In the night wind, the sound of steel knives being unsheathed continued.

The sharp blades reflected a cold light under the moonlight.

On the high stage, a girl in blood-red clothes and fluttering black hair, her two scarlet blood eyes swept across the familiar and unfamiliar faces below the stage. Her bright red lips could not help but curl up in an evil arc.

"The taste of this bait~"

Two clangs of metal and iron rang out.

Fengqie and Liushuang were unsheathed.

The hideous birthmark that covered half of his forehead instantly burned like a raging fire.

The devilish Cangxue stomped hard with his left foot.

At the same time as the stage burst into dense and winding cracks, the tall blood shadow of the girl jumped high.

Then, it was like a magnificent blood river spreading out, rushing towards the crowded soldiers.


A blazing rain of light suddenly exploded.

With a sweep of the knife, broken limbs and arms flew all over the sky, and broken blades shot everywhere.

The sound of steel knives whirring through the air was heard from all directions.

The devilish Cang Xue was concentrating.

Two blood-red pupils quickly moved left and right in his eye sockets, capturing the scene.

No matter it was a steel knife or a war spear, no matter it was a flesh or armor, anything that was touched by the wind and the knife energy sprayed by the flowing frost would be cut off and cut in an instant.

The fracture and cut were extremely smooth.


The southern wall of Longcheng is three miles away from the three-army camp.

On the top of the city wall, the Pig King hid his left hand in his wide sleeve, pinching the seal with his fingers, and gently grasped the hilt of the blood-red sword hanging from his waist with his right hand.

As for the King of Zhenbei, Zhao Heng, with his hands behind his back, looked at the army camp where the shouts and killings shook the sky, his expression was unusually calm.

"I thought you would be heartbroken."

Zhao Heng smiled faintly,"It's better to die."

"These more than 130,000 soldiers went through four national wars in just two months."

"Of course, it doesn't matter"

"The important thing is that most of them have died four times, three times, or twice, and only a few have died once."

"Their bodies and spirits were destroyed, and military rules and laws were trampled under their feet."

"At this moment, no one is more eager to die than them."

"A soldier who doesn't care about money, liquor, fish and meat, or even his family is scary enough."

"What's more, 130,000~"


Zhao Heng sighed and said,"Suguo's national teacher Yan Shisong wants to get Miss Wang Zhi, or more precisely, he wants to take the immortal blood for himself."

"I originally planned to use Miss Wang Zhi's body to exchange for forty years of peace in the northern border of my Wei State."


"On July 29, a riot broke out in the military camp."

"When I appeased the soldiers, I promised that the fifth national war would be the last one."

"On August 13, the fifth round of the national war did not start because I reached a deal with Yan Shisong"

"I promise again that the national war will end by August 20th at the earliest and early September at the latest."

"My plan is almost successful.

Zhao Heng put his hands behind his back and slowly clenched them into fists.

"Even though Miss Wang Zhi and Miss Wang Zhi were very careful, they never thought that I would throw the Hundred Feather Poison into all the wells in Longcheng."

"Without losing a single soldier, I achieved my goal with almost no effort."

"What a pity."

Zhao Heng looked at the Pig King,"My deal with Yan Shisong seems to have failed."

"Soon the Su Kingdom made a comeback and the national war started again"

"What do you think the 130,000 soldiers will do to me, a prince who has broken his promise?"

The Pig King said without hesitation:"Kill you and then surrender to the enemy, or take off the armor and go home."

Zhao Heng nodded and shook his head.

"Killing me is absolutely"

"But they will not surrender to the enemy, nor will they take off their armor and go home"

"Whether it's Yan Lin, Qi Tong, or a certain general, there will always be an ambitious person who will stand up and take my place."

"With their arms raised and shouting, the 130,000 Wei soldiers would easily turn their weapons around and point their spearheads at their own people."

"More than 130,000 battle-hardened soldiers and ten battle-hardened generals, once they were allowed to kill like wild beasts out of their cages,"

"There is no need for the Su Kingdom at all. They alone can make my Wei Dynasty full of holes and make the people of Dawn vulnerable to wind and rain."

Zhao Heng smiled,"Speaking of which, Miss Wang Zhi has solved a big worry in my heart."

The Pig King frowned:"All the generals and soldiers are dead, what can you use to resist the invasion of the Su Kingdom?"

Zhao Heng:"You... Daoyou should have died once, right?~"

"Killed by Yan Shisong."

Pig King:"In the battle of the same realm, he is nothing but a chicken and a dog in my eyes."

Zhao Heng:"I went to the top of Jufeng Pass in the daytime and found your blood and Yan Shisong's blood, mixed with brain matter."

"He was seriously injured by the crane."

"The chess piece in Fengcheng also sent back the news that Yan Shisong had closed his door and refused to see visitors.

The Pig King was puzzled:"So what?"

Zhao Heng narrowed his eyes slightly:"I decided to kill Yan Shisong while he was seriously injured.~"

"Once Yan Shisong dies, the Su Kingdom will be without a national teacher, the court will be in turmoil, and the forces of all parties will be reshuffled, and they will have no time to covet our Wei Kingdom."

"For Miss Wang Zhi, seeing the two enemies biting each other, isn’t it a pleasure?"

The Pig King:"Dog biting dog, you really know how to curse people."

"Even though Yan Shisong was seriously injured, he was still in the Yangshen realm."

"Although the difference between Yin Immortal and Yang God is not like the difference between heaven and earth, the gap between them is obvious.

Zhao Heng took out a delicate celadon bottle from his sleeve and threw it to the Pig King.

"It's for you"

"What is this?"

Zhao Heng:"The Ten Fragrance Softening Powder prepared by the Imperial Master."

"There are 29 servants in the Fengcheng State Master's Mansion and Yan Mansion, 19 of whom are my pawns."

"They don't know each other's identities. The oldest has been dormant for 16 or 17 years, while the youngest has been dormant for 4 or 5 years."

"Severely injured body, plus Ten Fragrance Softening Powder"

"I am 70% sure, one life for another."

Looking at the man's calm and indifferent look, the Pig King couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Who could have thought that the King of Zhenbei of Wei and the State Master of Su, who were colluding with each other to plan for great things a moment ago, would kill the latter the next moment~

Zhao Heng did not have this idea on impulse. Perhaps as early as yesterday, or even as early as August 13, when he conspired with Yan Shisong on Yewang Plain for the girl's immortal blood, he had deduced to this day. He deduced what should be done if the transaction failed.

The Pig King was sure that Zhao Heng had at least dozens or hundreds of abandoned response plans in his mind.

��Standing next to the man, the Pig King felt frightened. This kind of person is too scary.


The shouts of killing became weaker and weaker.

The girl burning with immortal blood was almost a celestial being.

Killing more than 130,000 soldiers was no different from killing 130,000 pigs.

Even the 800 martial arts guards of the Zhenbei Palace were mostly only in the outer realm, and only a few were in the inner realm.

The sky was slightly pale.

Broken corpses were spread all over the ground.

The bloody smell was rising.

The girl stood in the sea of corpses, her face as desolate as snow.

Her thick black hair was soaked with blood, and the ends of her hair were still dripping with blood.

The red clothes were deep red, and the sticky blood flowed slowly.

Holding the two knives in reverse, the girl wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Her eyelashes seemed to be washed by blood, and her eyes were dry and uncomfortable.

Stepping on the corpses lying in all directions, the girl did not choose to chase the fleeing soldiers, but walked towards a tent.

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