The sky was azure blue.

The huge white clouds looked like rolling mountains.

On the top of Jufeng Pass, Cangxue looked down at Yan Shisong and Zhao Heng standing on the Yewang Plain, and her beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned.

Xue Niang asked,"Girl, who is that person?"

Cangxue replied,"It should be Yan Shisong, the national teacher of Suguo."

Xue Niang said in a serious tone,"This Yan is very scary, and his cultivation level is truly heavenly."

"It is most likely a Yang God."

Cang Xue:"Sister An Xinxue, this Yan Shisong is not my enemy."


The two armies faced each other in the buffer zone.

The King of Zhenbei of Wei and the State Master of Su just looked at each other without saying a word.

After a long time, Yan Shisong spoke first,"Prince Zhao, is my senior brother in Longcheng?"

Zhao Heng shook his head:"The national master went into seclusion, and no one knows where he is in seclusion."

Yan Shisong:"Is the girl who performed the large-scale resurrection technique four times the work of my senior brother?"

"This goes against the laws of nature. Does Senior Brother really not take Zhaoyao Mountain seriously?"

Zhao Heng:"Senior, you are mistaken. The girl is called Wang Zhi. No one knows where she came from, why she wants to perform the resurrection technique, and why she resurrected the dead soldiers of the Wei Kingdom."

Yan Shisong's eyes flickered for a long time, and then he continued to ask:"If I am not dazzled, the girl should have immortal blood."

"Immortal blood?!"

Zhao Heng was shocked,"Senior, do you mean that the girl is an immortal from Zhaoyao Mountain?!"

Yan Shisong:"The immortals from Zhaoyao Mountain never ask about human affairs."

"But everyone knows that only the immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain have immortal blood."

"So, I am confused."

Zhao Heng:"Senior, have you ever seen immortal blood?"

Yan Shisong nodded:"At the end of the third year of Fuling in Wei State, two immortals from Zhanxia Cave in Zhaoyao Mountain descended on this plain. My senior brother and I were fortunate to have come into contact with them." Yan

Shisong first pointed to his forehead, then to his cheek,"The two immortals, one is called Liuhuo, and the other is called Fuxiao."

"The former has a birthmark on the forehead, while the latter has a birthmark on the cheek."

"The birthmarks of the two immortals were extremely bright and vivid, like two pools of burning blood."

Zhao Heng was surprised and asked,"Is the birthmark the immortal blood?"

Yan Shisong:"Yes."

Zhao Heng was shocked and said,"The birthmark of the girl almost dyed half of her forehead red!"

Yan Shisong clenched his hands behind his back. The uncontrollable ecstasy almost made the man who had been in a high position for a long time breathe rapidly.

"Prince Zhao, I heard that there was a riot in your Wei army camp yesterday.~"

"How long can you hold out in this war?"

Zhao Heng said calmly,"In the four rounds of national wars, nearly 200,000 soldiers of the Su Kingdom were killed."

"How long can senior hold out in this war?"

Yan Shisong narrowed his eyes slightly,"Ten years."

Zhao Heng:"Fifty years."

Yan Shisong chuckled and said,"Prince Zhao is really greedy."

Zhao Heng also smiled faintly,"If senior had not mentioned Miss Wang Zhi, let alone the ten-year agreement of not fighting, even if it was five or three years, I would be ecstatic."

"Senior, you want to get Miss Wang Zhi, right~"

Yan Shisong restrained his smile and said,"Senior brother is right, the Zhao royal family of Wei State still has smart people."

"Thirty years of non-war agreement, I want that girl."

Zhao Heng:"Senior, do you want to borrow Miss Wang Zhi's resurrection technique to expand the territory of Su Kingdom?"


Yan Shisong did not hide it and said,"You should know that my brother and I are disciples of the outer temple of Fengxue Temple."

"Immortal blood has two special effects. First, it prolongs life. Second, burning immortal blood can temporarily gain power several times or even dozens of times beyond one's own cultivation level."

"I once learned a forbidden technique in the Snow Wind Temple."

"I can take the girl's immortal blood for myself."

Zhao Heng frowned and said,"What will happen to Miss Wang Zhi if she loses her immortal blood?" Yan Shisong replied,"Why, Prince Zhao can't bear it?"

"You don't believe that girl is really a living Bodhisattva who saves people from suffering, right?"

Zhao Heng shook his head

"A 40-year agreement of non-war in exchange for Miss Wang Zhi's body."

Yan Shisong nodded:"Okay."

"But please hurry up, Prince Zhao, I don't have much patience."

With the sound of the horn,

Wei and Su countries withdrew their troops.

Not only Wei's more than 130,000 soldiers, but also Su's nearly 100,000 soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.


August 13th.

As the sun was setting in the west, the King of Zhenbei, Zhao Heng, and the newly resurrected General Yan Lin climbed up the southern wall of Longcheng.

The three-mile-away camp of the three armies was no longer as lifeless as before.

It had regained its vigor and vitality.

In the direction of the kitchen, smoke was billowing and the aroma of meat filled the air.

The soldiers were toasting each other and drinking to their heart's content.

"Yan Lin, the day after tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival"

"It's a pity that Miss Wang Zhi won't be able to see the reunion moon on August 15th."

Yan Lin, whose face was as pale as paper, was stunned and asked,"Your Majesty, is Miss Wang Zhi going to leave our Longcheng?"

Zhao Heng did not answer, but threw out a question,"Yan Lin, do you hate me?"

Yan Lin hurriedly shook his head

"Do you think the soldiers hate me?"

Yan Lin:"They don't dare."

Zhao Heng:"So you vent your hatred on Miss Wang Zhi."~"

"The first time you came back from the dead, you were so grateful to Miss Wang Zhi that you called her a goddess and even carved a statue of her."

"The second time you died and came back to life, the third time, the fourth time, your hatred grew stronger and stronger"

"You dare not hate me, so you pull down the statue of the goddess you carved with your own hands"

"You long for true death, and you hate Miss Wang Zhi so much that she has to bring you back to life again and again."

"If Miss Wang Zhi was not a martial artist with inner training, and had not been accompanied by a first-class overturning sea realm, the 130,000 soldiers would have razed the Yuelai Inn to the ground long ago."

Yan Lin opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Zhao Heng patted the man on the shoulder,"Yan Lin, I understand you, and I also understand the 130,000 soldiers."

"Therefore, I will take Miss Wang Zhi's life."

Yan Lin stared with his tiger eyes wide open, and said in disbelief:"My Lord, want to kill Miss Wang Zhi! Why?"

Zhao Heng looked at the winding mountains in the distance under the setting sun.

Those were the mountains and rivers of the Wei Kingdom.



Night fell.

Zhao Heng, in spotless white silk clothes, with a long sword hanging from his waist, walked out of the palace.

The man with white hair on his temples looked up.

He saw a jade plate hanging in the western night sky, casting endless cold light.

"Although it is not the Mid-Autumn Festival, we are still reunited."

The man put his hands behind his back and walked towards the Yuelai Inn.

For the sake of peace in Wei, not to mention the unrelated girl, even the eldest son Zhao Jinghong and the princess Qi Rou, Zhao Heng could also be killed. On the empty and lonely long street.

Zhao Heng, who was walking slowly, suddenly looked back.

In the night wind, there was a faint sound of cranes crying.

…… ps: My family members, who understands, I am asking for updates less and less.

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