Everything was quiet.

A tiny light was on.

Cang Xue pulled out two worn-out opera boxes from under the bed.

She took out all the items in the boxes and placed them on the wooden table.

There were Ruyi pearl crowns, colorful phoenix-embroidered clothes, and yellow-bottomed lotus-embroidered shoes, all of which were extremely bright and colorful.

There were also a dozen celadon boxes, all filled with rouge and powder.

Including the red clothes and red shoes bought in Qixia Prefecture, Baoping Prefecture.

Staring at the table full of gorgeous clothes, the girl whispered,"Not today~"

Half a quarter of an hour later.

The girl walked out of the courtyard holding the Fengqie and Liushuang swords and left the Yuelai Inn.

After an incense stick of time.

At the end of a bluestone street.

The girl came to an ancient willow tree with lush branches and leaves.

After a short pause, the girl began to climb the tree.

Her body was as nimble as a monkey, and she quickly climbed to the top of the tree.

She straddled the tree branch, freeing her hands, and the girl neatly untied the two red ribbons wrapped around her wrists.

Then she tied Fengqie and Liushuang to two hanging branches.

After getting down from the tree, the girl looked up.

The two swords were hidden among the thousands of green weeping willows, making them very difficult to spot.

The round jade plate in the night sky was gradually setting in the west. It was about the end of the hour of the Ox.

August 14 had passed.

Now it was August 15.

The Mid-Autumn Festival, the family reunion festival.

The girl stared at the bright moon and said to herself,"It's not today.~"


The fourteenth year of Fuling.

August 15th.

Mid-Autumn Festival.

Early in the morning, the maids of Zhenbei Palace brought Cangxue a basket full of mooncakes.

Cangxue and Xue Niang did not eat them, remembering the master's teachings of"don't have the intention to harm others, but be on guard against others".

When the sun rose.

The Pig King was still snoring like thunder.

Cangxue took Xue Niang out of Longcheng and came to the three-army camp.

There were tents in a row, and snoring came one after another.

The parade ground had already been built with a stage.

Cangxue went on stage and looked around, with a very complicated expression.

"Sister Xue, on the Mid-Autumn Festival night eleven years ago, I sang for the 100,000 soldiers in the military camp."

"That day, they drank and ate human flesh."

"The rain is in the pot, I am on the stage"

"Sister Xue, it’s been eleven years!"

"If I didn’t have Master, Sister Xue, Sister Feng, and Uncle Zhu Huang, I really don’t know how I would live.

"Girl, your master, and I, and your sister Feng, and Uncle Pig King, will be with you forever and ever."

The footsteps came closer and closer.

The two girls turned around and looked.

They saw a hunched-backed soldier coming up to the platform.

After smiling at Cangxue, he introduced himself and asked,"My name is Zhang Qingrong. I wonder if this girl on the stage is satisfied?"

Cangxue smiled back and said,"Very satisfied, thank you, Brother Zhang"

"By the way, Brother Zhang, why didn’t the fifth round of national war start two days ago?"

""Brother, do you know the specific reason?"

Zhang Qingrong did not hide it."The prince told us that he will soon sign a non-war agreement with the Suguo national master."

"The war is about to end!"

"We are going home!"

"Don't be afraid of girls laughing at you, for the past two months, I have dreamed about my daughter every day."

"I never thought I could go back alive."

The man hesitated for a moment, clasped his fists and bowed to Cangxue, saying:"Thank you for saving my life four times~"

Cangxue asked curiously:"Brother Zhang, is Nannan your wife?"

Zhang Qingrong shook his head:"It's my eldest daughter"

"My Zhang family has been a military household for generations. The money for the trip to Longcheng this time was obtained by selling my daughter."

Cang Xue couldn't help but think of her mother.

When she was an orphan and a widow, she suffered so much, but her mother never thought of selling herself.

"Brother Zhang, did your daughter become a maid in a wealthy family?"

Zhang Qingrong:"No."

"The seller in the open is a martial arts attendant in the residence of Master Xiao Chengjing."

"Lord Xiao is one of the 800 martial arts guards under the prince's command. He and I are from the same town."

"In fact, the real seller is Mr. Xiao himself"

"He opened a brothel in the county."

Selling his daughter to a brothel prostitute?!

Cang Xue was not surprised, but just listened quietly.

"In the fourth round of national war, I killed nine enemy soldiers of the Su Kingdom. According to military regulations, I can get 45 taels of silver, which is enough to redeem my daughter."

"Fortunately, my daughter is still young and is far from the age to receive customers."

"But I must have received many beatings from the madam."

"Just in time"

"You still have time"

"I just hope Nannan doesn't hate me."


The sun is high in the sky.

Cang Xue and Xue Niang return to Yue Lai Inn.


On the threshold of the courtyard, the pig emperor was washing vegetables and noodles in a large copper basin with one hand and holding chopsticks in the other.

The wooden chopsticks knocked against the copper basin, making a clanging sound.

"What time is it? Where is my meal?"

Xue Niang rolled her eyes and said,"The mountain is full of wild rabbits and pheasants. Go catch them yourself.""

"Uncle Pig Emperor!"

Cangxue rushed out of the house and asked anxiously:"Where are the mooncakes on the table?"

The Pig Emperor stood up and patted his belly,"Here they are."

Cangxue:"Uh, Uncle Pig Emperor, how... do you feel?"

The Pig Emperor said confusedly:"What do you mean?"

Cangxue:"Do you feel intestinal cramps and pain in your internal organs?"

The Pig Emperor shook his head:"I just feel so hungry that my heart is scratching."

Cangxue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Pig King, I am tired of eating hares and pheasants. Go catch me two pigeons."

"I want to eat roasted pigeon."

Xue Niang:"Catch a few more, I want to eat braised pigeon.""


The Pig King sighed,"I am a mysterious and powerful Yin Immortal, so Nanzhu doesn't dare to order me around like this."

"You two little girls, respect me, do you understand?"

Cang Xue immediately hugged the Pig King's sturdy arms like elephant legs, and said in a soft voice:"Uncle Mo, Brother Xuan, I really want to eat roasted pigeon."

The Pig King shuddered violently,"Shut up, damn it, I have goose bumps."


The blazing sun was slowly setting in the west.

Outside Dragon City, in the forest , the Pig King, with his face covered by an ancient bronze mask, stood with his hands behind his back.

Beside him was a straw basket.

Not far away, wild rabbits were eating grass and pheasants were walking on the ground.

The Pig King said indifferently,"You rabbits, you pheasants, come over here by yourselves."


"Er rabbit Er chicken, peel and wash it yourself, then roll it over yourself"

""My patience is limited!"

After a long time, the Pig King's voice suddenly became cold,"You rabbits and chickens, my patience is almost exhausted by you!"

The hare a few feet away suddenly escaped.

The pheasant also flew away in panic.

There was no sign.

The Pig King's exposed skin immediately developed a dense layer of goose bumps.

So that the soft fluff and sweat hairs all stood upside down, as firm as needles.

The huge pig head slowly turned a half circle of 180 degrees.

In the squinting eyes under the Pig King's mask, the two inverted thin pupils shrank slightly.

"Who... are you?!"

Two feet away from the Pig King, there stood a slender young man.

He held a landscape fan in his hand, and his clothes were whiter than snow.

His flawless face was more beautiful than that of an ordinary woman.

The young man smiled faintly at the Pig King,"I am the State Master of the Su Kingdom, Yan Shisong"

"I'm here to take off your head!"


The sun was setting in the west. In the Yuelai Inn in Longcheng

, Cang Xue was putting on makeup for Yu Ji in the courtyard.

Xue Niang paced back and forth in the courtyard.

She said worriedly,"After nightfall, the girl will face the disaster!"

"This damned pig king, why hasn't he come back yet!"

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