July 29, the 14th year of Fuling.

The sun was high in the sky, and the cicadas were chirping.

In the back garden of the Zhenbei Palace, Zhao Heng, dressed in spotless white silk, took a handful of fish feed from a pottery jar and threw it into the pond.

Thousands of koi fish scrambled for food, stirring up layers of emerald green waves.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from afar.

Xiao Chengjing, one of the 800 martial arts guards of the palace, broke into the backyard, knelt on one knee, and said urgently:"Your Majesty, there was a riot in the military camp!"

"Got it."

Zhao Heng said coldly.

After about an incense stick of time.

Looking at the man who was still leisurely feeding the fish, Xiao Chengjing said anxiously:"My lord, if you don't go over to stabilize the chaos, General Yan Lin might...……"

Zhao Heng said calmly:"The soldiers are angry."

"There is no point in talking to a person who is angry."

After waiting for nearly half an hour,

Zhao Heng placed the pottery jar on the stone table.

"Yan Lin should be dead, the soldiers' anger has almost subsided, let's go"


A corner of the three-army camp.

Inside the tent, the smell of urine was choking.

The young man of the Li family lay on the quilt, curled up, with a pair of empty and numb eyes.

On the fifth day of June, the first round of the national war.

Li Ting was trampled to death.

I don't know how many sternums and ribs were cracked and broken.

Broken bones pierced into the heart and lungs.

Li Ting didn't remember how much blood he coughed up.

I thought it would be a relief.

I never thought that Sister Wang Zhi would bring him back to life.

The boy was ecstatic to see the green mountains and green waters, blue sky and white clouds again.

On the twenty-third of June, the second round of the national war.

Li Ting was cut open by the enemy soldiers of the Su Kingdom.

The bloody intestines flowed out of his stomach.

If you open the incision, you can clearly see the internal organs.

That day, the boy cried loudly on the tragic battlefield.

After being resurrected for the second time, let alone sleeping and dreaming, even if he closed his eyes slightly, the extremely bloody scenes would emerge uncontrollably in his mind.

Broken limbs, sticky blood, shrill and desperate screams, the pain of a broken body, the torture of waiting for death to come...

All these things almost made the boy mentally collapse.

July 13th, the third round of the national war.

July 28th, the fourth round of the national war.

There will be a fifth round, a sixth round, and a seventh round...

Die, resurrect.

Continue to die, continue to resurrect.

The boy now no longer desires to live, nor does he desire to die.

The boy desires nothing.

He has become a walking corpse.

Amid the rustling sound, a soldier climbed up and opened the sluice gate to release water directly in the tent.

"Get out of here!"

Shi Changfangxiang shouted.

The soldier turned a deaf ear to him.


With a clang, the steel knife came out of its sheath.

Fang Xiang cut off the soldier's head with one blow.

The spurting blood splashed all over Li Ting.

"I'll make you pee!" Fang

Xiang stared at him with two beast eyes filled with scarlet blood, and soon chopped the headless body of the soldier into a bloody mess with one knife after another.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, he will come back to life anyway.

Li Ting stood up and staggered out of the tent.

The scorching sun shone on his body, and the young man couldn't help feeling dizzy.

Not far away, there were many soldiers gathered.

Li Ting saw a man kneeling on the ground with his head slightly lowered.

A burly man holding a paper-rolled dry tobacco in his mouth puffed out smoke, swung a steel knife, and chopped off the kneeling soldier's head.

The brothers lifted the separated bodies of the soldiers and threw them onto the carriage.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, he will come back to life anyway.

"Next one."

Another person knelt on the ground.

The big man raised his sword and chopped off one head after another.

The blood had already soaked the ground into a black and red color. These people all resisted dying on the battlefield, so they took the initiative to ask for death. After all, the enemy soldiers of the Su Kingdom would not give them a quick death.


Heart-wrenching screams resounded over the military camp.

Li Ting looked up and saw that on the parade ground, more than a dozen soldiers had tied Yan Lin, the head of the generals, to a wooden stake and were skinning him.

The soldier who was wielding the knife had superb skills.

The skin he peeled off was very thin and complete. He started peeling from the hairline on the top of his head and had now peeled to the chest.

It was a pity that the famous general had a bloody head at this moment.

Some soldiers would use a boning knife from time to time to cut a small piece of meat from Yan Lin's bloody face and stuff it into their mouths to eat raw.

Because Yan Lin led the 800 martial arts guards of the palace to defend the palace, and strictly prohibited anyone from being a deserter.

So the soldiers vented all their anger and hatred on the man.

Li Ting found a shady place, collapsed on the ground, staring blankly at the blue sky, his mind wandering in the sky.

Suddenly, there was a sound of horse hooves.

A dozen riders trampled out billowing yellow smoke and broke into the camp of the three armies, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

""Your Highness~"

Li Ting climbed up.

On the parade ground.

Zhao Heng, riding on a white horse, looked around.

Soldiers walked out of the continuous tents one after another.

Pairs of numb eyes stared coldly at the commander-in-chief of the three armies, without any of the awe they used to have.

Zhao Heng got off his horse and came to Yan Lin.

The poor general who was tied to a wooden stake was already on the verge of death due to massive blood loss.

The man opened his two bulging eyes and said in a hoarse voice:"Your Highness, please... Your Highness, please……"

With a clang, the long sword was unsheathed.

Zhao Heng cut off the man's head with one sword.

Seeing this, the dozen soldiers who were responsible for skinning and eating Yan Lin's flesh just smiled sinisterly.

They looked eager to try.

They actually wanted to tie up Zhao Heng and skin him as well.


Zhao Heng faced the sea of people like wild beasts and said in a deep voice:"The fifth round of the national war will be held soon, which is the last national war."

"After the war, no matter what the outcome is, I will let Miss Wang Zhi revive the dead for the last time and let all the soldiers go home."

Someone asked,"What if you break your promise?"

Zhao Heng clasped his fists and bowed,"If I break my promise, please let all the soldiers carry me to share the food!""

"Zhao Heng, don't forget what you said today!"


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on the second day of the eighth month.

In the Baoping Prefecture of the Wei Kingdom, in the Qingping Town of the Taihang Mountains, a strong wind was blowing.

Dark clouds rolled under the sea, like an inverted ocean. Even if a few mountains were thrown into it, no waves would be created.

Thunder rumbled from one side of the sky to the other.

To the west of the town, there was a mountain.

The grass and trees within a radius of dozens of miles were burning, and the stones were turned into charcoal.

"Finally... it's done!"

On the top of Yue Mountain, the strong wind blew Han Ying's shorts.

The man held a knife in each hand.

The two knives were narrow knives, like knives but not knives, like swords but not swords, and both were black.

However, the left hand was shining with a trace of blood, while the right hand was shining with a faint black light.

Han Ying raised his arms high.

He gently crossed the two knives and put them together.

Then he suddenly exerted force. The sound of the knives was more terrifying than thunder from the sky.

As the blades rubbed against each other, a long river of sparks and light splashed out, draped over the towering Yue Mountain.


Han Ying smiled slightly.

Then he held Feng Qie's left hand, raised his entire left arm high and back.

He slashed fiercely at Cangming.

The blood-red sword energy that shocked the immortals and wept the gods was like a sea of stars rising straight up, being sent out of the human world. The dark cloud sea that covered the sky and the sun was cut in the middle. The incision, which was who knows how many miles long, was very smooth. The scorching sun sprinkled on his body.

Looking at the blue sky sandwiched between two pieces of black.

Han Ying laughed loudly,"I forged immortal weapons in the human world, and the disciples of Chan have to lower their eyebrows when they see me! Haha!" He threw it casually.

The two swords were sheathed. With another big wave of his hand,

Feng Qie and Liu Shuang rushed into the sky.

In the sound of breaking through the air, it was like two brilliant meteors, flying towards the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

…… ps: It will probably take two months to recover.

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