A corner of the military camp.

The candlelight in the tent was dim.

The young man from the Li family sat cross-legged on the quilt and took out one silver ingot after another the size of a baby's fist from his bag.

He piled the silver ingots into a small mountain.

The tent door curtain was suddenly opened.

The strong smell of blood poured in instantly, like a surging blood wave, engulfing the small tent.

Li Ting, whose face was as pale as paper, and even his lips were bloodless, stretched out his trembling hand and handed a silver ingot to the demonic Cang Xue.

"Sister Wang... Sister Wang Zhi, I give it to you, all to you!"

At the door of the tent, the blood-red-eyed girl holding two swords had an expressionless face.

"Don't blame me, Sister Wang Zhi"

"That's the King of Zhenbei who commands the three armies."

"He ordered the massacre of more than 400,000 people in Longcheng without blinking an eye."

"He told me to poison you and give you the last blow."

"What can I do? Sister Wang Zhi, I have no choice for someone like me!"The demon Cang Xue slowly sheathed his two swords.

The young man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After putting all the silver ingots back into the bag, the young man stood up.

Slowly walked to the young lady and handed her the bag.

The demon Cang Xue shook his head slightly.

"Sorry, Sister Wang Zhi."

""Thank you... Thank you~"

Holding the bag in his arms, the boy and the girl passed by each other.

Walking among the broken bodies on the ground, the boy took every step carefully.

The bloody bodies, the bloody stumps, and the steel knives and spears that were cut off and shattered into broken blades.

With every step, the boy held his breath and concentrated.

The exposed skin was covered with goose bumps.

He always felt a chill on his back and a little numb, for fear that the girl would suddenly attack him.

‘Sister Wang Zhi is such a good person’

‘I treated her like that, yet she still spared my life’

‘Nearly five thousand taels of silver. From now on, I will live well.

The boy's pace became faster and faster, and the main gate of the military camp was within reach. Suddenly

, there was a sound of"Puff".

The boy's body froze in place.

He lowered his head slightly.

The boy saw a bloody palm piercing through his chest.

In the palm was a beating heart.

"Is this...my heart?~"

"I thought... it would be black~"

Devil Cangxue slowly pulled out his palm.

The boy first fell to his knees with a thud.

The bag fell down, and the silver ingots rolled all over the ground.

Then he fell face down heavily.

Devil Cangxue suddenly exerted force.

With a bang, the heart in his palm exploded into blood foam.

The girl raised her eyes, her bloodshot eyes looked three miles away, at the white clothes on the top of the city


The autumn wind blew up the man's spotless white silk clothes.

Zhao Heng, who had been killed tens of thousands of times by the evil Cang Xue and escaped tens of thousands of times, now had no one left. There was no anger, viciousness, or even the slightest fear in his expression. Instead, there was only an elusive calmness.


The Pig King looked at the demonic Cang Xue who had climbed up to the top of the city wall and asked,"Are you not injured?"

The girl shook her head, staring at Zhao Heng with her two scarlet blood pupils without blinking.

"Miss Wang Zhi."

Zhao Heng whispered,"Do you know why I want to kill you?"

Without waiting for the girl to reply, Zhao Heng said,"Because the Su State Master Yan Shisong has taken a fancy to your immortal blood."

"Because you can bring forty years of peace to the northern border of Wei State."

"I want to break into Jiayuguan Longcheng and take Yan Shisong's life."

The devilish Cangxue said with a gloomy look in his eyes:"What if I don't agree~"

Zhao Heng smiled and said:"You are not my opponent"

"Miss Wang Zhi and Taoist Pig Emperor, even if they join forces, they are no match for me."

Looking at the man's deep black eyes that were like two sides of the abyss, Demonic Cangxue subconsciously grasped the handles of the two swords.

Pig Emperor took a step forward, half a body length away from the girl, looking as if he was facing a great enemy.

After a long silence.

Demonic Cangxue said:"Uncle Pig Emperor, watch him die!"

After that, he turned around and jumped off the top of the city wall.

"Girl, where are you going?"

"Kill all the deserters!"


After returning to the palace, Zhao Heng dismissed all the servants, maids and other living people in the palace.

Then he brought a plate of moon cakes, a jar of wine, two wine bowls, and the pig emperor to the back garden.

The two of them had just sat on the stone bench and looked towards the plain when they heard the sound of horns.

"Yan Shisong is really well-informed"

"At this moment, the defense of Longcheng is as fragile as paper.

Zhao Heng patted away the mud seal and poured two full bowls of wine for himself and the Pig King.

"It is a blessing not to drink alone at the end of life. Come, fellow Taoist Pig Emperor"


The Pig King couldn't help but sigh.

Because of the man in front of him, he died at the hands of Yan Shisong, the national teacher of Su State.

It seemed that Yatou and Xue Niang also died once.

With such a blood feud, the Pig King found that he could not have any hatred towards the man. It was too fucking strange.

No, it was absurd~

The two of them each picked up their wine bowls.

Zhao Heng drank it first. The

Pig King:"There won't be Ten Fragrance Softening Powder in your wine, right?"

Zhao Heng smiled slightly, neither saying yes nor no.

Just in case, the Pig King put down the wine bowl.

Zhao Heng took a moon cake and carefully broke it into two pieces.

"Knowing that I would not be back for the Mid-Autumn Festival, my wife prepared mooncakes for me in advance. They are not poisonous."

The Pig King took it and stuffed half of it into his bloody mouth, grunting.

"It's so sweet that it makes your teeth fall out. How much sugar is in it?"

Zhao Heng ate it in small bites."My wife doesn't like sweets, but she likes to cook"

"Mung bean cake, red bean cake, osmanthus cake, moon cake, red bean paste bun, etc."

"Even when making steamed buns, sugar is added to the flour."


Zhao Heng sighed,"Actually, my wife hates sweets, and she doesn't like making them." The

Pig King was silent for a while, and said,"If the girl and I hadn't come back yesterday,"

"Your deal with Yan Shisong failed, the national war continues"

"What would you do when faced with more than 130,000 soldiers who have lost their minds?"

"The girl burned her immortal blood, barely managed to kill them, and made them throw away their weapons."

"You are a genuine Yin Immortal. Let alone 130,000, even if it is 230,000 or 330,000,���I am no match for you."

Zhao Heng stuffed the last bite of mooncake into his mouth and took another one.

"They died and came back to life several times, wearing away their humanity"

"They have become indifferent to the reverence for life, laws, and rules."

"Since Miss Wang Zhi was resurrected for the first time on the fifth day of the sixth lunar month, I have never thought of letting more than 130,000 soldiers from the three armies return alive."

"The State of Wei is already unstable, so letting them go is like letting a tiger go back to the mountains."

Pig King:"You are really cruel!"


Picking up the last mooncake and looking at the word"reunion" printed on it, Zhao Heng couldn't help but lose his mind.

"Living is exhausting, but I don’t want to die. People are really strange~" He shared the last mooncake with the Pig King.

The man picked up the wine jar and drank the last jar of wine in his life.

"After eating and drinking, it’s time to hit the road~"


The fourteenth year of Fuling, August 17th.

The sun rises in the east. On the north wall of Longcheng.

On the top of the city wall, the autumn wind blowing from the direction of Suguo blows Zhao Heng's clothes and black hair into a flutter.

The man quietly looks at the solemn military formation on the Yewang Plain.

"A lot of work needs to be done, the economy is booming, the class system is solidifying, and the upward path is closed"

"In the end, the people were full of resentment, the officials only cared about money, and the nobles only cared about romance."

"The people, who were either destroyed by the enemy or oppressed to the point of being unable to live or die, formed an uprising army to overthrow the brutal rule of the temple."

"Throughout history, dynasties have fallen for no more than these two reasons."

"I want to change all this, but unfortunately the current emperor is influenced by the Nine Dragons' succession struggle and strictly prohibits the royal family from entering the temple."

"Those civil servants in the temple, ah~"

Zhao Heng narrowed his eyes and looked at the blazing red sun rising in the east.

He said softly:"Most dynasties will usher in a revival at the critical moment of life and death."

"I hope the same goes for Wei"

"I firmly believe that the man who came with a mission will definitely save Wei from danger."

Finally, he looked back at the mountains and rivers of Wei.

Zhao Heng jumped off the towering city wall.

In the bright sunshine, the man with a long sword hanging from his waist and white hair on his temples walked slowly to the front of the Su army step by step.

"Yan Shisong, on August 17, the 14th year of Fuling in Wei, the knight Zhao Heng of Wei will take your head!"

The thunderous voice had not yet fallen.

The man stomped his foot hard.

The earth trembled, and the mighty army of Suguo suddenly became chaotic.

Amid the roar, the man's slender figure was like a white comet, crashing into the Fengcheng of Jiayuguan.

Jufengguan Longcheng.

On the top of the city, the Pig King couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the man's tiny back. He uttered a word softly.


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