May 16, the 14th year of Fuling.

The sky was slightly pale.

The killing that had lasted all night was over.

With a creaking sound, one carriage after another, carrying a full load of bloody corpses, drove out of the South Gate and headed towards the Three Armies Camp.

The carriages and horses were like dragons.

Soon, the morning sun rose.

On the parade ground, a group of bare-chested warriors were sweating profusely, playing Cuju.

Cuju was not a ball, but a few heads.

In the direction of the long kitchen, black smoke from burning firewood rolled.

The sounds of axes and kitchen knives chopping bones and chopping meat came one after another. The cooks were racing against time to smoke the dead into jerky to prevent rot.

After a while, the rich meaty aroma that made people salivate spread, and you could smell it even in Dragon City.

In a corner of the camp.

In front of a tent, the young man of the Li family was at a loss.

There were deafening snoring sounds in the tent, where a dozen soldiers were sleeping.

Li Ting recognized every face, and he would probably never forget them until his death.

The one with a strong build was the captain.

The one curled up was Zhang Qingrong.

It was this team that broke into the Yuelai Inn last night and kidnapped my father and mother.

That Zhang Qingrong chopped off my father and mother's heads with just two knives.

Where did my father and mother's bodies go?

They should have been smoked by the smoke~

Looking at the steel knives placed by the soldiers' sides.

The boy's breathing became heavier.

‘Time is running out. Do you want to avenge your parents?’

‘Kill Zhang Qingrong first, then kill the squad leader!'

The young man suddenly thought of a question.

The prince should know that it was the squad leader's team that killed his parents.

Knowing the deep blood feud, he deliberately assigned himself to the squad leader's team.

‘That prince promised sister Wang Zhi that I could only die on the battlefield, at the hands of the soldiers of the Su Kingdom.’

‘But the premise is that I behave myself and don't do anything that goes beyond military regulations.’

‘This is a... trap?!

The boy realized it and quickly took back his steps.


At noon, the first thing that the sergeant named Fang Xiang did after waking up was to send two of his men to the kitchen to bring a pot of steaming hot meat soup.

After distributing the bowls and chopsticks, the dozen hungry people immediately gathered around the iron pot to eat the meat.

There were a total of thirteen people in the tent.

They all ate voraciously.

Only Li Ting stood far away with his bowl and chopsticks.

The young man swore in his heart that he would never eat a single bite even if he starved to death.

While eating, a new recruit who was only a few years older than Li Ting suddenly felt something was wrong and took something out of his mouth.

Upon closer inspection, it was a fingernail.

The new recruit used his hands and feet to crawl out of the tent.

He opened his mouth wide, made a wow sound, and vomited all over the floor.

"Shichang, I... I'm full"

"Me… me too."

Two more new soldiers put down their bowls and chopsticks and ran out. The remaining nine veterans, including Zhang Qingrong, continued to eat with a mouthful of meat and a sip of soup, their mouths full of oil.

‘Aren't they... disgusting?!

Li Ting's scalp tingled.

A quarter of an hour later,

Fang Xiang, who had eaten and drunk his fill first, stood up and touched his round belly.

He squinted at the young man from the Li family.

"Boy, aren't you hungry?"

Li Ting shook his head.

"Do you think you are different from us?"

Li Ting was silent, not knowing how to answer.

"You are the only human being, and we are all beasts and animals?"

Li Ting:"I never said that." Fang

Xiang:"But you think so."

With a sinister smile, Fang

Xiang turned and walked out of the tent.

After a while, the man came back, carrying a girl about thirteen or fourteen years old on his shoulders, about the same age as Li Ting.

Li Ting felt familiar, but could not remember her name.

The girl was also from Longcheng, and should have stayed at Yuelai Inn.

More than 400,000 people in Longcheng were not all killed last night.

The soldiers left a lot of survivors, all of whom were beautiful women for their pleasure.

With a bang, Fang

Xiang had no mercy on the girl and threw her directly onto the bed.

The girl was disheveled, terrified, huddled up, and there were still traces of tears on her face.

With a clang, Fang

Xiang pulled out a steel knife and threw it in front of Li Ting.

He then pointed at the girl and said,"Boy, either drink two bowls of meat soup or kill this girl."

Looking at the trembling, tearful girl, Li Ting gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"I am a human being, so I do not eat my own kind"

"I have no right to take other people's lives."

""Pa pa pa~"

Fang Xiang clapped his hands and said with a smile:"Good, very good"

"It is truly a pure and innocent heart that shines brightly.

Fang Xiang squatted down and picked up his sword.

Then he placed the sharp blade against the back of the girl's neck.

"Boy, either drink two bowls of broth or I chop off her head"

"Remember, this little girl died because of your inaction."

The steel knife slowly raised.

The girl's tears and snot flowed, and she cried.

The Li family boy held a white porcelain bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other.

He clenched his hands tightly, his joints turned blue and white.

His teeth bit his lips until they bled.

With a swish,

"I eat! I drink!"

The wind from the knife blew up the girl's black hair.

Fang Xiang smiled proudly.

Half a minute later.

The boy squatted alone beside the iron pot, suppressing the unspeakable nausea and vomiting, and stuffed pieces of meat into his mouth.

On a blanket, Fang Xiang pressed the girl under him.

Outside the tent, Zhang Qingrong and others smoked dry tobacco and talked about everything.

"Ah, it feels good!"

After venting his anger, Fang Xiang climbed up from the girl.

"Who, it's your turn."

"Hehe, thank you very much, Mr. Fang."

When passing by the young man,

Fang Xiang chuckled and said,"How is it? It tastes good, right?"

"But you must eat until you are full, after all, this is your mother."

The boy's action of grabbing the meat suddenly froze.

Then, hot tears splashed in the broth, creating ripples.



In the back garden of the Zhenbei Palace.

A man with white hair on his temples was sitting on a stone bench in deep thought.

The sound of hurried footsteps approached from afar.

A maid rushed into the backyard,"My Lord, the prince has woken up.""


Zhao Heng stood up.


"Prince, it's almost been a day and a night, please eat something."

"Get out!"

With a bang, Zhao Heng walked into the wing room.

""Everyone, please go down."

Several maids hurriedly left.

"You... don't come over here, you big bad guy!"

Zhao Jinghong, with disheveled hair, stepped back, pointing at the man with a trembling hand.

Zhao Heng squatted down and picked up the broken bowls, plates, porcelain pieces and chopsticks on the ground.

"The National War is Coming"

"Longcheng is the northern gateway of our Wei State. Once it is breached, the Su State army can march south and take the capital of Wei."

"There will be no more natural barriers to defend along the way."

Zhao Heng opened the window to let the air circulate inside and outside.

"You need soldiers to fight a war."

"Soldiers need to have enough food before going to the battlefield"

"Now our Wei State is surrounded by enemies on three sides, the treasury is empty, and we have soldiers but no food."

"What do you want me to do? Give up Dragon City?"

"Do you know how many people in our Wei State will die if Longcheng is lost and Su State is overwhelmed?"

"Use one 400,000 yuan to exchange for ten, one hundred, or even one thousand 400,000 yuan."

"Jinghong, if you want to protect something, you must give up something else. Dad taught you that."

The boy's eyes were blurred with tears.

"But they are innocent, why should we kill them~"

Zhao Heng whispered:"Only when a few innocent people die can the majority of innocent people live."

"War, corpses, exploitation, slavery, my child, this is the world"

"No one can change the world, not even God"


Ps: Thanks to the master 'He Qi who loves to eat roasted malt' for his certification.

Thanks to the paid gifts from fellow Taoists, love is generated.

I'm going to have a massage first. The second update is still at 2 am. I will try to restore the update time to the previous time this weekend.

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