sixties sat in the shade of a tree and chatted. Under the setting sun, the spitting saliva was clearly visible.

An old man in his seventies sat on the steps and smoked his pipe, and puffs of smoke rose into the sky.

The children were playing and fighting, some playing eagle catching chickens, some playing hide-and-seek, and some playing shuttlecock.

The clear laughter like silver bells spread far and wide.

A quarter of an hour later.

The sun sank completely.

The sky gradually dimmed.

The woman carried a full basket of vegetables and walked hurriedly, wanting to get home as soon as possible to prepare dinner.

The old man and the old woman walked unsteadily, and the children were still reluctant to leave.

Everyone was going home.

The evening breeze blew up clothes.

Zhao Heng, the King of Zhenbei, with his hands behind his back, whispered softly:"The eternal night is coming~"

"The Eternal Night Belongs to You 400,000 People"

"It also belongs to the 130,000 soldiers, to me"

"Everyone in this city will die in the eternal night~"


Ps: I was so sleepy, I slept for two hours after work without even eating.

I had a midnight snack and came back to continue writing. I will make up for the Human Game Master update this Saturday.

I really can't bear it anymore.

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