The lobby of Yuelai Inn.

The candlelight was dim.

The tables and chairs were overturned, and the dishes and food were scattered all over the floor.

Li Hongyuan, wearing an apron, sat on the stairs, puffing on his pipe.

The palms on his knees were trembling slightly, proving that the man's heart was not as calm as he seemed on the surface.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Si Wen, the proprietress, was panicking and pacing back and forth in the lobby.

"Dad, the shouting and screaming are getting closer, you should think of a solution!"

"How about we run away too?!"

Li Hongyuan put down his pipe and said in a slightly distorted voice:"Run away? Where to run to? Turn into a pair of wings and fly out of Longcheng?"

Standing at the door of the inn, Li Ting, who was holding a hatchet in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, turned his head and gritted his teeth and said:"Dad, let's fight them!"

"Fight? What to fight? A hatchet that can only chop wood and a kitchen knife that can only kill chickens and fish?"

Li Hongyuan pondered for a while and said,"Mother, go upstairs to the room and take down our savings over the years."


The proprietress sighed and asked,"How much do you want?"

Li Hongyuan:"All!"

Li Ting's thin body suddenly trembled, as if he remembered something, and turned around and ran to the backyard.

"Ting'er, stop running around, come back!"


In the backyard of Yuelai Inn.

On the roof of the courtyard.

Cang Xue analyzed:"From the first to the third year of Fuling, the Great Wei was almost hit by a severe drought throughout the country, especially in the seven northern states. The rivers dried up, the grass and trees withered, the land was barren for thousands of miles, and there were starving people everywhere."

"There is no cockcrow for a thousand miles, and only one person out of a hundred lives"

"Not to mention eleven years, even twenty-one or thirty-one years, it would be difficult for Wei to recover to the state of Wen and Jing."

"Now, the Li Kingdom is eyeing Wei Kingdom from the east, and the Qing Kingdom in the south has already broken through Jialing Pass and occupied dozens of cities."

"The imperial court could not provide too many soldiers and food for Longcheng."

"That's why the prince resorted to such a desperate measure, and would rather bear the eternal infamy than order the massacre of the city."

"The people of Longcheng are innocent"

"The reason why the prince ordered the massacre of the city was because there was no food."

"The reason why the imperial court did not allocate grain and grass was because the treasury was empty and because of the severe drought that lasted for three years and was almost a disaster."

"So, is it God’s fault~"

The girl who tried to trace the source frowned.

Xue Niang yawned and said speechlessly:"Girl, why do you always think about these nonsense?"

"Aren't you just carrying someone else's coffin to your own home to cry?"

"You should care about when your two swords will be delivered, what tactics should be formulated to avenge the 100,000 soldiers of Longcheng, and how to start the rest of your life after revenge."

"You should care about yourself, your master, your sister Feng, Uncle Pig Emperor, and me."


The girl sighed and said,"Sister Xue, Mr. Qi from the town school once taught me that a gentleman should be sympathetic when seeing others in trouble."

Xue Niang was stunned,"What does that mean?"

The girl explained,"A gentleman should not gloat over others' misfortune, but should feel compassion."

Xue Niang:"Your master also taught you to be a carefree ghost in the underworld and not to care about the dirty things in the world."

"Why do you only listen to the man surnamed Qi and not your master?"

The girl said helplessly:"Sister Xue, I don't want to either, but I can't control my random thoughts."

The sound of hurried footsteps came from far away.

The girl and Xue Niang looked down from above.

But they saw the boy hurriedly ran into the backyard.

He ran to the small courtyard that was built and knocked on the gate.

"Boom boom boom~"

"Sister Wang Zhi, open the door, I am Li Ting"

"Stop knocking, we are here."

Xue Niang reminded.

The young man took two steps back and looked up, lost in thought.

Sister Wang Zhi, dressed in white with long black hair, seemed to be flying away on the wind.

"Hey, young man from the Li family, stop being in a daze, what’s the matter?"

Xue Niang asked.

The young man came to his senses and hurriedly said,"Sister Wang Zhi, I don’t know what’s going on with the group of soldiers in the camp outside the city. They are killing people everywhere."

"My father is going to use the money he has saved over the years to protect the inn."

"You must not run around."

Xue Niang:"Young man from the Li family, my sister and I know about this."

Looking at the young man who turned around and ran away quickly, Xue Niang said softly:"He is a kind and gentle child."

Cang Xue:"Sister Xue, have you forgotten what your master taught you, that it is difficult to draw the bones of a cat or a tiger, and that you can know a person's face but not his heart?"

Xue Niang:"……"


Just as the boy ran back to the lobby, a group of ten soldiers rushed into the inn.

The steel knives were still dripping with blood, and the bloody smell was disgusting.

The generous men who used to come to the inn to drink and eat meat were now covered in blood and staring at him like wild animals. The boy was so scared that his hands holding the hatchet and kitchen knife could not stop shaking.

"You are... Lord Xiao Chengjing!"

Li Hongyuan looked at the leading man in armor and said in surprise:"Lord Xiao, do you remember that I once invited you to dinner?"

"Oh, really~"

The man called Xiao Chengjing narrowed his eyes slightly, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity.

Li Hongyuan was startled and hurriedly handed over a large bag of silver.

"Sir Xiao, this... this is the money our family of three earned."

"Please show mercy, my lord, and spare my family and the inn."

Xiao Chengjing took the heavy purse with his bloodstained hands.

He weighed it twice, and the sound of silver coins colliding was particularly pleasant. There was no copper coins mixed in.

"Boss Li, you are a good person."

"Tomorrow, I, Xiao, will bring my brothers to take care of your business."

Xiao Chengjing smiled meaningfully,"Brothers, the next"

""Master Xiao, other masters, take care."

Watching the soldiers disappear into the night, Li Hongyuan and his wife, as well as Li Ting, all breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, before the three of them could calm down, another group of people rushed in.

Li Hongyuan's face changed, and he sighed inwardly.

He then took out another purse from his sleeve.

However, it was much smaller than the one he gave to Xiao Chengjing.

"Dear adults, just a small token of my appreciation."

"This is the money our family has earned through hard work. Please accept it."

The leader grabbed the money bag and smiled grimly.

"We accepted the money with a smile"

"To express our apology, Manager Li, the brothers will give you and your wife a quick death."

""Get started!"

Soon, Li Hongyuan and his wife were tied up.

The sergeant glanced at his soldiers and asked,"After killing all the way here, is there anyone who has not unsheathed his sword?"

Several soldiers cast their eyes on one person.

The sergeant frowned,"Zhang Qingrong, what's the matter, are you trying to stay clean?"

The man called Zhang Qingrong shook his head,"No, sergeant"

"No best!"

The chief sat on a long bench, dividing the money and ordered:"These two people are yours."

Zhang Qingrong came to Li Hongyuan and his wife.

The couple, kneeling on their knees, were already scared and stunned.

There were no desperate screams and cries before death, nor were there any heart-wrenching scenes of expressing their feelings to each other and making last words.

There was only uncontrollable trembling.


The steel knife was unsheathed.

Zhang Qingrong first stood beside the proprietress Si Wen.

He aimed at the neck.

The knife fell.


The head fell to the ground.

The blood spurted from the broken neck and hit the beam directly, splashing into a blood curtain all over the sky.

Li Hongyuan fainted.

Zhang Qingrong stepped on the man's chest.

The knife fell

"The big head was taken away by Lord Xiao"

"This purse contains a total of 28 taels and 7 qian of silver."

"Of this, ten taels shall be given to Lord Xiao, and the rest shall be divided among us brothers.……"

There was a loud bang.

It attracted everyone's attention.

The soldiers looked towards a corner of the hall.

In the dim light, the young man's thin body was shaking like a sieve.

"There is still a fish that slipped through the net~"

There was another bang.

The hatchet and the kitchen knife fell to the ground.

He bit his tongue hard and made it bleed.

After barely suppressing his fear with the severe pain, the boy turned around and ran to the backyard with difficulty.

‘Hurry up, hurry up!’

‘Let Sister Wang Zhi escape quickly!’


Ps: There are no military households in Dragon City anymore, why is there a short comment from fellow Taoists at the end of the last chapter saying it is unreasonable?

Chapter 2 is about 2 a.m., I can't change my schedule, it's uncomfortable.

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