Night fell.

However, the Yewang Plain was not dark.

The winding river of blood above the sky covered the sky.

Immediately, in the horrified eyes of countless people, the blood river suddenly sprinkled endless brilliant light rain.

Each drop of blood that shimmered with rosy rays contained a magnificent breath of life.

An extremely dazzling blood rain made the night sky particularly bright.

The fragmented bodies of more than 40,000 Wei soldiers bathed in the blood rain were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. The broken arms that were chopped off by steel knives, the broken and sunken heads, the hideous knife edges that were cut open, and the blood holes pierced by spears, each body was resurrected with flesh and blood. The first person to come back to life was the young man from the Li family.

The young man opened his eyes and slowly sat up, his expression full of confusion.

"Is this the underworld?"

The young man looked around and it seemed... he was still on the battlefield.

"That is... a bloody meteor shower?!"

The young man was shocked.

The second, third, fourth... until countless Wei soldiers either sat up or struggled to get up.

"What the hell is going on? I'm not dead!"

"How is that possible? I clearly remember my heart being pierced by a spear!"

"Jufeng Pass, Longcheng, I am still... alive?!"

Fang Xiang sat in the pile of corpses, constantly stroking his chest and belly.

It was gone!

The horrible slanting wound that almost cut half of his body off was gone.

Beside him, there was a pile of sticky intestines.

"This is my intestine~"

Fang Xiang stretched out a palm and covered his left chest.

Feeling the throbbing heart in his chest, the man couldn't help but burst into tears.

It feels so good to be alive!

Not far from Fang Xiang.

Zhang Qingrong touched his head inch by inch and bit by bit with both hands.

"Wasn't my head chopped off?!"

"Why can it grow back?"

"Is this the human world or the underworld?"

On the Yewang Plain, all the soldiers of the Wei Kingdom were resurrected.

As for the more than 30,000 dead soldiers of the Su Kingdom, even if they were drenched in blood, they were still corpses.

On the top of the Fengcheng City in Jiayuguan.

Yan Shisong, the national teacher of the Su Kingdom, frowned.

"This is... the art of resurrecting the dead!"

"The art of resurrecting the dead on a large scale!"

"Is this the work of my senior brother?"

"This is against the will of heaven, and you really don't take Zhaoyao Mountain seriously!"

The north wall of Longcheng.

On the top of the city wall, Zhenbei King Zhao Heng could not hide his shock.

"In this world... there actually are such mysterious and unfathomable magic!"

"Could it be the ancient immortal method that was created by seizing the fortune of heaven and earth as mentioned by the national teacher?"

""Going against the laws of heaven is intolerable to heaven and earth~"

All the living soldiers of Wei State, as well as the soldiers who were resurrected on the battlefield.

No one knew who knelt down first.

Like a chain reaction, the second, third, fourth... until a sea of people knelt down.

They all rushed to the top of Jufeng Pass, and the girl with red clouds bowed her head. She shouted"God is above".

Not only the soldiers of Wei State, but also the soldiers of Su State knelt on their knees in the direction of the girl and bowed their heads devoutly.

The blood river slowly flowed back, and finally all flowed back into the bright birthmark on half of the girl's forehead.

The girl, with a face as desolate as snow, felt extremely tired and sleepy.

Her body shook slightly for a few times, and suddenly fell straight down from mid-air.


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the fifth day of the sixth month.

In the night, the camp of the three armies of the Wei Kingdom was brightly lit.

The soldiers toasted each other and drank to their heart's content.

In the back garden of the Zhenbei Palace.

Zhao Jinghong was delighted,"Dad, that sister is a fairy?""

"Even the goddess is helping our Wei State, what can his Su State do to fight this war?"

Until the fourth watch, everything was silent, and the King of Zhenbei Zhao Heng was still sitting on the stone bench like a stone statue, motionless.

The man was thinking.

Zhao Jinghong could jump for joy, and so could the soldiers.

Even the generals could dance with excitement.

Only Zhao Heng couldn't

"That girl, those two women, what do they want?!"

Zhao Heng, who had experienced too much wind, frost, snow and rain, had clearly understood a truth since childhood.

Whether it is ordinary people or kings and generals.

Whether it is birds and beasts or the high heavens.

Everything they do has a purpose.

Even babies in swaddling clothes will cry loudly to attract adults' attention.

The purpose of babies is easy to guess, either they are hungry and want to drink milk, or they have excreted filth that needs to be cleaned up.

"What is their purpose?"

Zhao Heng couldn't figure it out, so he gave up for the time being.

There was another very important matter that needed to be solved by a man.

"If that girl could revive the dead again and again"

"What should I do?"

An undead army is scary.

But an undead army with only three months of food and grass is even scarier.

Zhao Heng's original intention of launching this war was to greatly reduce the number of soldiers.

Let the food and grass that feed 130,000 soldiers for about 100 days be extended to 200 days, 300 days, or even a year.

Unfortunately, the plan failed because of the variable of the girl.

The court could not provide food and grass.

Would they have to massacre the second Dragon City again?

If it were someone else, they would be ecstatic to have an undead army. They would surely have the huge dream of expanding territory, sweeping across the world, and shocking the world.

However, Zhao Heng had a splitting headache.

If he could rely on the undead army to destroy the Su Kingdom, Zhao Heng would certainly be willing.

Food and grass are not a problem at all.

Massacre of more than 400,000 civilians is a massacre, and massacre of 4 million is not impossible.

But the premise of all this is not whether he, Zhao Heng, is willing, but whether the girl is willing.

Zhao Heng does not understand the girl at all

"Why did they only revive the soldiers of Wei and not the soldiers of Su?"

After nearly twenty years of fighting on the battlefield, Zhao Heng had developed a terrifying intuition that made him sense a hint of danger.

"Flowers do not fade just for better flowers to bloom"

"But the flowers bloom... only to fade better!"

A ray of clarity suddenly flashed through Zhao Heng's mind.

"Death in battle is not important, and resurrection is not important either."

"What’s important is to die in battle and be resurrected again and again!"


On the sixth day of the sixth month in the fourteenth year of Fuling, when the morning sun was rising, Zhao Heng sent Zhao Jinghong to the carriage heading south.

"Dad, why do you have to chase me away? I still want to see the goddess."

Zhao Jinghong looked unhappy.

Zhao Heng touched the boy's head,"Dad is protecting you."

"Protect me? What do you mean, Dad? I don’t understand what you are saying~"

Zhao Heng whispered:"Maybe this month, maybe next month, there will be a riot in the military camp."

""Rio... riot?!" the boy was shocked.

"Jinghong, remember, life is not scary, and death is not scary either"

"Die and live again, live and die again, dying again and again, that is scary."

Watching the carriage slowly drive out of Qingfeng Lane, the man raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Yuelai Inn.

His deep eyes were as deep as the sea.


Ps: I wrote Reincarnation as early as chapters 94 and 95, just to serve the plot of Dragon City. Do so many Taoists read books at a glance?

And Zhang Qingrong and Xiao Chengjing, who appeared in the plot of Dragon City, were specially portrayed in single chapters in chapters 137 and 138.

Oh, I am so tired.

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