The fourteenth year of Fuling, June 19th.

Longcheng, the backyard of Yuelai Inn.

On the wooden bed in the main room of the added courtyard, a pale girl with no blood on her lips slowly woke up.

"Girl, wake up~"

Xue Niang, who had been waiting by the bed, quickly poured a cup of tea for the girl.

After drinking most of the pot of tea in one breath, the girl finally came back to life.

"Sister Xue, what day is it today?" the girl said in a hoarse voice.

"Nineteen, June nineteen."

Xue Niang took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and gently wiped the water stains from the corners of the girl's lips.

"Master, Uncle Pig King hasn't come yet?"

Xue Niang shook her head.

"Girl, that kind of large-scale resurrection technique will drag you into a terrible cause and effect."


Xue Niang wanted to talk but stopped herself.

The girl smiled weakly and said,"Sister Xue, life is death, and death is life. Before I can fully understand and comprehend these eight words, I will not let even one of the more than 130,000 soldiers of the Wei Kingdom die."

Xue Niang was curious:"Life is death, and death is life? Who told you this? Your master?"

The girl shook her head:"Grandpa Liu who sells candied haws in Xijian Lane in the town." Xue Niang couldn't help but be stunned,"Is it the old man who always wears sheepskin coat and runs around the town carrying a straw target?"

The girl nodded.

Xue Niang touched the girl's forehead,"You don't have a fever,~"

"Girl, that old man's front teeth are almost falling out, how can you listen to his nonsense."

The girl explained:"Sister Xue, you may not believe it if I tell you."

"Grandpa Liu, very strong"

"Better than Mr. Qi from the small town school."

Xue Niang was surprised."Qi Qingji is a land immortal."

"You said that sloppy old man is scarier than a land immortal?!"

"Girl, that old man didn't give you any magic potion, did he?"

The girl was about to speak.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"You lie down."

Xue Niang stood up and walked out of the house.

With a creaking sound, the courtyard door was pulled open.

What came into view was the Zhenbei King Zhao Heng in white silk clothes.

The man was holding a food box in his right hand.

"Is Miss Wang Zhi awake yet?"

In the past half month, the man came almost every day.

Xue Niang did not give the Zhenbei King a good look, and said expressionlessly:"Awake, come in."

After following Xue Niang into the main room,

Zhao Heng smiled at Cang Xue on the wooden bed.

Then he opened the food box and took out bowls of carefully cooked dishes.

"I wanted to ask the chef in the palace to prepare some light dishes for Miss Wang Zhi to nourish her qi and blood."

"But the soldiers in the barracks who were grateful to the girl for saving their lives refused to do so."

"The wild rabbits and pheasants were caught in the mountains, and the pork, mutton and river fish were bought by the soldiers from Liqing Town, a hundred miles away."

"The cooks in the military camp are as good as the cooks in the palace. Please accept the kindness of the soldiers, Miss Wang Zhi."

Finally, two bowls of white rice were placed on the table.

Zhao Heng had a smile on his face, looking at Cang Xue and asked softly,"Miss Wang Zhi, the soldiers want to see you and kneel down to thank you for saving their lives. I wonder if Miss Wang Zhi can help you.……"

Cang Xue looked calm and said,"No need."

Zhao Heng was silent for a while and said,"Miss Wang Zhi, in three days, I will start the second national war with Su Country."

"By then, I don’t know if the girl……"

The man deliberately left the rest of his words unfinished.

But Cang Xue knew it well.

"If I can save them once, I won't be stingy a second time."

"Thank you very much."

The man clasped his fists and said,"Enjoy your meal, ladies. Zhao Heng will take his leave.""


Xue Niang escorted Zhao Heng out of the courtyard.

After watching the man go away, she closed the gate and returned to the house.

"Sister Xue, he did not ask me why I resurrected the dead Wei soldiers."

"Two reasons."

Cang Xue Yuan Shan frowned and said,"Either he knows that I won't tell him even if he asks me, and if he does, it will be a lie."

"Either he has guessed my true purpose"

"Even if I don't fully understand it, I'm not far off."

"This prince is very scary!"

Xue Niang said worriedly:"Girl, knowing that the prince is scheming, you still want to revive the Wei soldiers who died in the battlefield for him?!"


The girl said softly:"It's not for him, it's for myself."

"Sister Xue, don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Xue Niang glanced at the dishes on the wooden table,"Girl, this table of food……"

Girl:"Pour it into the swill bucket, so you don't have to waste your energy figuring out whether the prince has poisoned you."



Half an hour later.

On the southern wall of Longcheng.

On the top of the wall, Zhao Heng had his hands behind his back. Next to him stood Yan Lin, the head of the generals.

"Yan Lin, let me ask you, are you afraid of death?"

Yan Lin was stunned for a moment, and replied:"No, I have already died once."

Zhao Heng asked again:"In the national war on June 5th, you must have been in great pain before you died."

Yan Lin nodded:"At the end of the battle, more than 200 of us were surrounded by the Su Kingdom Shield Corps"

"As the encirclement slowly shrinks, the space we have to stand on becomes smaller and smaller"

"It's just like……"

Yan Lin said with a little hesitation:"It's like a pottery jar of pickled cabbage, filled with dozens or hundreds of people."

"The shield soldiers of the Su Kingdom were like two giant hands, kneading the more than 200 brothers into dough as if they were 200 noodles."

"My Lord, I will be in the center"

"I was not stabbed to death by the spears of the Su country soldiers, but was crushed to death by my brothers."

"My ribs were broken, and I don't know where the broken bones got stuck in my internal organs. Anyway, I kept coughing up blood."

"It was so terrible!"

The famous general who had experienced more than a hundred battles, recalling that time, couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Zhao Heng gently patted Yan Lin on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Yan Lin, are you willing to experience that kind of death a second time?"

Yan Lin shook his head like a rattle and said firmly:"I don't want to!"

Zhao Heng raised his eyes and looked at the three-mile-away camp of the army.

"Yan Lin, from now on, my 800 guards will be under your command."

"In the first battle, the soldiers will be extremely grateful that they can be resurrected from the dead"

"The second game, the third game... and beyond, they will be extremely eager to die"

"Real death!"

Yan Lin heard something and said in shock:"My Lord, you are using the mysterious magic of the goddess to launch round after round of national wars."

"The ultimate goal is to... capture Fengcheng in Jiayuguan?"

Zhao Heng shook his head:"There are more than 300,000 soldiers stationed in Suguo, and more than 200,000 reserve troops. If the war gets tight, Yan Shisong can continue to recruit them."

"Su State has soldiers and food. Yan Shisong can afford it, but we can’t."

Zhao Heng narrowed his eyes and said,"Five games at most!"

"Yan Lin, I plan to use five national wars to force Yan Shisong to sign a 30-year non-war agreement with us."

"I will formulate the strategy and tactics"

"Your mission is simple. You are in charge of my 800 guards. No deserters are allowed in the barracks."

"The present is different from the past. If even one soldier manages to escape, the situation will be like a broken dam. Under the pressure of the torrential flood, Jufengguan Longcheng will be handed over to Yan Shisong."

Yan Lin understood something vaguely, and said in a deep voice:"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will do my duty!"

After Yan Lin left the city.

Zhao Heng looked in the direction of Yuelai Inn and murmured:"Miss Wang Zhi, no matter what your real purpose is, even if you are really the goddess with a heart of a bodhisattva"

"I will never use you as a variable as a lifeline"

"Behind me is the entire Wei State"

"You may not be able to afford to lose, but I don't even have a maybe"


June 21.

Li Ting came to Yuelai Inn

"Sister Wang Zhi, they all respect you as a goddess."

"Sister, someone is carving a statue for you."

"Sister, thank you for saving my life."

"Sister, the general has ordered that the national war will start the day after tomorrow"

""Sister, if I die in the battle, will you save me?"

The boy stared at Cang Xue.

The girl nodded gently,"Yes."

The boy:"Will you be the first one to be resurrected?"

The girl nodded.

The boy immediately grinned.

In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on June 23,

Wei and Su started the second round of national war.

Cang Xue once again used the reincarnation technique to resurrect more than 50,000 dead soldiers of Wei.

In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on July 7,

Cang Xue woke up after being in a coma for nearly half a month.

On July 9, the Li family boy came again.

"Sister, deserters started to appear in the military camp, and were caught by the prince's eight hundred guards."

"In order to serve as a warning to others, General Yan Lin personally peeled off the skins of those people alive and hung them on the camp gate for public display."

"Sister, July 13th, another national war"

"Sister, don't revive me this time~"

In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on July 13, the three rounds of national war between Wei and Su began.

On July 23,

Cang Xue, who had performed the reincarnation technique for the third time, woke up.

Until the fourth national war began on July 27, the Li family boy had never been here. In the third national war, the boy did not die.

He just had one arm cut off by the enemy soldiers.

On July 28, the fourth national war ended.

On July 29, a riot broke out in the camp of the three armies of Wei.


Ps: I'm so angry, I'm really angry, I was cheated out of more than 1,500 yuan.

Damn it, I'm so stupid.

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