The battle line was extremely long. Two steel torrents that stretched for hundreds of feet collided fiercely again and again.


Someone patted Li Ting's shoulder.

"Young man, wield your sword and spear. This is only the first war in your life, but it will never be the last."

"Fight with all your might, longing for death as much as you long to live."

When the Li family boy raised his head, what came into his sight was a bloody meat grinder.

He took a deep breath.

With a clang, the boy drew his sword out of its sheath.


The boy opened his mouth wide, letting out all his fear.

Then he flew towards death like a moth to a flame.

There was no fancy fighting skills at all.

The boy thrust out the spear mechanically and swung the steel knife up and chopped it down.

Warm and sticky blood splashed on his hair, face, and armor.

As time went by, the boy's movements of wielding the spear and knife became more and more stiff.

The spear was so heavy.

And the blade and spear were all covered with the enemy's blood, slippery and difficult to control.

His arms became more and more sore.

So the boy knelt on one knee, panting while leaning on the spear.

"We are surrounded!"

Someone yelled.

The boy held the knife in his backhand, raised his arm with difficulty, and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

His eyelashes were stained with blood, and his eyes were sore.

Looking around, hundreds of Su soldiers were holding shields as tall as a person, surrounding the boy and two or three hundred Wei soldiers.


Someone gave the order.

The huge shield encirclement slowly closed.

The spears thrust out by the Wei soldiers made the shields clang.

However, the spears thrust out by the Su soldiers through the gaps in the shields knocked down a large number of Wei soldiers.

The encirclement became smaller and smaller.

More than 200 Wei soldiers gradually crowded together.

The thin boy was knocked down.

There were noisy shouts of killing all around, and chaotic legs and feet stepped on the boy's chest.

It sounded like a broken rib.

The boy coughed up blood in the pain in his chest.

‘Are you going to die?

The boy stopped struggling

‘The weather today is really nice~'

Through the tiny gaps between the crowds, the young man quietly looked at a corner of the sky on the fifth day of the sixth month of the fourteenth year of Fuling.

The sky was very blue.

There were a few cotton candy-like clouds floating in the sky.

I really want to take a bite of it.


The two kingdoms of Wei and Su fought from 15:30 to 18:30, and did not stop until the sun went down.

Amid the sound of horns, both sides slowly retreated, leaving behind about 60,000 to 70,000 bodies. The bloody smell of Yewang Plain rose to the sky, and the blue waves were no longer seen. The evening breeze blew, and the broken bodies were spread all over the ground. Especially at the beginning of the war, where the two sides collided, a very long dam of corpses was piled up.

""Caw, cackle~"

A flock of crows circled in the sky, making noisy calls.

This was a feast for crows. At the top of the Wind-Rejecting Pass.

The setting sun seemed like burning blood, splashing on the girl's white clothes.


With a proud laugh, Xuetong Cangxue stretched out an arm and put it on the girl's shoulder.

"It's great! Two more wars of this scale, and all 100,000 enemies will be killed."

"If you can't avenge yourself, you can't clear your hatred, and you can't cut off the past."

"Without cutting off the past, I can grow wildly"

"One day, I will devour you and become the new owner of this body."


Golden-eyed Cangxue gently held the girl's hand and said softly,"Xue'er, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"If we work together, she can't take it away."

"Xueer, I think those people are right."

"They say you are too stubborn and will hurt yourself sooner or later"

"They said you didn't want to avenge Xiaoyu, but just wanted to kill the demon in your heart."

"They also said you were ridiculous. How could you consider 100,000 people as your enemy?~"

"They also said that Xiaoyu was only five years old at the time, with less than two taels of meat on his body, not enough for even one soldier to eat."

"But you spread hatred to the 100,000 soldiers in Dragon City, to everyone."

"They say you have a mental problem."

"I think so too."

Jin Tong Cang Xue said patiently:"Xue'er, I know you are in pain and entangled in your heart."

"Just to avenge Xiaoyu, they scolded you for killing so many people, which is unreasonable."

"If you say it's for the three years of Fuling, the mountain of bones behind the three army camps, and revenge for the more than 400,000 people in Longcheng, they will call you a meddler, a saintly bitch, and a hypocrite."

"Xue'er, the world is like hell. Instead of suffering, you might as well have a good sleep and let me control your body."

Xue'er:"Shut up, you saintly bitch!"

The girl said expressionlessly,"Everyone, shut up!"

Xue'er opened her eyes wide and said in surprise,"Girl, I didn't say anything."


She exhaled.

Then she took another deep breath.

The hideous birthmark on the half of the girl's forehead under her bangs gradually lit up.

In the shocked eyes of Xue Niang, the girl's tall figure slowly rose into the air.

""Girl, what are you going to do?!"

About four or five feet off the ground, the girl, who was looking down at the wild plain from a high place, slowly stretched out her hands.

Then she put her hands together, interlocking her fingers.

The world seemed to tremble slightly.

A very bright and vivid color flowed out from the girl's large birthmark.

It was like a thick brush dipped in thick ink, writing heavily on the rice paper, and the brush moved like a dragon.

Above the sky, there was a sticky river of blood.


On the top of Fengcheng, Yan Shisong, the national teacher of Suguo, looked up from afar.

His expression was uncertain.

"what is that?!"

"Was it my senior brother's doing?!"

"Could it be that he wanted to go against the will of heaven and change the outcome of this war?~"

"Is he crazy? Isn't he afraid of having his soul shattered by Zhaoyao Mountain~" On the north wall of Longcheng, on top of the city wall,

Zhenbei King Zhao Heng clearly saw Cangxue and Xue Niang on the top of Jufengxiong Pass.

"It's them!"

"What is the girl going to do?"

"Swallowing the essence of Qi and blood?!"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the two countries who were retreating all raised their heads at the same time, staring blankly at the blood-red river that looked like a swimming dragon.

The wind blew their plain clothes and their black hair fluttered.

The girl, holding her fingers together, whispered,

"Immortal method: reincarnation is born!"


Ps: I will have to go for IV drip in the next week, maybe ten days or half a month, so I will try to update twice a day. I didn't dare to sleep last night because of chest tightness and palpitations. Don't stay up late, don't be unrestrained just because you are young, you will definitely regret it after you are thirty.

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