In the fourteenth year of Fuling, August 16.

In the mountains, the demon Cangxue, dressed in gorgeous costumes, knelt beside the stream, raised a handful of water, and splashed it on her pale face.

Then she washed her bloody hands.

Finally, she took a few sips of the water, stood up and walked to the black python, and gently covered the tattered head of the python with her white palm.

The hideous birthmark that covered half of her forehead was shining with a faint glow.

"Immortal Law: Reincarnation~"

The more than 30-meter-long winding python body was shrouded in red clouds.

The hideous wounds, broken scales, and the python head that was pecked by the cranes were repaired and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the sun was setting in the west, the Pig King woke up slowly.

He raised his huge python head and looked around.

Not far away by the stream, the girl was staring at the sunset. With the divine light flashing, the Pig King turned into a human form. He then conjured up a black robe to cover his body and a bronze mask to cover his face.

"Girl, what happened?"

"Where is the Su State Master? Where is your sister Xue?"

"Did you save me?"

The Pig King asked.

The setting sun splashed on the girl's slender body, setting a faint golden halo for her.

"Uncle Pig Emperor, I have never met Yan Shisong, the national master of Su State"

"It was the wind that brought you to me"

"I will use the reincarnation technique to revive you."

The girl with her back to the Pig King said calmly


The pig king was stunned for a moment,"This stupid crane didn't go back."

The girl:"It went back"

"I took Sister Xue back."

The Pig King pondered for a while and said,"Girl, let's go back too."

"You can't beat that prince."

"Who would have thought that the two countries of Wei and Su, which had been enemies for generations, would get together with the King of Zhenbei and the Imperial Master of the other country."

The girl turned around, staring coldly at the Pig King with her bloodshot eyes.

"Why go back? I haven't avenged my blood feud yet!"

The Pig King frowned under his mask,"Girl, why did your black pupils turn into blood pupils?"

The girl replied,"I activated the Immortal Blood to the second stage."

"Maybe it's the manifestation of the change."

Looking at the fiery sunset at the end of the sky,

Demonic Cangxue couldn't help but reach out and touch her belly through the costume.

Slowly, her palm moved to her heart.

Last night, the knife after knife.

Especially the last knife that pierced through her heart.

The pain was not only felt by the original Cangxue, but also by the Demonic and Divine Cangxue.

To be precise, it was personally experienced.

"Uncle Pig King, accompany me... back to Dragon City~"

"Not yesterday, not tomorrow, and not ten years from now"

"Right now, at this moment!"

"Today, tonight!"


Night falls. In the Qingfeng Lane of Longcheng, Zhenbei Palace.

Beside the pond in the back garden, Zhao Heng stands with his hands behind his back, staring at the night sky of August 16 in a trance.

Footsteps approach from afar.

Xiao Chengjing kneels on one knee and says in a deep voice,"Your Highness, we have almost turned Longcheng upside down, and have climbed mountains and waded through rivers, but we have not found any trace of the two girls, Wang Zhi and Wang Zhi."

"Got it, go down."

After Xiao Chengjing's footsteps faded away, Zhao Heng suddenly turned around and looked somewhere.

On the courtyard wall stood a tall figure with a long sword hanging from his waist.

"That is... Miss Wang Zhi's sword"

"Is she still alive?"

Zhao Heng asked.

The Pig King nodded.

"Immortal blood can actually revive itself?"

Zhao Heng was surprised.

The Pig King shook his head,"I don't know."

Zhao Heng said calmly:"You want to kill me?"

The Pig King:"I am only responsible for inviting you to watch a show"

"Your life or death depends on the girl's decision."

Zhao Heng smiled and said,"Girl~"


Longcheng, the backyard of Yuelai Inn.

The candlelight is dim in the small courtyard room.

"Thin grass in the empty forest, cold rain in the wind.

A thin lonely soul, just accompany someone."

The devilish Cangxue hummed softly while drawing eyebrows and applying powder.

The moon was above the willow branches.

The girl stood up, facing the bronze mirror, straightened her pearl crown, and stroked her colorful embroidered phoenix flower dress.

Finally, she brought her white jade finger to her mouth and bit it gently.

Then she smeared the blood on her two thin lips.

After licking her bright and sticky blood lips, the devilish Cangxue smiled softly.

"Lonely spring platform, tonight I call you all over.

Dimly I see a line of ghost lights, revealing a peach blossom face"


The creaking sound spread far and wide in the lonely night.

The demonic Cangxue, dressed in gorgeous clothes, pushed open the gate and walked out of Yuelai Inn.

The girl standing on the cold long street slowly turned around and faced the northwest direction of Longcheng.

Then she slowly stretched out her hands.

But she heard the clanging of metal in the night wind.

With the sound of whizzing through the air, a blood light and a black light flew over and were firmly grasped in the palm of the demonic Cangxue.

The blood pupils slightly raised and glanced at the round jade plate in the night sky.

The girl whispered:"It's not yesterday, it should be today, this night~"


The bright moon gradually rose towards the center of the sky.

Three miles outside Dragon City, the three military camps were quiet and silent.

"Since I followed the king in his battles, I have endured hardships and hardships year after year.……"

Suddenly, a sad voice rang out from the direction of the parade ground, like ripples suddenly appearing on the calm river surface, rippling the entire military camp.

Candles were lit one after another in the stretches of tents.

Soldiers with steel knives hanging from their waists walked out of the tent doors and followed the voices of the voices to the parade ground.

As time passed.

The originally empty parade ground was now almost full of soldiers.

Fang Xiang, Zhang Qingrong, Xiao Chengjing, Yan Lin, etc.

The eight hundred martial arts guards of the royal palace, the ten generals of Longcheng, and nearly 130,000 soldiers.

The huge crowds of people all looked at the girl who was immersed in the performance on the high platform.

"At this time, many heroes are fighting for the throne of the Central Plains; it is normal to encounter unfavorable situations~"

The girl's blood from yesterday was still on her colorful costume.

The blood had dried long ago, so that the costume showed a large area of deep red.

The singing stopped abruptly. The song was over. The girl bowed slightly to the crowd below the stage.

"My mother was a prostitute in a brothel, and was often bullied by customers."

"Those men forced my mother to drink what they called Huilong Soup and burned her with red-hot pipes."

"Seeing my mother's delicate skin being burned to the point of sizzling, those men would laugh wantonly."

"The villagers of Changliu once tied me to a stake and wanted to burn me alive."

"The villagers beat my adoptive father to death for water"

"In the year of severe drought, my stepmother cut off her own flesh to feed my daughter in order to keep me alive."

"I once swore to protect my brother all my life, but you brutally dismembered him and cooked him up."

"I can't even find his complete body."

The girl slowly opened her arms. Her slender right hand clenched into a fist. With a bang, the girl's Ruyi pearl crown suddenly exploded. The pearls, big and small, fell to the ground in an instant.

In an instant, the girl's black hair flowed like a black waterfall. She clenched her left hand again.

With a puff, the blood-stained costume suddenly exploded into pieces.

The night wind blew up the red dress like blood.

"As a human being, I have experienced too much of the evil of human nature."

"My mother, stepfather, stepmother, and younger brother, the little warmth I had was also taken away by this dark world."

"I have also walked the earth, and all I have seen and heard was evil."

"Everyone is so selfish, pedantic and cold"

"No one sees injustice and draws a sword to help, only a group of sophisticated selfish ghosts in human skin"

"The beauty I once had was ruthlessly torn apart by this world."

The devilish Cang Xue slowly stroked the handles of the two swords with both hands.

His two bright red blood eyes coldly scanned the soldiers below the stage.

"I want to inform you that I am declaring war on Wei."

"Everyone in this dynasty is my enemy"

"I, Cang Xue, swear to kill them all, leaving no one alive!"

"I will drive all of you evil ghosts out of the world!"

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