The fourteenth year of Fuling, May 27th.

Aquarius Prefecture, Taihang Mountains.

Zhoushan Cliff Terrace.

Zhu Jiuyin, in white clothes and barefoot, sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, bowing his head and concentrating on the rice paper in his hand.

Footsteps came from afar.

The Pig King came to the edge of the cliff, with his hands behind his back, his back to all living beings.

"Nanzhu, I have advanced to the Yin Immortal Realm"


"What are you reading?"

Zhu Jiuyin said without raising his head,"It's a little story about puppets and monsters that the girl wrote for me."

Pig King:"Bring it here so that I can have a look."

Zhu Jiuyin:"Get lost."

Pig King:"Is Ji Feng still alive? I'm going north to Longcheng."

Zhu Jiuyin:"Please."

The Pig King kept his back to the crowd, brushed past Zhu Jiuyin, and retreated into the cave backwards.

Soon, bursts of thunder and rolling sounds came from the depths of the cave.

After a while, accompanied by a shrill scream like a pig being slaughtered, the Pig King walked in vertically and flew out horizontally.

It flew very far like a cannonball.

A group of furry white shadows rushed in front of Zhu Jiuyin like an arrow from a bow.

The little whirlwind held a letter in his claws and said breathlessly,"Master, the girl...the girl's letter, the man surnamed Qi said he hasn't read it."

Zhu Jiuyin flipped over the ten pages of rice paper that he had read many times and stuffed them into his sleeves.

Then he took the envelope and opened it.

He took out the letter and read it word by word.

Half a minute later,

Zhu Jiuyin crumpled the envelope and the letter into powder.

He frowned and said,"Bliss Buddha~"

"Master, what did the girl say in the letter?"

Little Tornado asked curiously.

"A ghost called the Buddha of Bliss has taken over the temple that Cheng Hu built for your senior brother."

Zhu Jiuyin replied

"Oh, Master, Qi asked me to tell you that the Buddha of Bliss should come from the Buddha Kingdom."

"That's not right. Didn't Qi Qingji say that he hadn't read the girl's letter?~"

"This damned thing is actually a peeping Tom!"

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his red pupils,"Buddha Country?!"

Little Tornado:"Qi Qingji said that the Buddha Country is one of the five poles in the world, appearing and disappearing mysteriously, and is the most mysterious."

"Master, if that ghost camel occupies the temple, will it cause the little one to fail in reincarnation?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head:"No, it's just a secular temple in the world."

"By the way, have you seen the bald man named Han?"

Little Tornado:"No."

"The bald guy yelled at me from a distance,"You come here seven or eight times a day, do you think you're going home? If you disturb me forging knives again, I'll hammer you into pieces with one hammer."’"

The little whirlwind stood upright like a person, stretched out his voice, and imitated it vividly

"The two swords are born together, they must be cast together"

"Before August, it must be cast"

"That's what the dead bald guy said"


The sound of the Pig King groaning came from the bottom of the cliff.

Little Tornado ran to the edge of the cliff.

He poked his head out and looked.

He couldn't help but be surprised:"Master, Master, the Pig King has come out."

"Master, let me and the Pig King ride on the crane to go to Dragon City to find the girl."


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the first day of June, the sun was high in the sky.

Xue Niang, who had just returned from hunting, entered Longcheng carrying two wild rabbits.

In broad daylight, the huge city seemed like a ghost town, with no trace of people.

After returning to Yuelai Inn, Xue Niang walked into the kitchen.

She put on an apron and slit the rabbits open.

Footsteps came closer and closer.

Xue Niang said without turning her head,"Girl, what flavor do you want to eat today? Spicy or braised~"

The girl stood at the door of the kitchen like a ghost.

Her pupils were as red as blood.

Staring at Xue Niang's back, he stretched out his pink tongue and licked his lips greedily.

"Girl, why don't you speak?"

Xue Niang turned her head and looked at the girl holding the unsheathed red blood. She was stunned.

"Girl, who are you going to kill?"

The girl with dark eyes looked at Xue Niang who was full of doubts, then looked down at the sword that was shining with cold light.

‘I...wasn't I sitting on the threshold of the main house in the courtyard, deep in thought? How did I end up here?’

‘Could it be that... the devil has taken control of the body!’

‘What does she want to do? Kill Sister Xue and devour her blood and flesh essence!

The girl was immediately shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Sister Xue, I'm fine, I'm fine, did you ask me anything?"

Mrs. Xue said,"I asked you what flavor the rabbit would like to eat, spicy or braised?"

The girl said,"Either is fine, you decide.""

"Then stew it"


In the backyard of the inn.

In the small courtyard that was added.

The girl held the red blood in her hand, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the empty space in front of her.

The blood-red eyes that no one could see, the dark smile that made people shudder.

"Dare to seize control of your body again……"

"I'll take it, what can you do to me?"

Xue Tong Cang Xue sneered,"With your mere third-grade inner cultivation of the Vajra Realm, you want to kill all the 100,000... no, 130,000 soldiers in Longcheng. You are dreaming."

"Xue Niang is at the first level of Overturning Seas. Devouring her flesh and blood essence is enough to allow you... No, it's enough to allow me to advance to the second level of Moving Mountains."

"By then, the immortal blood will be awakened to a great extent, and in the explosive state, it can increase the power dozens of times beyond the second level."

"Let alone 130,000, even 230,000 or 330,000, to me, they are all blood food."

"You better stop being distracted."

"Otherwise, I will definitely kill Xue Niang and eat all her flesh and blood."

The girl said with a cold look in her eyes:"I advise you to be honest. If you dare to hurt Sister Xue, I will immediately kill myself."

"If I die, you will also vanish into thin air."

Blood-eyed Cangxue gnashed his teeth.

Golden-eyed Cangxue tried to dissuade him,"Okay, okay, both of you, don't be angry. We are all Cangxue, and we should value peace."


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the fourth day of the sixth lunar month, the sky was slightly bright.

Yan Lin, the leader of the ten generals, climbed the towering northern wall of Longcheng.

On the top of the city wall, Zhao Heng, the King of Zhenbei, dressed in white silk, stood with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at Jiayu Pass on the other side of Yewang Plain.

The majestic momentum of the pass is not much worse than that of Jufeng Pass. The

Fengcheng of Jiayu Pass in Su State and the Longcheng of Jufeng Pass in Wei State have been facing each other for thousands of years.

"Prince, you are looking for me."

Yan Lin came closer and bowed.

Zhao Heng said calmly:"Yan Lin, tomorrow is the fifth day of June."

"Tonight, after the early hours of the morning, the agreement not to fight will be destroyed."

"What do you think, should we rely on Jufeng Pass to defend it, or should we go out of the city and fight bravely?"

Yan Lin said without hesitation:"According to the report from the spies, Suguo's national teacher Yan Shisong is determined to destroy our Wei country."

"The three camps in Fengcheng alone can gather no less than 300,000 troops."

"There are still about 200,000 people in Shucheng, 300 miles away from Fengcheng."

Yan Lin said in a deep voice:"Your Majesty, I suggest defense." Zhao Heng said softly:"I am going to fight a desperate battle with Yan Shisong tomorrow on this Yewang Plain."

Yan Lin said anxiously:"Your Majesty, no!"

"Yan Shisong has a reserve army, but we don't!"

Zhao Heng glanced at Yan Lin calmly.

The battle-hardened man couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"More than 50,000 people are more than enough to defend the city"

"We have no reserve troops, but we also have no food."

"More than 400,000 civilians and 130,000 soldiers can't even survive for three months."

Yan Lin understood. There are too many people and too little food.

He can only choose to sacrifice some of the inferior cannon fodder who are afraid of death.

"Pass the order down, all three armies are ready to fight, there will be a national war tomorrow!"

"I obey your command!"

…… ps: In wartime, human life is worthless. No one in power will treat the lives of ordinary people as precious resources during wartime.

If you are interested, you can search for the Three Kingdoms period, the An-Shi Rebellion, the Five Barbarians' Invasion, and the transition period between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, including the Aisin-Gioro Dynasty's so-and-so kingdom.

Including the war between us and the little people, the army suffered more than 3.8 million casualties, but the civilians died more than 30 million.

Why didn't the little people treat the civilians as precious resources?

Do you know what it means to destroy their country and exterminate their race?

Back then, the little people wanted to kill us civilians.

If you want to refute, I must be wrong.

Sorry, woo woo.

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