In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the fifth day of the sixth lunar month, at about six o'clock in the morning, the sky was slightly pale.

Suddenly, two loud creaking sounds were heard, like two big hands, shattering the tranquility of the night.

The four gates of Longcheng, located in the north and south, were pushed open by the soldiers.

At dawn, the earth trembled.

The three gates of the three-army camp, with flags fluttering, were opened at the same time.

Countless brave soldiers in armor, holding spears and wearing steel knives on their waists, squeezed out of the three camp gates with difficulty like a gushing tide.

""Come together!"

The majestic General Yan Lin shouted in a deep voice.

The three armies in the center, left and right slowly merged into a thick black dragon.

The huge dragon head swam straight towards the south city gate.

In the back garden of Zhenbei Palace, Zhao Heng put his hands behind his back and looked towards the very distant Wei capital.

No one knew what the man was thinking.

In the backyard of Yuelai Inn, on the roof.

The morning breeze blew up Cangxue's white clothes and black hair.

The girl's two lacquered pupils were all reflecting the main road of the Dragon City Central Axis not far away.

The black dragon flashed with a cold luster and rolled over the wide and long street.

The dragon head had already left the North City���, the dragon's tail is still far away

"Girl, today the war between Wei and Su is bound to cause the earth to break apart, and too many soldiers will die.……"

Xue Niang did not continue the rest of the conversation.

There were 100,000 enemies right before her eyes, but she could not avenge her deep hatred.

Could she just watch these murderers who dismembered and cooked the little brat die on the battlefield? Is this called revenge? Is this called redemption?


The sun rises.

Xue Niang goes to the kitchen of the inn to prepare breakfast.

Cang Xue sits on the threshold of the main room in the courtyard and ponders.

""If you want to kill 100,000 soldiers, you must kill one person and understand two things."

The girl murmured.

Zhaoyao Mountain, the leader of the Five Poles, had announced to the courts of all nations and the human world that all immortal warriors were strictly prohibited from participating in national wars.

Especially for internal warriors, if they dared to slaughter mortals in national wars, they would be shattered by Zhaoyao Mountain, have their heads cut off, and be hung up for public display.

"Master once told me to go and avenge my grievances without fear and not to be afraid of Zhaoyao Mountain.

Cang Xue was not afraid of the leader of the Five Poles because she believed in Master.

"But now that Master and Uncle Pig King are not here, who will deal with the prince?"

"Even Sister Xue couldn't see through it at all. Even if the prince's cultivation level was not that of a celestial being, it was at the peak of the first-grade sea-turning realm."

"Most importantly, I have not yet fully understood what Grandpa Liu said."

Life is death, and death is life."

"What does that mean!"

"This damn old man, he must keep me in suspense~" He couldn't solve the problem of Zhenbei King Zhao Heng.

Fengqie and Liushuang hadn't been cast yet.

He couldn't understand the vague hope of survival in Grandpa Liu's words about the second life and death calamity.

"Don't do it!"

"Otherwise, Sister Xue and I will both die in Dragon City.~"


At about 3:30 pm, Cangxue and Xue Niang reached the top of Jufeng Pass.

"Girl, look there."

Looking in the direction of Xue Niang's finger, Cang Xue saw the wilderness behind the three army camps, piled with layers of bones like surging white waves.

It was the height of summer in June.

On the sea of bones in the wilderness, flies gathered into black clouds that covered the sky.

More than 400,000 people in Longcheng were not allowed to rest in peace after death.


The summer wind of the fourteenth year of Fuling blew from the direction of Suguo.

It blew over the majestic Jiayu Pass.

It blew up the snow-white clothes of a tall and handsome young man on the top of Fengcheng.

It blew over the endless Yewang Plain.

It made the green grass and green sea undulate.

The sound of the wind was like weeping.

It startled the sparrows on the top of the spears and made them fly away in panic.

The summer wind blew through the gaps between the crowds of people and blew straight to the towering Jufeng Pass.

It blew up the black hair of the man with white hair on his temples.

"Jinghong, open your eyes and look carefully, and see what war is!"

"Ten years later, it will no longer be me who will command a new war, but you."

"This is the fate of our lineage~"

The boy next to Zhao Heng was no longer as lively and active as he was on the day of the massacre. He lay on the top of the city looking around, calling Daddy all the time, asking this and that.

At this moment, the boy had no expression on his face.

In his silence, he seemed to have suddenly grown up.


On the Wild Plains, two armies faced each other.

The camps were the same.

The infantry was in the middle, and the cavalry was on both sides.

In one corner of the Wei army, a young man from the Li family wearing armor was breathing heavily.

His thin body was almost crushed by the armor.

Nearly 100,000 soldiers were like densely packed chess pieces on a huge chessboard.

Almost no one spoke.

The atmosphere was extremely heavy and depressing. Li Ting felt as if a strong hand was strangling his throat and he was about to suffocate.

The body under the armor was shaking uncontrollably.

"Hey, kid."

Li Ting, who was pale and sweating, turned his head.

On the boy's left hand, Zhang Qingrong, who was also wearing armor and holding a spear and a steel knife on his waist, reminded him:"The spear in the left hand is used for long-distance stabbing. The knife in the right hand is used for close-range blocking and slashing."

"Don't throw away your spear, otherwise it will be longer and stronger, and the enemy will be able to stab you from a distance."

"Don't throw away your knife, or else once the enemy gets close to you, you won't be able to swing your spear and will be able to rip you open with one knife."

"Finally, remember, don't play dead."

"Otherwise, let alone the cavalry charge, even those feet can trample you to death."

The war was about to break out, and Li Ting didn't care about the revenge for killing his father and mother. He kept Zhang Qingrong's words in his mind.


First it was the Su Kingdom, then the Wei Kingdom.

The woo horn sounded like a prelude to the dead, floating over the vast plain.

About 150,000 infantrymen of the Su Kingdom slowly moved forward.

The nearly 100,000 infantrymen of the Wei Kingdom also did the same.

On the top of the Jufeng Pass.

Looking down at the plain, Xue Niang couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"This overwhelming murderous aura!"

"No wonder throughout history only the immortals on land could defeat an entire country alone!"

"Yin immortals, even Yang gods, have to retreat when facing such fierce soldiers~"

The sudden shouting and killing sounded like thunder.���In the ears.

In the shocked eyes of Xue Niang and Cang Xue, nearly 250,000 soldiers from the Wei and Su countries, like two indestructible steel torrents, collided heavily.

In an instant, broken limbs and arms flew all over the sky.

Bright and sticky blood splashed violently at the collision point, forming a tragic blood line of hundreds of feet.

Rushing to a corner of the battlefield.

The Li family boy held a spear in one hand and a knife in the other, dazed and motionless.

The soldiers around him kept knocking the boy to stagger from time to time.

What spear stabbing, knife slashing, Li Ting had long forgotten.

The boy's mind was blank, without the courage to face death, without the ruthlessness to fight to the end, and without the fear of being terrified.


The boy was like a stone statue, just staring with a pair of eyes.

Watching them fight in blood.

Shi Changfang was bullied by the enemy.

The steel knife that was still dripping with blood chopped down fiercely.

The boy saw blood gushing out like a flood.

He saw Fang Xiang throw away his spear and steel knife, and run back with his bloody intestines in his hands.

He cried out as he ran,"I can't die, I don't want to die, I want to go home alive, I promised……"

A spear flew from behind with a whirring sound.

It pinned Fang Xiang to death.

His intestines, which were steaming hot, flowed all over the ground.

They flattened the lush and soft green grass, dyeing it blood red.

The boy also saw that a new soldier who shared a tent with him had his arm chopped off by the enemy.

The boy, whose arm was covered in blood, was holding his severed arm, at a loss in the crowd.

Suddenly, a head flew from nowhere and fell in front of the boy.

It was Zhang Qingrong.

The man's head in the grass stared at the blue sky with lifeless eyes.

He kept muttering as his mouth opened and closed:"Nannan, Nannan……"

The young man from the Li family threw away his spear and steel knife.

His knees softened and he fell to the ground. He immediately held his head with both hands and burst into tears.


Ps: Please give me some free gifts, I can’t even afford a massage.

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