The three armies were in a large camp.

Torches were crackling.

The training ground was filled with long and square tables.

People were crowded and the aroma of meat was strong.

Some soldiers were toasting and some were feasting.

When Cang Xue walked into the camp, the clamor was like a sudden rain.

The girl attracted almost everyone's attention.

"Miss Wang Zhi, Miss Wang Zhi, please follow me."

A martial arts attendant from the Zhenbei Palace led Cang Xue and Xue Niang to Zhao Heng's table.

""You two, please take a seat."

Unlike the soldiers who were filled with amazement and admiration, Zhao Heng remained calm as always when facing Cang Xue, who was dressed in her best clothes.

The man personally washed two white porcelain bowls with tea.

Then he poured two full bowls of wine.

"Miss Wang Zhi and Miss Wang Zhi, don't say that normally, even on a big festival like Mid-Autumn Festival, the soldiers rarely have decent entertainment activities."

"Zhao Heng was very grateful that Miss Wang Zhi could sing for us rough guys."

The man picked up the white porcelain bowl and drank it all.

Xue Niang said calmly:"Prince Zhao, my sister and I are women and cannot drink strong liquor."

Zhao Heng smiled and said:"Then use tea instead of wine."

Xue Niang:"My sister and I are not thirsty."

Zhao Heng:"This table full of dishes, all carefully prepared by the chef of the palace, you two can eat as you like."

Xue Niang:"We have eaten"

""Prince Zhao," the girl stood up and whispered,"It's getting late, I will go on stage."


Zhao Heng said with a smile:"Please Miss Wang Zhi sing as much as you can. The soldiers and I are listening attentively."

The girl nodded slightly.

Then she stepped onto the stage.

The light of the torches flickered. The faces of the soldiers in the audience were blurry.

In a trance, the girl couldn't tell what year it was.

Was it the 15th day of the eighth month of the third year of Fuling?

Or the 15th day of the eighth month of the fourteenth year of Fuling?

The round jade plate was sprinkled with frost and snow.

In the autumn wind, the girl sang.

One person played two roles

"Since I followed the king in his battles, I have endured hardships and hardships year after year."

"I only hate the ruthless Qin that destroyed all living things"


Under the high platform.

Xue Niang looked around

"Miss Wang Zhi"

"What are you doing?"

Under Xue Niang's puzzled gaze, Zhao Heng took out a two-inch delicate white jade bottle from his sleeve and placed it on the table.

Zhao Heng:"Miss Wang Zhi, do you know what this is?"

Xue Niang frowned slightly,"What?"

Zhao Heng said softly:"Thousand Feathers Poison Night, to be precise, it is the lower-grade Hundred Feathers Poison Night."

Xue Niang:"What is it for?"

Zhao Heng explained:"There is the Prison Immortal Chain in Zhaoyao Mountain, and there is the Thousand Feathers Poison Night in Fengxue Temple."

"Anyone who is locked up by the Immortal Prison Chain or drinks the Thousand Feather Poison Night will be suppressed into an ordinary person even if he is a land immortal with the true energy, cultivation, and combat power that can burn the sky and boil the sea."

"The bottle of Baiyuzhenye in my hand can only suppress those below the Heavenly Man Realm."

A creaking sound suddenly floated into her ears.

Xue Niang turned her head and saw that dozens of soldiers were slowly pushing and closing the three gates.

Until then, Xue Niang was shocked.

All the soldiers in the parade ground were wearing swords and armor.

Looking at Zhao Heng's right hand on the table.

Xue Niang suddenly stretched out her hand and lifted the sleeve of the man's silk clothes.

Under the sleeve, a corner of soft armor was revealed.

Zhao Heng smiled faintly:"Miss Wang Zhi really has a good eye."

"Back to Baiyuzhenye"

"In fact, Baiyu Zhiye is not a poison, because it simply suppresses the martial arts cultivation."

"The young man from the Li family once said that Miss Wang Zhi liked to eat boiled eggs."

"I asked Li Ting to deliver it, but I don't know if Miss Wang Zhi ate it."

"It doesn't matter if you don't eat it, because Li Ting has already put a hundred feather poisons in the bluestone well in the backyard of Yuelai Inn."

"The basket of mooncakes this morning, and even all the wells in Longcheng, and every pheasant and rabbit on the nearby mountains, are all carrying the Hundred Feathers Poison Night."

Xue Niang said horrified:"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I have been practicing these days, how could I not know if I was really poisoned?"

Zhao Heng:"Miss Wang Zhi, practicing is to absorb the energy of heaven and earth and refine it into true energy. Only when the battle begins and the true energy is consumed, will the Hundred Feathers Poison Night explode."

"If you don't believe me, try it~"

She stared at the man's calm face.

His eyes, as dark as the abyss, frightened Xue Niang for the first time.


Xue Niang stood up suddenly.

"Concubine, since I went to war……"

The play stopped abruptly.

The girl on the high platform looked down at Xue Niang's table.

She saw that Prince Zhao and Sister Xue stood up for some reason.

Prince Zhao walked behind Sister Xue.

His movements were swift.

With a light touch, the girl saw a line of blood suddenly appear on Sister Xue's white neck.

Immediately, blood splattered.

Sister Xue opened and closed her mouth, repeating two words.

It was"behind".

The footsteps came closer from behind her.

The moment the girl turned around.

The man called Zhang Qingrong in the daytime handed her a knife.

The dagger pierced deeply into her abdomen.

The warm and sticky blood immediately dyed a large area of the colorful phoenix and flower embroidered clothes red.

""For my daughter~"

Zhang Qingrong drew out his dagger and retreated.

Another soldier stepped forward.

With a sudden force, the dagger's blade sank into the girl's abdomen.

"For the State of Wei~"

The man drew his dagger and retreated.

Then, the third, fourth, fifth… blood stained the costumes.

The girl, whose face was as pale as snow, could no longer hold on and slowly knelt on the stage.

The last footsteps approached.

The man grabbed the girl’s hair and slowly pulled up her head which was drooping weakly.

What the girl saw was the cold face of the young man from the Li family.

"Sister Wang Zhi, I'm sorry."

"For myself~"

With the last dagger, the boy thrust it into the girl's heart.

The moment the dagger was pulled out, blood spurted out, splashing the boy's entire face red.

The boy loosened his hand.

The girl's tall body lay on her back helplessly.

The dense footsteps became farther and farther away.

Soon, the huge training ground was filled with only���The girl and her sister Xue.

The girl tilted her head with difficulty.

Under the high platform.

Sister Xue was lying on the table, as if she was asleep.

But blood kept flowing from the edge of the table, forming a thin line of blood.

The girl lost a lot of blood, and a pool of blood gathered on the high platform.

The moon in the sky was white.

The moon on the ground was scarlet.

The moonlight was like snow.

It fell all over the girl.

The peach blossom eyes that reflected the sky full of stars.

The two dark pupils gradually expanded.

Until a layer of gray appeared.

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