In the fourteenth year of Fuling, the blazing sun of May 15th set from the west.

Then the bright moon of May 15th rose from the east.

The stars and the moon shone brightly on the mountains and rivers.

The blazing horns played the song of blood and fire.

Amid the hurried footsteps, hundreds of strong archers holding hard bows and carrying quivers climbed up the south city wall and lined up in a row.

The earth seemed to be shaking slightly.

Zhao Jinghong looked back and his scalp tingled.

Three miles away, the three gates of the three-army camp were opened at the same time.

The black soldiers gushed out like a turbulent tide.

From a distance, they looked like three rolling black dragons.

After leaving the camp, the three black dragons merged into one, rolled over the wide official road, and swam straight to the south city gate.

Zhao Jinghong had never thought that 130,000 soldiers could walk so neatly and quietly, without any noise of conversation.

But the terrifying murderous aura like the waves crashing against the shore made the boy's thighs tremble, and goose bumps appeared all over his exposed skin.

These were not 130,000 soldiers.

They were a cruel and cold-blooded war machine.

"Dad, what are you going to do?!"

Zhao Jinghong is already eleven years old, not a naive child of three or four years old.

The boy has guessed something.

Zhao Heng, the King of Zhenbei, dressed in white like frost and snow, with his hands behind his back, said calmly:"Dad has to find food for these 130,000 mouths."

"Yan Lin, open the city gate!"

"I obey your command!"


At the tail of the thick black dragon.

The man called Zhang Qingrong glanced at the trembling new recruits not far away in the team, and couldn't help but tighten his palm on the handle of the knife.

After all, it was the first time to kill someone, and the body would definitely tremble and shake due to various complex emotions such as fear.

The heart in the chest would beat wildly, the face would be as pale as paper, and the palm holding the knife would keep sweating.

Zhang Qingrong had experienced it before.

But it was on the battlefield.

Even though he was a veteran who had fought three battles, Zhang Qingrong looked calm on the outside, but the ripples in his heart were layer after layer.

Afraid of death?

Not really.

Not to mention that the number of civilians in the city was only more than 400,000, even if there were 4 million, facing 130,000 well-trained and well-equipped soldiers, they could only, only run away.

This was destined to be a one-sided massacre.

What made Zhang Qingrong uneasy was the wisps, looming, a kind of emotion that could not be explained.

It should be called intolerance, or guilt, or the condemnation of conscience?

After all, we are compatriots of the same country.

"Hey, Lao Wang, I heard that your team is in charge of Weiyang Lane?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"A distant aunt of mine lives with a family of five in Weiyang Lane. She runs a tofu shop. She asked your brothers to be quick and not chop one by one. You should behead them, otherwise it will be too painful."

"Okay, I'll give them a good time."

"Thank you."

Colleagues were talking to each other in low voices, and Zhang Qingrong was listening quietly.

"Old Tang, aren’t you from Longcheng? Have you made arrangements for your wife, daughter and mother?"

"Five years ago, I moved my family to Cangyan Town, 300 miles away."

"It's not just me. All the military households within a hundred miles of Longcheng were relocated one after another by the prince as early as the year when the non-war agreement was signed."

"Anyway, there are no families of our brothers in the city."

"Eleven years ago, did the prince foresee this day and this moment?!"

"It should be. I heard that the current emperor issued nine imperial edicts in order to let the prince take charge of the overall situation."

"If the prince had set out on his journey when he received the first imperial edict, the court would never have allocated the three million catties of grain and fodder."

"Unfortunately, although three million catties sounds like a lot, the imperial guards responsible for transporting it would have to eat up a small portion of it."

"Shut up, the city gate is open!"


The backyard of Yuelai Inn.

Cangxue and Xueniang stand side by side on the roof of the newly built courtyard.

""The horn sound just now... the King of Zhenbei is really going to massacre the city!"

Cangxue said in shock. Xue

Niang asked softly:"Should we inform Li Hongyuan's family of three?"

Cangxue shook her head:"Half an hour ago, when the sun was setting, their family still had a chance to escape."

"But now, it's too late"

"After nightfall, the city gates will be heavily guarded, and ordinary people will have no chance to escape."

Xue Niang:"It's okay, girl. As long as you are willing, I can protect their family and help them get through this disaster safely.""

"No need, Sister Xue."

The girl pondered for a moment and said,"I have red blood hanging around my waist. Li Hongyuan and his wife, and even Li Ting, know that we are warriors."

"If they want to survive, they will regard us as their last straw."

"Let's do this, Sister Xue, we will stay here. If their family hides in the courtyard, we will protect them if possible."

Xue Niang said with a smile,"What if they are surrounded by soldiers outside the courtyard and are in danger?"

The girl said expressionlessly,"Who told them to run so slowly?"


Even though it was several streets away, the huge creaking sound of the South City Gate opening could still be heard from afar.

The girl's expression was stern,"It's started!"


The endless thick black dragon heads passed through the South Gate and squeezed into Dragon City with difficulty.


The dragon heads split into teams and dispersed to streets and dark alleys.

Clanging sounds came one after another.

The unsheathed steel knives reflected a large area of glittering cold light under the moonlight.

With a bang.

When the first family's door was kicked open.

When the murderous soldiers rushed into the house.

When the first blood splashed on the food that was still steaming.

The first shrill scream suddenly sounded.

Then came the second, third, and fourth... until the whole Dragon City was drowned in screams and screams.

It was like a night parade of ghosts.

When the massacre just started, the scene was still calm.

Because all the blood and corpses were in the house.

As time went on, more and more people who heard the screams ran out of their homes and fled into the night in fear.

But where can they escape to?

Dragon City that night was a giant birdcage.

Zhao Jinghong saw the soldier's sword falling, and the fleeing man's entire right arm was instantly separated from his body.


The man screamed heartbreakingly.

The soldier stepped on the man's chest, raised the steel knife high, and aimed at the neck.

The moment the steel knife fell.

Zhao Jinghong's heart jumped suddenly.

The boy saw the man's severed head, and was sprayed far away by the splattering blood.

He rolled three or four feet on the long bluestone street.

The old women and men in their sixties and seventies, leaning on crutches, tried their best to go faster and faster.

With a whistling sound, the steel knife swept across.

The head of the old man with a head full of silver hair fell to the ground.

The headless corpse was still staggering forward.

After seven or eight steps, it staggered and fell down.

Old people, men, women, and even children.

Screams, pleas for mercy, desperate cries.

The streets were full of corpses and heads rolling on the ground.

Zhao Jinghong squatted down tremblingly, holding his head with both hands.

His face was pale, and drops of crystal clear tears flowed out of his eyes.

It was smashed to pieces on the square blue bricks on the top of the city.

…… ps: I update 3,000 words a day, will you scold me?

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