Zhoushan Cliff Terrace.

The Pig King stood majestically, with his back to all living beings.

Zhu Jiuyin sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, with his head lowered. He seemed to be dozing, or dead.


With the sound of metal clanging, two objects fell diagonally and pierced into the ground.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly raised his head and saw two ancient narrow knives.

He stretched out his slender palm. He put his two fingers together to form a sword.

He gently raised it. The two knives flew out of their sheaths.

Both knives were black, and the blades were as thin as cicada wings.

One of the knives was engraved with wind cutting at the junction of the blade and the handle, and the other was engraved with flowing frost.

"What a pity for my"Only Me, Only One"~"

Zhu Jiuyin sighed.

He always felt that Fengqie and Liushuang were too literary, and he pondered for several seconds before coming up with the two domineering names of"Only Me" and"Only One".

Unfortunately, the girl did not adopt them.

He gently wiped the blade with the tip of his middle finger.

Blood flowed immediately.

But it quickly healed itself.

The blade was clean, without a single blood stain.

"A three or four-year-old child wielding this knife can chop off my head"

"It's really extraordinary!"

With a wave of his sleeves, the two swords were sheathed.

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the Pig King standing on the edge of the cliff.

"Pig King"

"Pig King!"


"Mo Xuan!"

"Who called me!"

The Pig King turned his head and saw the two swords. He was delighted and said,"The girl's swords are ready?"

Zhu Jiuyin said,"Ride the crane to the north immediately and give them to the girl."

The Pig King asked,"You're not going?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head.

In three thousand years, even if the sky fell, he would not walk out of the cave even half a step.

"That, Nanzhu, that stupid crane is a bit fierce"

"Of course, it's not that I can't beat you, but I just want to save some face for you. After all, you have to look at the owner before you beat the dog."

Zhu Jiuyin stood up and went deep into the cave.

With clanging sounds, sparks flew everywhere.

The stupid crane finally ate all the red fragrant fruits that Zhu Jiuyin had accumulated.

At this moment, it was pecking at the ancient vines with its pair of divine gold beaks. The ancient vines in the cave were like black snakes, swimming wildly and avoiding the stupid crane.

"Stop pecking, carry the pig king to Dragon City."

With a muffled bang, the stupid crane's huge body immediately fell to the ground, its eyes rolled out, its long tongue drooping, pretending to be dead in silent protest.

"When you come back, I will give you a drop of blood."

The loud crane cry shook the gravel in Zhoushan Cave.

The wind was blowing hard, and Zhu Jiuyin felt a blur in front of his eyes.

When he looked carefully, there was no trace of the stupid crane.

The pig king's scream like a pig being slaughtered floated into his ears.

Zhu Jiuyin came to the entrance of the cave and looked into the distance.

The snake and the crane had already become small black dots like ants.

"So fast!"

Zhu Jiuyin was surprised


The 14th year of Fuling, August 12.

Dragon City, Yuelai Inn

""It's time to drink chicken soup~"

Xue Niang, wearing an apron, walked into the main room of the courtyard with a rag and a boiling casserole.

On the wooden bed, Cang Xue, whose face was as pale as paper, was using a bronze mirror to push aside her bangs and observe the birthmark on her forehead.

The birthmark had shrunk a lot, and the color was not as bright as before.

At most, she could perform the reincarnation technique three more times and it would disappear completely.

Of course, it was the kind of large-scale resurrection of 40,000 to 50,000 people at one time.

"Come, try the pheasant soup that my sister cooked."

Xue Niang came to the bed and sat down, scooped a porcelain spoon of soup, blew a few breaths gently, and brought it to the girl's mouth.

Xue Niang:"Ah~"


Cang Xue sighed helplessly, opened her mouth obediently, and drank the soup

"How does it taste?"


"Really? Then sister will add some salt"


No need , Sister Xue, it tastes delicious.

"I knew you were lying to me."

Xue Niang scooped another spoonful,"Come on, finish this bowl and there are still five bowls left. The whole casserole is yours."

"Sister Xue,"

Cang Xue frowned and said,"Are you saying that Brother Han Ying died, or that Master and Uncle Zhu Huang passed away? Why haven't they come yet!"

"My knife!"

Xue Niang comforted her softly,"Don't worry, girl, it will be done soon."

"Either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, your double swords will definitely arrive."

Cang Xue asked curiously:"Sister Xue, why are you so sure?"

Xue Niang:"Because I dreamed about it last night."

Cang Xue:"Did you dream about Master?"

Xue Niang shook her head

"Uncle Pig King?"

Xue Niang:"Why would I dream about him? If I had to dream, it would be your master."

"Yesterday I dreamed of two pheasants, one standing on a treetop and blowing the wind, and the other with a tuft of white hair on its head."

Cangxue was confused and asked,"So what?" Xue Niang smiled slightly,"One was blowing the wind, isn't it wind-cutting, the other had white hair on its head, white doesn't it represent frost and snow, isn't it flowing frost."



In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 13, the fifth round of the national war between Wei and Su began.

At about 3:30 pm, Zhao Heng, the King of Zhenbei, climbed up the northern wall of Longcheng.

The man raised his eyes slightly and looked at Cangxue and Xueniang on the top of Jufeng Pass.

"No matter whether you two are called Wang Zhi, Wang Zhi, or Zhang Zhi, Zhang Zhi"

"No matter what purpose you two have, everything will end after this round of national war."

Zhao Heng retracted his gaze and cast his eyes on the Yewang Plain.

On the vast plain, Wei State had more than 130,000 soldiers, while Su State had only more than 100,000.

After four rounds of national wars, Wei State had not lost a single soldier, while Su State had lost about 200,000 soldiers.

Zhao Heng slowly raised his hand and was about to let the soldiers on the city wall blow the attack horn.

But he saw a man walking out of the Su State army.

The man looked like a young man, with clothes whiter than snow.

His face was as soft as a woman, and his skin was white and delicate, as if it could be blown away.

It was Yan Shisong, the national teacher of Su State.

""Prince Zhao."

Yan Shisong's voice was as clear as thunder rolling over the Yewang Plain, reaching Zhao Heng's ears clearly.

"Can we talk?"

On the top of the city wall, Zhao Heng's heart was filled with ripples of joy, but his expression remained calm from beginning to end.

Since childhood, the man has deeply understood and has been able to keep his emotions to himself.

Zhao Heng did not reply, but walked down the city wall leisurely.

Walked out of Dragon City.

Passed through the mighty army formation.

The two armies faced each other in the buffer zone.

Zhao Heng, the King of Zhenbei of Wei State, and Yan Shisong, the State Master of Su State, faced each other at close range for the first time.

The two of them almost attracted the attention of everyone in Jiayuguan Fengcheng, Jufengguan Longcheng.

Every sentence and every word the two said afterwards had a great probability of determining the life and death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and even hundreds of millions of lives in the two dynasties.


Ps: Please give me some gifts. I won’t go for massage next month, so please update well.

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