When the squad leader's team finished dividing the spoils, they slowly came to the backyard of the inn.

They saw the young man in the rough linen shirt banging on the gate of a small courtyard.

"Sister Wang Zhi, go, run away, my father and mother are dead!"

Feeling being stared at, the sergeant and several soldiers looked up.

On the roof of the courtyard, white clothes fluttered, snow-white silk was like the Milky Way, and black hair was like a black waterfall.

Looking at the long sword hanging from the waist of the girl in plain clothes, the sergeant murmured:"Warrior?!"

"Zhang Qingrong, go find Master Xiao."

Looking down at Cang Xue, he had a full view of the backyard.

"The gate is clearly not bolted, why don't you come in?"

The girl couldn't see Li Ting, but she could hear the sound of knocking on the door.

Xue Niang chuckled and said,"The person is outside the gate. If these soldiers kill someone, girl, will you save him or not?"

The girl said expressionlessly,"If you enter the small courtyard, I will save him. If you don't enter, go to hell."

Soon, dense footsteps sounded.

Xiao Chengjing, one of the 800 personal guards under the command of Zhenbei King Zhao Heng, led more than 20 brave soldiers into the backyard.

When he saw Cang Xue and Xue Niang for the first time, Xiao Chengjing was slightly stunned.

"They are both good-looking~"

Facing more than 30 soldiers holding shiny steel knives, Cang Xue and Xue Niang looked calm and composed.

"A warrior, and of a high rank~"

Xiao Chengjing thought for a moment, stepped forward, clasped his fists towards Xue Niang and Cang Xue, and said loudly:"I am Xiao Chengjing, do you two want to protect this young man?"

Li Ting, who was frightened by the fierce soldier's murderous aura and collapsed in front of the courtyard gate, could not help but stare in amazement.

‘Sister Wang Zhi... is she really that powerful? How could she make these soldiers so alert?! '

On the roof, Cang Xue and Xue Niang were both silent.

Xiao Chengjing frowned.

What the hell does this mean?

"Pass the order to surround Yuelai Inn"

"In addition, send someone to report to the prince"


The killing continued.

After all, let alone more than 400,000 living people, even if it was 400,000 pigs tied up, it would take several hours to chop them.

Some people ran to the north gate.

Some broke out of the encirclement and headed for the south gate.

""Shoot freely!"

A general gave the order.

The archers lined up on the top of the city, their bows drawn like full moons.

With the sound of whizzing through the air, arrows rained down like rain.

Living people fell down like wheat waves.

Zhao Heng, with his hands behind his back, glanced at Zhao Jinghong, who was squatting nearby, covering his ears with his hands, and his body trembling.

He said lightly:"Left and right, pick him up."

The two guards were stunned for a moment, then understood, each holding an arm to lift Zhao Jinghong up

"No, I won’t listen, I won’t watch!"

The boy struggled madly, tears streaming down his face.

"Zhao Jinghong, you'd better listen carefully and watch carefully"

"Otherwise, you hold the knife, and dad will hold your hand and teach you how to kill."

The boy stopped struggling.

Through his tears, he looked at the blurry man who was so close.

He never thought that his father, who was usually elegant and easy-going, would become so strange one day.

In the boy's memory, this father has always been gentle and elegant.

Not to mention being harsh on the people in the mansion, he has never said a harsh word.

Which prince or noble would specially pack up the leftover wine and food when dining in a restaurant, so that the people in the mansion can taste what delicacies are?

Which upper-class gentry would go out with a bulging purse of copper coins and give beggars?

Which official master doesn't love money like his life, has many wives and concubines, and regards human life as grass?

In the boy's eyes, his father only loves his mother in his life, wears a silk dress for three years, and often reminds himself to be humble.

When living in Tianji Mansion, Zhao Jinghong often felt depressed and couldn't be as lawless as the two sons of the prefect.

He He is a royal relative, his father is the King of Zhenbei, the uncle of the current emperor.

Why can't he be arrogant?

Zhao Jinghong once had a dream.

The first dream was to be the most unruly and spoiled child in Tianji Mansion.

The second dream was to be the most unruly and spoiled child in Suzhou.

The third dream was to strive to win the throne of the top spoiled child in the entire Wei Kingdom.

Later, the boy's huge dream was shattered by his father with three rulers.

Zhao Jinghong, who had not gotten out of bed for half a year, did not hate his father at all.

Because the boy knew that it was not right.

But the father whom he had admired for so many years could order the massacre of the city so calmly.

Seeing this hell on earth, there was not a trace of mercy in his expression.

How can a living person be so cold and cruel?!

So strange!

It's really so strange!

Under the constant impact of the bloody scenes and the impact of various complex emotions, the boy's body softened, his head tilted, and he fainted

"Prince...Prince, the prince...his son fainted on his own!"

Zhao Heng took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and gently wiped away his son's tears and snot.

"Send it back to the housekeeper."

"I obey your command."

The guards on both sides had just left with the boy in their arms.

A soldier hurriedly ran up to the top of the city wall.

He knelt on one knee from a distance and said,"Your Majesty, two high-ranking warriors were found in the backyard of Yuelai Inn. Lord Xiao Chengjing asked me to report this to you."

"A high-level warrior?!"

"How high is it?"

The soldier replied:"Master Xiao said it is the inner realm"

"Internal training martial artist~"

Zhao Heng pondered for a while and said,"Lead the way ahead."


The moon was above the treetops.

The Yuelai Inn was crowded with soldiers covered in blood.

The atmosphere was so oppressive that it suffocated the young Li family.

Suddenly, the crowd separated like a tide.

In Li Ting's astonished eyes, a middle-aged man dressed in snow-white clothes came slowly with his hands behind his back.

After eleven years, Cangxue saw that face again up close.

Zhao Heng raised his head slightly and stared at Xue Niang and Cangxue.

The two women also looked down at the Zhenbei King who commanded the three armies of Longcheng.

‘First level... Inverted Sea Realm~'

The moment Zhao Heng cast his gaze towards Cang Xue, his brows couldn't help but slightly frowned.

‘It seems... I've seen him somewhere~'

After a long silence,

Zhao Heng spoke first,"You two ladies want to protect this young man?"

The man pointed at Li Ting who was slumped at the gate of the courtyard.

Cang Xue and Xue Niang did not reply.

Zhao Heng smiled faintly, his smile was like water spilling out of the cracked ice.

"This boy can live, but he must join the army and participate in the June National War."

"I promise that this boy will not die in the military camp, but will die on the battlefield, at the hands of the enemy's soldiers."

"This is my kindness to the two girls."

"The national war is imminent, and the general trend is tilting"

"In order to avoid unnecessary changes, please leave Dragon City as soon as possible."

"It is the two girls repaying me for my kindness."

Zhao Heng said softly,"Take him away."

When the young man from the Li family was dragged away by two soldiers, he kept turning his head and looked at Cang Xue and Xue Niang on the roof of the courtyard.

The young man's lips opened and closed.

He said"thank you" silently.

He looked at the white in the middle of the leaving crowd.

Xue Niang said in a serious tone:"This prince... is very extraordinary!"

"Girl, he will definitely be the biggest obstacle on your road to revenge!"

Cang Xue loosened her hand that was stroking the hilt of the sword.

Her palm was wet.

"Sister Xue, can you tell what realm he is in?"

Xue Niang shook her head slightly."You need your uncle the Pig King to tell you."


Ps: I finished writing this chapter in one breath without pausing in the middle.

My old waist is getting stronger again, I will give you a massage as a reward tomorrow.

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