In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 14, at noon, the young man from the Li family, in a coarse linen shirt, led by Xiao Chengjing, one of the eight hundred martial arts guards of the Zhenbei King, came to the back garden of the palace.

Under the shade of the willow tree, Zhao Heng, with white hair on his temples, sat on a stone bench, holding a cup of tea and closing his eyes to rest. There was something on the stone table next to the man, piled up into a small hill, covered with a large piece of red silk cloth.

"My Lord, the people have been brought here."

""Go down."

After Xiao Chengjing left, Zhao Heng slowly opened his eyes and looked at the thin young man.

"I am Li Ting, a soldier. I greet the prince.

The young man knelt down and bowed.

"Li Ting, do you hate Miss Wang Zhi?"

Zhao Heng asked.

The young man was stunned.

Zhao Heng said:"There are more than 130,000 soldiers in the military camp. They want to cut Miss Wang Zhi into pieces, drink her blood, eat her flesh, and sleep on her skin."

"You were also brought back to life again and again by Miss Wang Zhi on the battlefield"

"Do you think it is a gift from the goddess, or an inhumane torture from the devil?"

The young man opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer.

Zhao Heng:"Do you like Miss Wang Zhi?"

The young man nodded, then shook his head.

Zhao Heng:"Li Ting, I have good news for you. Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the war will end at the earliest on August 20th and at the latest in early September."

"Your parents are dead, and you are not a military household. You are all alone. Where are you going? Where can you go?"

Zhao Heng stretched out his hand and pulled off the red silk cloth covering the stone table.

Li Ting's eyes were like copper bells, and his breathing was choked.

On the stone table, huge silver ingots the size of a baby's fist were piled up very high.

The boy roughly estimated that there were at least a hundred ingots.

One ingot was fifty taels, and a hundred ingots were five thousand taels.

"My Lord, you are going to……"

Zhao Heng took out a small porcelain bottle about two inches long from his sleeve.

"There's poison in here."

"I want you to poison Miss Wang Zhi."

Li Ting's two dark pupils suddenly shrank,"Your Majesty, want to kill Miss Wang Zhi?!"


Zhao Heng:"Because Miss Wang Zhi's body can bring forty years of peace to the northern border of Wei."

"I understand. Not to mention that your parents died at the hands of our own soldiers, even if they were alive and well, you would not have the slightest sense of belonging, honor, or mission to the State of Wei."

"In fact, most people respect their country on the surface, but when the country is invaded by an enemy country, they will be filled with righteous indignation and clamor to go to the battlefield, to die on the battlefield, and to defend their country."

"In fact, people only care about their own families, and secretly call the civil and military officials in the temple beasts, bastards, and parasites."

"There is nothing wrong with the officials, big or small, because no matter who it is, as long as they sit in that position, they will be greedy."

"Those who are greedy by nature actively and frantically amass wealth, those who swear to establish their hearts for the world and their lives for the people are forced to madly amass wealth"

"The people are not wrong. Who doesn't want their country to be peaceful and prosperous, with abundant crops and thriving livestock, and officials to be incorruptible and work hard to govern?"

"Investigating the root cause: human nature at work"

"But without humanity, how can people be called human beings?"

Zhao Heng said calmly:"Li Ting, I don't want you to work for the peace of Wei and the people of Wei. I just want you to work for yourself."

"I just want you to put this small bottle of poison"

"Take this money and go to a relatively stable country to live a good life"

"How old are you, fourteen or fifteen? You still have a long way to go in your life."


Dragon City, Yuelai Inn.

In the main room of the courtyard, Cangxue and Xue Niang each had a bowl of carrot stewed with rabbit meat, chewing it slowly.

The Pig King squatted on the doorstep, holding a large copper basin for washing vegetables and noodles, wolfing down the food like a pig.

"How come there are no big, fragrant and soft white flour buns?"

Xue Niang didn't want to pay attention.

Cang Xue explained:"Uncle Pig King, Longcheng was massacred and all the food was looted by the Wei soldiers."

"In the past two months, it has been Sister Xue who has been going up the mountain to catch wild rabbits and pheasants."

Mrs. Xue said,"Pig, from now on, the hunting work will be handed over to you.""

Pig King:"Why? I am here to protect the dragon, not to bully wild rabbits and pheasants."

"You are a first-class rising being, but you don't think about improving your cultivation level every day. You only bully and kill the weak. You are not a strong person."

The Pig King whispered:"I once taught Nanzhu that when a strong person is angry, he will draw his sword against a stronger person, and when a weak person is angry, he will draw his sword against a weaker person."

He put a piece of rabbit meat into his bloody mouth.

While chewing the meat and bones, the Pig King said sincerely:"Don't say it, this weak person is so delicious."

The two women:"……"

Cang Xue:"Sister Xue, accompany me to the Zhenbei Palace later."

Xue Niang did not ask the reason, but just nodded and said:"Okay."


Half an hour later, the blazing sun in the sky began to slowly set in the west.

With a creaking sound, Cang Xue pushed open the courtyard door.

The girl was suddenly stunned.

""Li Ting~"

In a corner of the inn's backyard, the young man from the Li family stood beside the bluestone well in a daze.

Hearing the call, the young man turned and looked at Cang Xue.

He grinned and stretched out a palm to Cang Xue.

"Sister Wang Zhi, the food in the military camp has been improved today.

Cang Xue looked at the boiled eggs in the boy's hand with a complicated expression.

"Sister Wang Zhi, take it."

The young man came closer and forced the egg into Cang Xue's hand.

"Sister Wang Zhi, tomorrow is August 15th, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance."

Looking at the thin back of the young man going away, Cang Xue hesitated to speak.

Xue Niang, who was leaning against the door frame of the courtyard, kicked the pig king sitting on the doorstep.

The girl suddenly felt her right hand empty.

When she came to her senses, the boiled egg had already been swallowed into the pig king's throat with the shell.

The girl said:"Uncle Pig King, you……"

The Pig King looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water,"Your Uncle Mo and Brother Xuan traveled thousands of miles north to bring you a knife, so what's wrong with eating an egg?"


Half an hour later.

Qingfeng Lane, Longcheng.

Led by the housekeeper of the palace, Cangxue and Xue Niang came to the reception hall, where a maid served them fragrant tea.

Soon, footsteps came closer.

Zhenbei King Zhao Heng entered the hall and bowed to the two girls,"I didn't know that Miss Wang Zhi and Miss Wang Zhi came to visit. I hope I didn't welcome you in person. Please forgive me."

Cangxue bowed back and said,"Prince Zhao, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival for family reunions. I would like to ask you to build a high platform in the military camp."

Zhao Heng asked curiously,"What are you building a platform for?"

Cangxue replied,"I want to sing a song for more than 130,000 soldiers."


Zhao Heng was surprised and said,"Miss Wang Zhi can sing opera?!"

Cang Xue said modestly,"I know a little bit."

Zhao Heng smiled and said,"No problem."

"Then I won't bother you any more. Goodbye."

Looking at the two women's slender backs as they left,

Zhao Heng's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

"Oh it's you!"

"In the third year of Fuling, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15, the little girl who sang"Farewell My Concubine" on stage has grown up so much.~"


August 14, night.

The Pig King sat cross-legged on the wooden bed, immersed in cultivation.

Cang Xue and Xue Niang sat side by side on the doorstep, admiring the moon.

"On the 15th of August, the whole family reunited. We were all in Longcheng, but the master was trapped alone in the Zhoushan Cave."

"I am such an unfilial disciple."

The girl whispered,"Sister Xue, I miss my master."

"So I decided to take revenge tomorrow!"

Xue Niang:"Girl, have you understood the eight-character advice given to you by Old Liutou in Xijian Lane in the small town?"

The girl shook her head,"No."

Xue Niang:"Don't you think the eight-character advice contains a glimmer of hope for the second life and death catastrophe?"

"You girl, how dare you accept the calamity without fully understanding it?"


The girl sighed and said,"Sister Xue, I am too stupid. I may never understand it in this lifetime."

"I should have grabbed Grandpa Liu by the collar and asked him clearly.

Xue Niang:"If Old Liu is really as mysterious and powerful as you said,"

"Then the eight-character advice is the secret of heaven."

"The secret of heaven cannot be revealed"

"If you comprehend it yourself, then the secret of heaven is the secret of heaven. Old Liutou explained it to you word by word, and then the secret of heaven is nonsense."

It was late at night.

In the east wing of the courtyard, the girl who was dozing on the wooden bed with two swords in her arms suddenly opened her eyes.

"Life is death, death is life~"

"I think...I figured it out!"

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