In the night.

There are thousands of households in Longcheng, but only a small light in the backyard of Yuelai Inn.

In the dim candlelight, the girl's pair of clear and distant mountain eyebrows can't be relaxed.

"Sister Xue, why hasn’t the fifth round of national war started yet?"

"What did Suguo's state teacher Yan Shisong say to the prince?"

Xueniang stretched, yawned, and said honestly:"I don't know."

The sound of cranes came from outside the house.

Cangxue was stunned,"Sister Xue, did you hear it? It sounded like the wind was calling!"

Xueniang said sleepily:"I saw your master singing and dancing"

"Sister Xue, it's really the cry of a crane!"

The girl suddenly stood up and rushed to the yard.

As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw a huge white crane circling in the night sky.

On the back of the crane, a majestic man was riding.

The man was wearing a black robe that fluttered in the wind, and his black hair fluttered like a flowing black waterfall.

His face was covered with an ancient bronze mask, which made him look more powerful and mysterious.

There was no more fat pork belly flowing out of the gaps in the mask.

The girl couldn't help but burst into tears,"Uncle Pig King has lost weight~"

Xue Niang also walked out of the house and came to the girl's side


With a sigh, Xue Niang said disappointedly:"I thought he was your master, I was so happy for nothing"

"Uncle Pig King, I’m here!

The girl jumped for joy and waved her arms towards the pig and the crane in the sky.

The Pig King, with two knives hanging from his waist, turned over and got off the crane.

It was like a mountain of meat falling straight to the human world.

"Wow, so handsome!"

The girl's eyes were full of stars.


The loud noise was like thunder exploding in the ears.

Even the huge Dragon City shook three times.

The girl hurriedly opened the gate.

She saw a deep pit suddenly appeared in the backyard of the inn.

The pit was filled with smoke and dust, obstructing the vision.

There were dense and winding cracks everywhere.

"Uncle Pig King, are you still alive?"

The girl asked with concern.

Xue Niang came closer and waved her sleeves to disperse the smoke and dust.

In the deep pit, the uncle Pig King that the girl had been thinking about was clearly embedded.

Xue Niang jumped into the deep pit and turned the face-down Pig King over.

She sniffed through the mask to feel his breath

"Oops, still alive!"


The moon is above the treetops.

Xue Niang stands under the eaves and looks at the night sky.

"I don't know whether that stupid crane ran away or went back to Buzhou Mountain."

Inside the house, Cang Xue covered the unconscious Pig King with a blanket, and then came to the square table.

She stretched out her trembling hands and carefully picked up the two swords.


The narrow swords were unsheathed.

The girl put her two fingers together as a finger sword, gently stroking the black and slightly curved blade.


The girl sheathed her sword.

She then pulled out another


Fengqie shone blood-red, and Liushuang shone black.

They didn't look like knives, but more like two works of art made by skilled craftsmen with great effort.

The girl embraced the knife in her arms, as if embracing her lover.

Blood-eyed Cangxue licked her blood-red lips with her pink tongue,"Fengqie is mine!"

Golden-eyed Cangxue sighed lightly,"Then I will reluctantly be the master of Liushuang~"

The girl said viciously,"Get out of here, this is my knife!"

Xue Niang's voice came from outside the house,"Girl, why are you crazy again?"~"


When Yin and Yang alternate.

On the wild plain.

Zhenbei King Zhao Heng stood with his hands behind his back.

The man looked calmly at the grass dyed black and red by blood.

The rustling footsteps came closer from afar.

Zhao Heng raised his eyes slightly and looked at the person coming.

"Why are you calling me so late at night?"

Yan Shisong, who had a beautiful face, asked.

"I wanted to kill the girl quickly, but something unexpected happened at the last minute.

Zhao Heng:"A man came to Longcheng on a crane. I heard the girl call her Uncle Pig King."

"Pig... Pig King?!"

Yan Shisong was stunned.

"Wait, you said the man came riding a crane?!"

Zhao Heng nodded,"What's the problem?"

Yan Shisong's expression changed drastically.

"In this world, even the most powerful immortals on earth do not have the ability to fly into the sky or hide in the ground."

"Only the cranes raised in Zhaoyao Mountain can carry people."

"Could it be that the girl is an immortal?!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Zhaoyao Mountain Immortals don't care about worldly affairs, and how could they do something against the will of heaven~"

Zhao Heng:"Senior, don't worry about whether the girl is Zhaoyao Mountain Immortal"

"I think the one called Wang Zhi and the one called Zhu Huang are just the girl's protectors."

"The former is in the first level of the Overturned Sea Realm, and the latter is like me, in the Yin Fairy Realm"

"Only those who protect the Tao are celestial beings, how terrifying must the master of that girl be!"

Yan Shisong's eyes flickered.

After a long time, he said:"That girl, there is no way she is the immortal from Zhaoyao Mountain"

"The immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain have always followed the will of heaven and never gone against it."

"Then I will feel relieved."

Zhao Heng frowned:"Senior, the master of that girl should be a land immortal!"

"No problem, no problem."

Yan Shisong smiled faintly,"Fengxue Temple is one of the five poles in the world. I am a disciple of Fengxue Temple, and my master is also a land immortal."

"Besides, why not just kill all three of them?"

"Will your Lord Zhao make a big fuss about it later?"

Zhao Heng:"I am responsible for that girl and the protector named Wang Zhi."

"I can only trouble you to help the Yin Immortal called Pig Emperor."

Yan Shisong nodded,"Okay."

After thinking for a while, Yan Shisong took out a white jade porcelain bottle from his sleeve and threw it to Zhao Heng.

"What is this?"

Zhao Heng asked curiously.

"Thousand Feather Poison Night."

Yan Shisong explained:"It is a kind of poison that belongs to my Fengxue Temple. It has the same nature as the Prison Immortal Chain of Zhaoyao Mountain and can suppress the realm of cultivation."

"But my bottle is Baiyu Jinye, which can only suppress those below the Heavenly Man Realm."

Zhao Heng put away the porcelain bottle and said,"The senior once said that burning immortal blood can temporarily gain power that is several times or even dozens of times beyond one's own cultivation realm."

"Senior, you are afraid that the girl will burn her own immortal blood at the critical moment of life and death~"

Yan Shisong smiled,"Zhao Heng, you are not the king of Wei. It is a pity for Wei, but it is a blessing for Su."

Zhao Heng said calmly,"Senior , you are too kind."


The fourteenth year of Fuling, August 14th.

In the backyard of Longcheng Yuelai Inn.

In the main house of the newly built courtyard, the pig king snored like thunder.

Xue Niang prepared breakfast in the kitchen of the inn.

Cang Xue sat on the threshold of the courtyard holding two swords, in a daze.

"Uncle Pig Emperor is here, I don't have to be bound by Zhao Heng, the prince of Yinxian Realm anymore."

"Wind Cutting and Flowing Frost are also in hand"

"Only one step left"

"Life is death, and death is life!"

It has been two months since Cang Xue came to Longcheng, and she still hasn't understood the mysterious advice of Old Liutou.

The advice that hides the glimmer of hope for the second life and death catastrophe

"What does it mean that life is death?"

"What does it mean that death is life?"

The girl said to herself,"When the autumn wind is cold and the frost falls from the sky, the flowers will wither and the grass will die."

"When spring comes, everything comes back to life, the flowers bloom, the grass grows green again"

"In the autumn wind, the grass and trees die"

"When the spring rain moistens everything silently, the grass and trees regain vitality"

"Flowers died, grass died"

"The flowers came alive, and the grass came alive too."

"Divine nature is the flower, demonic nature is the grass"

"The flowers will die"

"But the roots won’t!"

"Life is death, and death is life!"

As the girl murmured, a ray of clarity flashed through her mind.

For a moment, the girl vaguely understood something.

But when she came to her senses, she was shocked to find that she had never understood anything.

…… ps: I want to get perfect attendance next month. Like I said, even Jesus can’t change my iron will.

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