In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 15th, the moon was at its zenith.

The white-haired Zhenbei King Zhao Heng, holding a torch, climbed up the southern wall of Longcheng alone.

The spotless man in white silk clothes lit all the dozens of torches on the top of the city from left to right.

The flickering flames made Zhao Heng's expressionless face flicker.

The man stood with his hands behind his back, waiting quietly.

After the girl died, torches were lit all over the city.

Yan Shisong would follow the flames and fulfill the agreement.

This was what the Zhenbei King of Wei and the State Master of Su had agreed on long ago.

"Forty Years of Peace~"

"Miss Wang Zhi, thank you~"


At the top of the Jufeng Pass, Yan Shisong, who was sitting cross-legged on the head of a huge black python, closed his eyes and slowly opened them.

Standing up and looking down at the fire dragon that stretched for more than a hundred feet on the south wall of Longcheng, Yan Shisong's mouth curled up slightly.

"Take the immortal blood for yourself, I am an immortal but not a celestial being!"

Even if it is a terrestrial immortal, the life span is only a thousand years. And the immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain with immortal blood can easily live for seven or eight thousand years. The difference is like heaven and earth.

Yan Shisong, who couldn't hide his ecstasy, was about to act like an eagle and swoop towards Dragon City to hunt prey.

Suddenly, the man's slender body trembled slightly.

He slowly turned his head on the huge head of the black python. What came into Yan Shisong's eyes was a towering and huge crane.

The white crane was nearly four meters tall, and its long crane neck looked down at the Suguo national teacher from above. The dense crane feathers were like frost and snow, and the edge of the crane wings was inlaid with a circle of ink.

"This is……"

Without waiting for Yan Shisong to come back to his senses, the crane suddenly pecked at the man's head.

Clang ~

The pleasant sound of metal clashing, accompanied by Yan Shisong's shrill screams.

Blood mixed with bone fragments flew everywhere.

The state teacher of Su State, who was at the Yangshen realm, was actually pecked by a white crane.

The terrible crane beak, like a long pair of scissors, hit Yan Shisong's forehead.

It pecked a deep hole, emitting blood and white greasy brain matter.

Moreover, with a crackling sound, the man's entire head suddenly burst into dense and winding cracks.

The crane accumulated strength and pecked again.

Yan Shisong endured the pain of his head being torn into pieces, raised his hand and slapped it.

Clang ~

Billions of blazing sparks.

With the terrifying recoil force, Yan Shisong's figure was like a white meteor, retreating towards the direction of Jiayuguan Fengcheng.

Looking at the rapidly shrinking white dot, the crane retracted its gaze, lowered its head and used its beak to poke the black python twice.

After a while, with a loud crane cry, the white crane grabbed the black python with its claws and flew into the sky.

On the southern wall of Longcheng,

Zhao Heng frowned as he looked at the top of Jufeng Pass.

"what happened?!"


Three miles outside Longcheng, the three army camps were silent, with only the night wind blowing the flags.

On the stage in the training ground, the girl lying in the blood pool closed her eyes at some point.

The moonlight reflected the deep red blood pool, and the color was enchanting.

Suddenly, the girl's slender hands immersed in the blood pool suddenly moved slightly.

The closed eyes opened without any sign.

In the eye sockets, two evil blood pupils reflected the two scarlet blood moons in the sky.


The sky was slightly pale.

On the top of Longcheng, dozens of torches had already gone out.

Zhao Heng's eyes were as dark as water.

As the state teacher of Suguo, and a yang god who walked out of Fengxue Temple, one of the five poles in the world, Yan Shisong would never go back on his word.

There was only one possibility, Suguo's state teacher had an accident!

"Yan Shisong is a Yang God, and the one called Pig Emperor is a Yin Immortal."

"Yang Shen vs Yin Xian, the latter has no chance of winning"

"What was that flaming spark that was flying last night?"

"And the huge crane seemed to be holding a python and flying away"

"That pig king... is he a python spirit?~"

"" Could it be that Yan Shisong was injured by that crane?"

Zhao Heng thought his speculation was quite ridiculous.

The sound of hurried footsteps came closer and closer.

A royal guard climbed onto the top of the city wall.

He said in panic:"My lord, the bodies of Miss Wang Zhi and Miss Wang Zhi are missing!"


The sun rises in the east.

A hundred miles away from Longcheng, in a corner of the endless mountain range.

Beside a gurgling stream, a girl kneels on the ground, looking at her own reflection in the water.

Her slender hands stroke her face inch by inch.

The girl suddenly laughs loudly.

The laughter is unbridled and hearty.

"Finally... the control of this body finally belongs to me! Hahahaha!"

After a long time, the laughter stopped, and Xuetong Cangxue stood up and came to Xueniang's side.

Xueniang's face was as pale as paper, and she still had a breath, but it was already very weak.

"If I eat you, I can advance to the second level of inner cultivation and move mountains."

"When the time comes to burn the immortal blood, I will not be afraid of Zhao Heng in Yinxian Realm."

Blood-eyed Cangxue leaned over, and his five fingers were like hooks, gently inserting into the heart of Xue Niang.

He was ready to dig out Xue Niang's heart and chew it to suck out the essence of her qi and blood.


Blood-eyed Cangxue suddenly took a breath of cold air.

He let go of his hand and covered his head that seemed to be split in two.

The blood pupil in his left eye socket was replaced by a bright golden pupil.

"Damn it, get back here!"

With a beast-like roar, the golden pupils slowly turned back to blood pupils.

The panting Demonic Cangxue gnashed his teeth and said,"Just wait, I will soon trample you to ashes!"

Fearing that the Divine Cangxue would appear again, the Demonic Cangxue had to give up devouring Xue Niang.

The cry of the crane was still far away in the sky a second ago.

The next breath of the wild hunting wind was close.

With a loud bang, the 30-meter-long sturdy black python smashed the earth and splashed the water in the stream.

The Demonic Cangxue narrowed his blood pupils, looked at Xue Niang, and then looked at the black python.

Including the crane standing on the head of the black python, constantly pecking at the flesh and blood.

"Xue Niang is a waste in the first level of the Overturning Sea Realm"

"Although this stupid crane is extremely powerful, it only obeys Nanzhu's orders."

"Only the Pig King of Yin Fairyland can contend with Zhao Heng."

After thinking for a while, the demonic Cang Xue looked at Bai He and pointed at the exhausted and unconscious Xue Niang, saying:"Ji Feng, Sister Xue is dying."

""Take her back to Taihang Zhoushan as soon as possible."

The white crane turned a deaf ear to him and pecked the black python

's skull to pieces with its beak. Then it took out a large piece of white snake brain and devoured it with a grunt.

"Stupid Crane, I will tell my master that Sister Xue died because you were disobedient."

"Your master will skin you and pull out your tendons, and will steam, stir-fry, and deep-fry you."

The white crane swallowed the last bite of the snake brain, gently jumped off the black python's head, and slowly walked towards the evil Cangxue.

Looking at the stupid crane's beak, which was still dripping with blood and stained with brain matter, the evil Cangxue couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Hexian, I'm sorry, I apologize to you"

"Sister Xue is very important to your master, please send her back quickly."

"Maybe Nanzhu will be happy and give you two drops of dragon blood."

Baihe tilted his head, thinking like a person.

After a long while, he grabbed Xueniang and soared up.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace.


Demonic Cangxue let out a long sigh,"Damn stupid crane, one day I will cook you up."

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